Sunday, June 7, 2015

7-Day Summer Arms Challenge

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Summer or not, there’s no better time to get those beautifully toned and defined arms.  This challenge is designed for 7 days, but don’t stop there! You can easily incorporate these routines into your normal workout week once the challenge has ended. After the 7 day challenge, you can choose two workouts to do each week.  Any of these routines can be done at home or in the gym.

Read more about 7-Day Summer Arms Challenge

6 Best Exercises to Transform Your Body

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This workout is for those of us who have experience working out, but aren’t satisfied with the results. If you’ve always thought that a great body was out of your grasp because you just aren’t sure what exercises are best for transforming your body, that’s about to change. You are deserving of having a the body of you’ve always wanted, so let those negative thoughts go, and realize the potential within you!

How To Tighten Skin After Weight Loss

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When you’re on a fitness journey, shedding extra pounds is always a huge sign of success. Your goal is to get rid of excess fat and keep the healthy fat and muscles that fuel you and keep your body healthy and active. As you work toward your fitness goals, you may burn fat, but you may also end up noticing loose skin with a saggy appearance.

9 Ways to Get a Butt Lift for Free

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                            Get a butt lift for free. No gym membership or surgery required.

                  Read more about 9 Ways to Get a Butt Lift for Free