Monday, February 2, 2015

15 Fantastic Fine Motor Activities for Kids

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1. Looking for something to do with those wooden blocks your child doesn’t play with anymore? Then grab your kitchen tongs and wooden blocks and play a game of Pick Up Blocks! by Hands On As We Grow.
2. Trying to find different sensory activities to try with your kids? All you need is some styrofoam and hair gel, and you can make these fun and awesome Simple Sensory Bags by Kids Activities Blog.
3. Have a stack of pipe cleaners in your junk drawer but don’t know what to do with them? Then grab an old box, poke a few holes in it, and make this Pipe Cleaner Box by Sugar Aunts. This was actually one of the activities that was set-up in my daughter’s preschool class a couple of weeks ago, and the kids had a blast with it. Oh, and it works just as well with an upside down colander!


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I first started struggling with bad skin when I was about 14, and one day I showed up at school with a blemish under my left eye that was so big, one of my BFFs yelled, “OMG, what happened to your face?!”
And then I punched her.
Okay, maybe I didn’t, but I sure wanted to.
The good news is that my skin has drastically improved since high school.
The bad news is that I recent started experience breakouts again.
So I reached back into the files in my brain and sifted through all of the things I learned when I was in my late teens/early twenties, and after a couple of weeks, I’m no longer embarrassed to leave the house.
And since I’m a nice person, I decided to share my best tips for a clearer complexion with you.

9 Rules Girls With Great Skin Never Break

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We can’t help but be jealous of girls who constantly have flawless skin – you know the ones who literally look like a porcelain doll and can actually say that they simply “woke up like this.” While they may not be piling on concealer or foundation, like anything else, they work at their flawless complexions and even skin tones. Below are some steadfast rules that girls with perfect skin follow relentlessly!

Read more for
 9 Rules Girls With Great Skin Never Break

Honey Face Mask

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Honey has long been hailed as the miracle cure for skin of all types. It has been used since ancient times to treat cuts, burns and reduce skin swellings. Honey is not only blessed with powerful skin saving antioxidants but also contains amazing anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Anti-inflammatory means your inflamed red acne will be soothed and healed, making them less pronounced. Antibacterial and antiseptic properties in honey will help fight off acne causing germs and bacteria, staving off more acne and pimples.
More about Honey Face Mask

6 Tips to get a long hair in a week?

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Hair is one of the aspects that has the power to enhance as well as negatively influence the overall personality and beauty of a person. There has been no doubts that hair has always been associated with looks and appearance and in women usually it is about long hair that adds a femininity and flawless appearance to the entire identity. However, most of the women only desire to have long hair but is usually not successful in achieving the goal. To understand this situation, you need to know that there are a lot of natural remedies and certain tips that can help you grow long hair as fast as one week!
Read More About 6 Tips to get a long hair in a week?

10 Smart Ways to Burn More Calories

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We all like to get more done in less time, right? We shop from our computers to forgo waiting in lines at department stores and microwave our foods to cut down on cooking time. Some of us even take multitasking to new levels by checking our email while watching television and sipping our morning coffee. And it makes sense. After all, what do we all want more of when it comes down to it? Time. Although spending time working out is a great way to beat stress and get healthy, most of us are usually trying to squeeze in workouts during our already hectic schedules. And when you are able to get to the gym or find that 30 minutes for cardio, don't you want to make the most of every minute?

No matter what type of cardio you do, you can burn more calories in the same amount of time with just a few modifications to your current workout.

More About 10 Smart Ways to Burn More Calories

8 Ways to Blast That Belly Pooch

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Belly pooch… we all hate it and we all strive to get rid of it. Not only does it zap our self-confidence, it additionally ups our chances of developing diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. So what is the best way to rid yourself of that annoying belly pooch? We’ve got the 411 on the most effective steps you can take.

14 Yoga Exercises For Slimming Your Face

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Here we introduce you some simple yet effective facial exercises for a lean, sculpted and younger looking face. Yes, face yoga is a promising technique that involves series of exercises which help to tone the face just like yoga for body tones and relaxes the body.
Here is a brief illustration on face exercises of 14 Yoga Exercises For Slimming Your Face

The WakeUp Workout

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Everyone dreads those dark winter mornings when you wake up so zonked that even hitting the snooze button makes you tired. "Because your core temperature is at its lowest, physical performance is worst in the morning, especially when it's cold," says Michael Deschenes, PhD, a professor of kinesiology at the College of William & Mary. "When your muscles are cool, they don't generate as much force and are more susceptible to strain and injury." 

More Detail about The WakeUp Workout