Sunday, March 1, 2015

Long & Thick Hair Care Tips

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So in case you haven't noticed I've got quite a bit of hair on my head. And when I say 'quite a bit' I actually mean so much that when I schedule a hair appointment it usually takes upwards of an hour to dry my hair with TWO stylists each wielding hair dryers tackling cousin it over here. Seriously. I also get it thinned and even then I need the ginormous hair ties to hold it back!

So now that I've proved to you I actually have long and thick hair, you can believe the tips I'm about to impart to you.

To Read More About Long & Thick Hair Care Tips

71 Coconut Oil Benefits: My Experiments with Coconut Oil

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There is so much hype about Coconut Oil benefits at the moment.  I remember reading a book about coconut oil when I was suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome so I started taking it daily and did actually start to feel better.  However when I started my major healing through my raw food diet I kept my fat intake much lower so forgot all about coconut oil.

5 Reasons Why The Japanese Don’t Get Fat!

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Did you know that the Japanese have the longest life expectancy in the world?  It’s no coincidence that with good health, an ideal weight is also easily achieved.  The Japanese have a 3% obesity rate compared to a whopping 35% in the USA.

So what do the Japanese do to stay healthy and slim?

To Read More About 5 Reasons Why The Japanese Don’t Get Fat

5 Makeup Artist Tips for Dry Skin

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While ladies with dry skin may not be reaching for the oil blotters on an hourly basis like their oily skin counterparts, being on the drier side of the skin spectrum does pose its own unique set of challenges. Yesterday professional makeup artist Virginia Linzee spilled her oily skin secrets. Today she’s dishing on all the ins and outs of dry skin.

Do More Of What Makes You Happy

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I'm trying to prepare for a little summer vacation by working for two behind the scenes here, and that's why the blog posts are kind of few and far apart at the moment. I'm also preparing for the Blog'nhagen blog meet-up in Copenhagen next week, by trying to read up on the city and deciding which places I'm going to visit on my free days. Me and Annaleena are going to hang out in Copenhagen from Monday to Wednesday night, so if anyone has some city tips, feel free to share them in the comment section!

To Know More About Do More Of What Makes You Happy

Drink More Water

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Has it occurred to you today that you are thirsty? Guess what – by the time you experience the sensation of the thirst, you are already dehydrated. That thirst is your body calling for re-hydration.

Your body is composed of roughly 60% water1. That means when we are dehydrated – and most of us spend our days constantly dehydrated to some degree – we are affecting the performance of the majority of our body. Nearly all of our systems do not function as well without the proper water intake.

To  Read More About Drink More Water

Become a Fitness Early Bird

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People always have the best intentions when hitting the gym at 6 a.m. until that 5:30 a.m. alarm clock comes blaring through your ears. It’s easier to push the snooze button than to actually get up and go to your sweat session. If you’re dying for that pep in your step in the early morning, here are seven ways to get some morning motivation.

To Read More About Become a Fitness Early Bird

Working Girl Health Tips

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Whether you work out of an office, your home, or are still in school, it can be tough to stay on track with your health and fitness goals while managing a large workload. It’s easy to prioritize your to-do list and put yourself on the back burner. however, I’ve learned that the healthier and happier I am in my personal life, the better I am at my job.

Last year we shared some tips and tricks for staying fit while working a 9-5, and because this month is all about working it, I thought I’d share a few more. So to help all of us stay on track with living a healthy life while working long hours, I’ve put together my top five tips for the working girl who wants to feel good and look good.

To Read More About Working Girl Health Tips

2 Weeks 49 AB Exercises

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The good news is that you can significantly improve your abs (or any part of your body) in just two weeks. The bad news is that it doesn’t come without sacrifice, but you already knew that, right? Theodore Roosevelt said it best when he said, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…” We get it Teddy, no pain-no gain.

Read More About 2 Weeks 49 AB Exercises

To Wear A Tight Shirt and not Feel So Fat

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Want to look thinner without going to the gym? Of course you do! There are lots of ways to look instantly appealing without a dangerous crash diet or drastic plastic surgery, if you're willing to plan and be strategic. Get started with Step 1 below to start slimming down.