Saturday, February 14, 2015

6 Powerful Home Remedies to Vanish Stretch Marks

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Stretch marks are linear scars that occur on the body when the skin is stretched past its flexibility capacities. This normally happens due to sudden weight gain caused by pregnancy, a burst of growth during puberty or bulking up for body building. The hormonal surges that can accompany pregnancy and puberty also contribute to the development of these scars. The stretch marks are red or purple in color when they are new but fade to white or silver as they age.

It is recommended to treat the scars when they first appear as they are harder to get rid of when they are older. It is best to try to prevent them in the first place and there are a lot of home remedies for stretch marks that can help both in preventing the scars and treating them once they have appeared.

Transform Yourself in 6 Weeks

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The three most common comments I get from moms who begin training with me are:

I don’t have much time to spend working out.
I want to lose weight.
I want to tone up.
I tell moms all the time that these are easy fixes that can be done in as little as six weeks if they can stay on track.  Not falling off track is the hardest part, but if you can do it, you can get results.
Read More About Transform Yourself in 6 Weeks

10 Remedies For Severe Constipation

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Constipation is a common problem. Common causes of severe constipation include slow movement of stool through the colon tract, fiber deficit diet, dehydration, hormonal imbalance and so on. Acute and chronic constipation are two main types of constipation. Severe constipation may result in hard or dry stool, gas formation, indigestion, loss of appetite, stomach pain, bloating and so on.It is advisable for an individual to consult a medical professional if the problem of constipation lasts for a period of more than 4 to 5 weeks. The problem of severe constipation can be resolved with the use of different home remedies. Read More About 10 Remedies For Severe Constipation