Monday, May 25, 2015

Fruits That Burns Belly Fat

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We have combed through the listings to give you some of the best fruits that will aid in weight loss process. Most of the fruits that will be mentioned in this article have already won raves for their ability to do wonders on your body’s weight, but there will be others you never knew had such effect on your weight. These fruits are wholesome in themselves thereby curbing any unnecessary craving you develop. In today’s world where health is not always wealth, this article will serve you some pointers that you will need to bear in mind for healthy lifestyle. Read below to get a list of power fruits to be taken in moderation that will do the trick to your health and weight.

Read more about  Fruits That Burns Belly Fat

7 Best Tips To Lose Weight Without Exercise

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Diet and exercise are vital components of any weight loss regime. The best way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. For this purpose you have to consume fewer calories in your diet and burn calories through exercise. So, regular exercise is essential, but you already know that, don’t you? Exercising is definitely a tedious task and is not everyone’s cup of tea. Most of us cannot devote enough time for a full-fledged workout regimen. And then there are others who have been diagnosed with certain health conditions that prohibit exercising. 

25 Simple Tips To Maintain A Slim Body

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Did you know that excess fat in the body could raise the risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure and many other complications? In fact, a study published in the 2008 issue of Lancet also linked excess body weight to 20 different types of cancer, including gall bladder cancer.

Winning the battle against obesity is not as easy as it sounds, it requires doing heavy workouts along with following a strict diet. The thought of dieting and exercising may seem daunting at first, but it is the key to healthy living and long life. Follow these practical tips and suggestions to get a slim body without resorting to medications and treatments.

Tighten That Booty

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Change up your lower body routine with this Knee Crossover Kick! It’s great for working your thighs, glutes and, with abs engaged, it’ll get you a flatter tummy!

Read more about Tighten That Booty

Whip Your Booty Into Shape with 12 Stellar Moves

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Are you busting your booty at the gym to no avail? Toning your lower body doesn’t have to be as daunting as you think. By adding these 12 moves into your daily routine, you’ll be well on your way to having a sculpted booty and strong, lean legs. The key to achieving fast results is to combine cardio and strength training into a consistent regimen. The best part about this booty-shaping workout? You don’t have to spend hours at a gym to burn calories and whip your booty into shape.

13 Moves For A Tighter Tush

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It’s hard to strut around in your swimsuit when you are self conscious about a saggy booty. So say it with us, “Saggy booty be gone!” Okay, it’s not magic and it won’t work overnight, by by incorporating these 14 tush-tightening moves into your routine, after a few weeks, you’ll be able to finally strut like you mean it!

50 Moves to Work Your Entire Body

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There is no better feeling than waking up in the morning with a little soreness from a great workout. It reminds you that you’re one step closer to hitting your goals. So change up your tired fitness routine and swap out moves for these new ones!

Core Sculpting Move

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You’ve seen it in our fitness index, but now you can do the seated tuck alongside our CEO and founder Brooke Griffin! We know that finding time in the day to work out can get tough, so for those days when you’ve only got a minute to spare, check out our Skinny Minute videos. For this one, we’ll be doing seated tucks for 60 seconds straight. Let’s get started! Want to test your balance even more? Check out the BOSU seated tuck!

Read More About Core Sculpting Move