Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Back Fat Be Gone: The 9 Back Exercises You Need

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Back fat keeping you from feeling sexy in your strapless sundress? While you can't spot reduce (it takes a healthy diet and consistent workout plan to reduce fat, no matter where it is on your body), you can still strengthen and tone your back to take your results to the next level. Master these moves to sculpt a sexy back in no time.

Best Ways to Groom Your Bikini Line Without the Wax

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As we indulge in the summer heat and head out for some fun in the sun, it’s best to slip on our itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikinis and leave all our worries at home. You’ve been working out all winter and you’ve finally got your beach body just right, so what could possibly kill your vibe? None other than pesky bikini line hairs can certainly do the trick. While waxing can be effective in getting rid of that problem, just the thought of it alone can also be terrifying. Luckily, there are some alternative routes you can take to ditch those annoying hairs, pain-free.

6 Exercises For A Strong and Healthy Back

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Your mother was right (as usual) when she would tell you to stand up tall and don’t slouch. A woman with her shoulders down and her back straight shows confidence, strength and beauty. Strong back muscles are essential for good posture. The upper back muscles are used in pulling your shoulders down and back and helping you stand tall instead of hunched over. 

Good posture is also the easiest and fastest way to lose 10 pounds! Then there’s the added benefit of looking great while wearing halter tops and backless dresses. A strong back can be very sexy!

5 Best Fitness Exercises That Will Help You Burn Calories Fast

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Activities that use the largest muscle groups of the body and performed continuously usually will burn calories fast in the greatest amount.

Intensity and duration are the two key determinants of total energy lost – calories burnt. Activities in which you may be able to exercise continuously at a fairly high intensity for a prolonged period will maximize your total caloric lost.

5 Best ABS Exercises For Women

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If you’re overweight and looking to get flat abs, it’s going to be a must that you’re paying attention to the exercises that you’re including in your workout program. However, exercise selection alone is not enough.

The biggest must-do if you want to achieve flat abs is to focus on cardiovascular exercise and eating a calorie reduced diet. If you aren’t eating a lower calorie diet, fat loss will be virtually impossible and this will mean your abdominal appearance will stay as-is even if you perform abdominal exercises daily. In combination with diet, cardio is also a necessity if you’re trying to burn fat from your waist.

12 Moves to An Amazing Butt

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For overall strength and a great looking butt, you need to take some time to train. If total body fitness and proficiency at everyday tasks isn’t enough motivation, these 12 moves will tone your behind and have your butt looking better than ever. How’s that for incentive?

Read more about 12 Moves to An Amazing Butt

10 Unusual Weight Loss Tricks That Work

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The first rule of weight loss: Do not talk about weight loss. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to hear about your thighs, your portion size, your fear of carbs, or your vegan-on-Friday rules. It’s a buzzkill—plus, having a super-restrictive attitude isn’t sustainable.

After all, you wouldn’t dive into an Olympic-level workout right away—you’d start slow and then slowly build up your fitness. Do the same with your eating habits, and you’ll be less likely to get discouraged.

5 Ways to Work Your ABS to Exhaustion

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We know the basic abdominal floor crunch is old news at this point, and you want to take core training to the next level. Not a bad choice, considering almost all of our daily tasks require core strength (yes, even sitting at your desk).

According to Patti Hallow, exercise physiologist and author of Beat The Flab: What Personal Trainers Say and Do, the average American spends 56 hours per week sitting, which weakens the core—and that, in turn, makes daily activities tougher. But maintain strong abs, and you’ll help prevent back pain, boost your agility, increase your flexibility, and look good.

5 Ways To Build The Perfect Butt

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Who doesn’t want a backside that turns heads? You can do cardio until you’re blue in the face, but you won’t build a great bum unless you do some weight training. Not sure which moves or techniques are best for building the perfect booty? We’ve got you covered.

Here are 5 ways to make yours rounder, fuller, and stronger so you can rock the heck out of those new skinny jeans.

8 Eating Habits Of Naturally Slim Women

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We all have that one thin friend—one of those skinny women who’s never bullied into submission by the bread basket, and when she says “I’ll just eat one bite,” she does just that. Is she for real?

Turns out, research shows that skinny people simply don’t think about food the same way as–well, the rest of us. “Thin people have a relaxed relationship with food,” explains David L. Katz, MD, an associate professor adjunct in public health at Yale University. “Those who are overweight, however, tend to be preoccupied by it. They focus on how much or how often they eat, or attach labels like good and bad to certain foods. As a result, mealtime is always on the brain.”

19 Best Foods That Will Make You Fit And Healthy

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You are what you eat, so don’t be quick and cheap. Eat Clean, Train Dirty. Abs are made 70% in the kitchen and 70% in the gym. All sound familiar? Well, that’s because choosing and eating the right type of food affect your ability to get fit, be healthy and maintain a slim and toned body – and this is for the long-term. So, here are a list of 19 best foods that will get you healthy and make you fit. But remember, you have to get yourself to the gym – there’s still 30% work that remains.