Saturday, June 13, 2015

7 Moves That Shed Pounds Fast

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Tone up, burn calories, build muscles shed unwanted pounds with these seven easy moves, that combine strength training and cardio. This workout is going to be the most effective for your calorie burn and your schedule, assuming you have limited time like most of the women who read my blog.

Do each move as many times as you can in 30 seconds, while maintaining good form, then go to the next one. Complete circuit three times, twice a week.

Working Homemade Anti-Cellulite Treatment Perfect For Bikini Season

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Cellulite is the bane of many a woman’s existence. No matter how old you are, cellulite can creep in and completely destroy your smooth, supple skin. Now that bikini season is getting really close, getting rid of that cellulite is very important but who wants to spend thousands on plastic surgery or hundreds on over the counter products that simply do not work?

10 Practical Tips to Make Exercise a Habit

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The key lies in making exercise a habit.  Stick with me here.  I know that sounds cliche, but it’s amazingly powerful.  I’ve been consistently exercising for a year, and I love it.  But it wasn’t always that way.  When I started out exercising I was definitely one of those people who dreaded it and looked at it as a necessary evil.   If you feel that way too, I put together a list of the things that have helped me make exercise a habit in my life, and I hope some of them will help you too.

6 Moves For A Rounder and Stronger Butt

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Busy as you are, you do have time to get your butt in gear — literally. This ultra-fast workout is so effective because it attacks the three muscles that make up your derrière — the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus — and works them from 360 degrees.

By recruiting more muscle fibers at once, you increase muscle growth and sculpt your rear faster. Plus by strengthening these muscles, you’ll create healthier hips since they support that ball and socket joint between your thighbone and pelvis.

How To Prevent Injuries When Starting A New Workout Routine

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Trying new fitness trends is a lot like dating. Just like romance, exercise makes you vulnerable. A bad experience could lead to pain, suffering, disappointment and maybe even leave you gun-shy when the next activity comes along. You can (and should) be enthusiastic, hopeful and excited going into it, but you still need to have your guard up just a little bit to prevent long-term damage. There may not be a formula for matters of the heart but luckily when it comes to matters of the body there are ways to minimize threat and maximize fun and payoff.

12 Exercise and Diet Tips for Slim and Toned Thighs

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Do you want slim and toned thighs? Are you feeling like your lifestyle needs a bit of a makeover and some new inspiration? Slim thighs don’t just magically appear, but with some work, they are definitely doable. You’ll need to deploy the right combination of exercise and diet; and if you’re consistent, you’ll see results in no time.

8 Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training

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High-intensity interval training (HIIT) describes any workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of less-intense activity or even complete rest. For example, a good starter workout is running as fast as you can for 1 minute and then walking for 2 minutes. Repeat that 3-minute interval five times for a 15-minute, fat-blasting workout. It sounds too simple to be effective, but science doesn’t stretch the truth.

15 Proven Ways to Lose Weight

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I always lose weight when we travel, even though I eat more and spend zero time at the gym. I always assumed this was because I wasn’t sitting on this darn computer all night long, but then I read this article about sleep and weight gain, and it suddenly makes sense!

Upper-Body Hand Weight Workout

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I asked my Facebook page what exercises they’d want to see in the next P&I workout. I’m at my parent’s place on the Vineyard and am limited when it comes to equipment and fitness studios, so it’s the perfect time to make up some workouts that can be done in a living room or other small space. I got an overwhelming request for upper-body exercises,