Monday, February 2, 2015


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I first started struggling with bad skin when I was about 14, and one day I showed up at school with a blemish under my left eye that was so big, one of my BFFs yelled, “OMG, what happened to your face?!”
And then I punched her.
Okay, maybe I didn’t, but I sure wanted to.
The good news is that my skin has drastically improved since high school.
The bad news is that I recent started experience breakouts again.
So I reached back into the files in my brain and sifted through all of the things I learned when I was in my late teens/early twenties, and after a couple of weeks, I’m no longer embarrassed to leave the house.
And since I’m a nice person, I decided to share my best tips for a clearer complexion with you.

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