Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sculpt Your Body in Six Easy Moves

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Whatever you think of John Mayer, he was right about one thing: Your body is a wonderland … and you’re about to look wonderful.

You Want: A Perky Butt

Target: The latissimus dorsi

Why it works: The lats are big back muscles. They’re attached to your glutes (aka butt muscles) by deep tissue—right lat to left cheek and vice versa, in a crisscross. “They’re connected, so making your lats stronger will help your glutes engage more effectively,” says Abbie Appel, a master trainer in Boca Raton, Florida.

Why you care: Because engaged glutes mean you’ll turbocharge the tush-tightening powers of every lower-body exercise you do.

The No - Equipment Workout

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Do these moves three times a week on alternate days, and be ready: They’re hard. But your body will be, too.

You’ll need: Yup, just a plain old wall. Don’t want scuff marks? Lose the sneaks. There—one less thing to worry about.

Your plan: Do these seven moves three times a week on alternate days and you’ll realize that sometimes it can be a good thing when your workout hits the wall. Ha, ha.

Sit ‘n’ Sculpt

Squat with back to wall, right thigh parallel to floor, left ankle on right knee, arms against wall like a goalpost. Keeping arms pressed against wall, slide arms up until slightly bent (as shown). Lower arms for 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Switch crossed legs; repeat.

Know More About The No - Equipment Workout

Crunchy Asian Slaw Sunbutter Ginger Dressing

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Long time no see! Please excuse my little break, I’ve been working hard on the eBook which means lots of recipe testing, researching, graphic designing, photoshoots, etc. I’ve been squeezing all of this in on the weekends.  Thankfully the days are getting longer (yay!!) which means more daylight.  A blogger’s best friend is natural light because it means more opportunities to take pictures!

There have been quite a few desserts circulating through my kitchen this week (definitely not complaining), so enjoying a nice savory salad really hits the spot. This dish had to be shared with my fabulous readers!  If you love texture in your salads then you must make this Crunchy Asian Slaw paired with a refreshing and flavorful Sunbutter (sunflower seed butter) Ginger Dressing.

Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower Popcorn

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Let me start off by recommending that you make this spicy buffalo cauliflower popcorn at night before bed so you’re not awake and tempted by the amazing smells from your dehydrator. It was literally impossible to wait for these to be completely done before sampling.  I must’ve “tried” them out 5 different times even when I knew they weren’t ready.  This spicy buffalo sauce is just too delicious for words!

How to Recognize Early Labor Symptoms

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Worried about early labor? While it can can sometimes be stopped with a combo of meds and bed rest, it's important to be on the lookout for these warning signs so you can call your doctor ASAP if you think there's a problem.

Know More About How to Recognize Early Labor Symptoms