Wednesday, May 13, 2015

4 Weird Treatments for Cellulite That Actually Work

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Ah, the C word. Cellulite is nothing to be ashamed of—because let’s face it: Most of us have it. Seriously, it's believed to occur in roughly 90 percent of post-adolescent females. A number of variables factor into the development of the unappealing dimpling, but none of that matters when you just want it to go away. These four remedies for cellulite may seem weird, but they're actually pretty effective.

10 Weight Loss Smoothies And Their Recipes

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Do you look in the mirror and dream of shedding that wobbly belly fat without starving yourself? If your answer is yes, then slim-down smoothies are all you need. They taste delicious, and can make you lose weight and help stay in shape. What’s more, you do not need a professional chef to make these wonder drinks. All you need to make weight loss smoothie is a blender and some basic ingredients like fresh fruits and vegetables. Given below are the top ten weight loss smoothies and their recipes.

How Does Castor Oil Reduce Skin Pigmentation?

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Extracted from castor seeds, this pale yellow oil, known as castor oil is an age-old remedy used by many civilizations since ancient times. Although commonly found in Africa and the Indian subcontinent, the use of castor oil is not restricted to these two regions. It is used all over the world.

One of the many benefits of castor oil is the reduction in pigmentation. Want to know how to use castor oil to get rid of pigmentation? Then you got to read this post! But before that, let’s look at how effective is castor oil for pigmentation.

26 Simple Tips To Lose Weight In Just A Week

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Tired of going on crazy diets? Do you start your day with healthy eating and then end up binging by the end of it? Well, you have clearly been following all the wrong rules for weight loss. It might not be the easiest thing in the world, but surely isn’t as complex as you would like to think.

These 26 simple tips are going to help you shed the weight within a week and you are going to thank us in the end! Keep reading to learn more!

7 Effective Lower Abs Workout For Women

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Are you planning to flaunt that flat tummy before your hit the beach this summer? Do you want to shed those pregnancy pounds and get back your slim waist? A sedentary life and the temptation of junk food makes it difficult to get that dream figure.

So, if turning fab from flab is high on your to-do list this year, this post will help you out! Here we talk about lower ab crunches that can work wonders to tone your tummy. Would you like to know the top lower ab workouts? Go ahead with your read!

Top 12 Yoga Asanas To Reduce Belly Fat

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Erroneous lifestyle, indulgence in junk, lack of exercises, and above all unpredictably high stress levels –all these give rise to a flabby tummy. The wider your abdomen, the higher the level of risk is. And, there are no shortcuts to get rid of the abdominal fat. Proper diet combined with a good fitness routine can definitely help you reduce this fat to a greater level. Yoga not only helps in lessening the abdominal fat, but also allows you to control your body and mind like never before thus, thwarting the risks associated with a wider abdomen.

12 Yoga Exercises To Get Your Thighs And Hips

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For women, gaining weight is a huge deal. However, there are certain prominent regions like thighs, hips and waist that can easily attract fat accumulation, thus it is very important to work on those areas first.Ask women who have heavy thighs and hips, the only thing on their mind would be to find the perfect means to lose weight.

Butt Exfoliating Scrub

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Dr Oz has talked before about what a great cellulite buster coffee grounds can be (check out the recipe for the Dr Oz Cellulite Home Remedy).  But Dr Oz’s latest Natural Home Remedy that uses coffee grounds is the Dr Oz Fanny Facial!  Instead of using unused coffee grounds for this recipe, you should brew yourself a cup of coffee first, and then use the leftover grounds.  Just make sure to not let the used coffee grinds sit for too long, because they can loose their potency.  The caffeine found in the coffee grinds helps to constrict your blood vessels, so that your skin appears tighter.  The salt helps because it works to exfoliate your skin, as well as to make your skin appear brighter.  And of course the honey and olive oil are great for moisturizing your and softening your skin.

Read More About Butt Exfoliating Scrub

Stability 7 Total Body Workout

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The Stability Ball is great piece of workout equipment that makes it super easy to get a total body workout, in the comfort of home. Get a 55-centimeter ball if you’re less than 5’4”, a 65-centimeter ball if you’re between 5’4” and 5’7” and a 75-centimeter ball if you’re above 5’7”. The Stability 7 – Total Body Workout, targets the back, chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, abs and lower body, all with just a stability ball!