Tuesday, July 21, 2015

5 Moves To A Quick Full Body Workout

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Even if you don’t have time to shower after a workout doesn’t mean you should forgo daily exercise. While sweating is a sign your body temperature is rising, sweat isn’t always necessary for an amazing workout. You can boost your energy and tone your muscles without even moving though isometric exercises — they contract your muscles while you stay in one stead position. The longer you hold each position, the more muscle fibers you recruit, thereby intensifying your workout while still leaving you sweat-free.

So the next time you’re in a rush (and without access to a shower and clean change of clothes!), try these moves:

10 Best Exercises To A Fit And Toned Body

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Every woman is familiar with those tricky trouble zones that take a little extra work to tighten and tone (lower abs, anyone?). After a lot of exercise trial and error, I’ve finally found a solid set of moves that help me shape up and feel confident in a swimsuit, my favorite skinny jeans, or a sexy cockatil dress.

Read on for the top 10 exercises that I find work wonders for my stomach, inner thighs, booty, and shoulders plus tips on how to add them into your workout routine.

5 Ways To Build The Perfect Butt

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Who doesn’t want a backside that turns heads? You can do cardio until you’re blue in the face, but you won’t build a great bum unless you do some weight training. Not sure which moves or techniques are best for building the perfect booty? We’ve got you covered.

Here are 5 ways to make yours rounder, fuller, and stronger so you can rock the heck out of those new skinny jeans.

Circuit Training For Women

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If you’re short on time but still want to fit in an effective training session—especially if your goal is fat loss—metabolic resistance training (MRT) is tough to beat. With this training style, the goal is to maximize caloric expenditure while also increasing your metabolic rate. There are many different ways to structure an MRT session, but generally speaking, circuit training lends itself well, if not the best to this approach.

5 No-Equipment Exercises To Rock Solid Abs

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A tight and toned stomach is always in season. Move through this effective circuit two to three times for a complete workout, and help tone your belly. The best part is that there’s no equipment necessary! You can do this bodyweight routine just about anywhere.

9 Proven Moves To A Flat Belly

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A recent research used ultrasound to measure changes in abdominal muscle tone when test subjects (who were mainly women) performed six abdominal exercises. The side plank (or side-bridge) and the abdominal crunch both resulted in the greatest increase in muscle tone in the transverse abdominis and internal oblique muscles of the women.

5 Moves To Butt Of Steel

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Does your backside need a boost? If it does, this workout will strengthen, lift and shape the glutes while tightening up the tie-in, in plain words, the intersection of your butt and thigh.

This workout primarily features foundational movements modified slightly to better emphasize the backside. The moves are based on old school, solid effective exercises like squats but the effectiveness of this workout is that it ensures the body is put through several different variations of more or less the same exercises – the premise is that small change in angle, stance and range of motion hit the muscles a bit differently.

Read more about 5 Moves To Butt Of Steel

Waist Whittler Workout for Swimsuit Season

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Whittle away the extra around your midsection by isolating the core muscles through six exercises. You’ll really work the obliques, the side core muscles that shape your waist. Real Mom Model Ashley shows you how to squeeze the most out of each move. It doesn’t matter what level of fitness you’re at because there’s something for everyone here. Try going through the circuit more than once! You’ll need a kettlebell and a waist to whittle. 

Cardio Hip Hop Dance Party

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You don’t need “Moves Like Jagger” to rock this workout! It’s all about having fun while working up a sweat. Real Mom Model Amanda Strong designed this workout for beginners. She’ll lead you through a warmup first followed by lots of foot-moving, hip-circling and air punching to the beat on an eight-count. You’ll burn fat in a steady state of cardio for the 30 minutes you’re working out for up to two hours afterward. Grab your water and get moving!

Read more about Cardio Hip Hop Dance Party

How to Master the Inner-Ab Vacuum

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We've all been guilty of sucking in our stomach to get into an exceptionally tight pair of pants or as we pose for a picture, but did you know that the "vacuuming" motion is actually helping work your abs? It's called the Stomach Vacuum, it's a tummy-tightening MVP, and a helluva lot easier than 2,000 nightly crunches.

So how's it work? By engaging the transverse abdominal muscle, you pull the stomach up and back. It works your posture, eases lower-back pain, and helps you feel fuller. Now, the champion body builder classic move can be added to your daily workout routine. 

Exercises for People with Joint Pain

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Joint pain can be a hassle for anyone because if you think about it, we use our joints everyday. You use your pivot joint (neck joint) to turn your head side to side. You also use your knee joint to tie your shoes. So, when you can’t use most of your joints due to pain, it can be a bummer to say the least. Staying fit with joint pain can be tricky, but these exercises can make it a little easier. Those aching joints will thank you later!

21 Motivational Quotes To Help You Win At Life

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Ready your Pinterest boards. These quotes will give you the encouragement and motivation you need to achieve your goals. And they might just make you smile, too