Sunday, August 23, 2015

The 23 Running Motivation Hacks You Need

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You may think that you possess a will of iron, but you will still have those low days when your motivation takes a walk and leaves you stuck in circles.

We runners are known for our self-discipline. And when we can no longer exemplify that image, we feel out of control. In fact, sometimes, losing your motivation to run can be worse than injury. At least with injury, you are more likely to know what’s wrong, and how to fix it.

6 Fat Burning Running Workouts

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I love running. The time I spend outside with my feet hitting the pavement, heart beating faster and faster; it’s the highlight of my day. And if you are a runner like me, then you definitely know what I’m talking about.

My love story with running started when I knew that I had to get into a better a shape and lose the extra weight I was struggling with. And one of the main reasons I love running so much is that it really helped me achieve what I was looking for.

Body by Glamour: The Summer Abs Challenge

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Everyone wants flatter, tighter, more sculpted abs—whether it's bikini season or not—so we've created a supercharged workout engineered for serious results this summer and beyond. (Just give it two weeks!) Created by Anna Kaiser, who trains clients like Kelly Ripa, Shakira, and Sofia Vergara, this no-mercy workout features a suite of 12 moves that, along with a healthy diet, will deliver serious results. Complete the following sequence every other day for two weeks.

Soothe Your Sore Muscles – DIY Muscle Mender Oil & Salve

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Pain is something I understand very well. I have been dealing with it for the majority of my life. I have spent the last two decades studying and testing out all sorts of pain relief medications, exercises, salves, creams, drugs, and more. The secret to my own pain relief, wasn’t in any pill bottle. It included ditching all kinds of foods and cosmetics that contain neural-toxins, yoga 3-5 times a week, and my own homemade herbal infused salves massaged all over my back and legs.

I haven’t fully escaped the pain. When it gets really cold, a terrible rainstorm is on its way, or I have been on my feet for far too long, I find myself having to pull out all the stops to take the pain away.  That usually includes an Epsom bath, a massage with my Muscle Mender salve, and a heated pack on the area. It’s my fool-proof method to soothing my sore own sore back!

5 Moves That Will Keep Your Abs Sore For Days

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Since your abs move in more ways than just planks and crunches, they need a variety of exercises to reach their full potential, and not to mention look good in a bikini. So if you want to up your abs game, do these five out-of-the-box exercises to fire up the muscle fibers you didn’t know you had. In a couple of weeks, meet six-pack.

The Workout: Complete one set of each of the five exercises below for the time or repetitions noted, in order, without resting between moves. After finishing all of the exercises, rest one minute and repeat for a total of three rounds.

The Ultimate Online Resource for Weight Watchers

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Assembling this Ultimate Guide to Weight Watchers Recipes Blogs and Resources has been on my to do list for years. Finally, I sat down and tackled it.

I lose way too much time searching out information on the internet. I’m guessing that you do too. I love having collections of resources all in one place. My training as a health information manager taught me that information is useless unless it can be quickly retrieved when you need it. That’s what this handy dandy ultimate Guide to Weight Watchers Recipes Blogs and Other Resources is all about. It’s a one page collection that includes: