Sunday, July 26, 2015

5 Tips For Faster Strength Gain

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You’ve committed to a strength training plan, but are you doing everything you can to maximize your potential? Some days, getting to the gym can feel like climbing Mount Everest. Which is why when you walk through the double-doors and finally put your mind to your workout, you want it to really count, right?

Right. So what’s the secret? Even after adopting a workout that combines both cardio and strength training, it’s what you do outside of the gym that can really make a difference. That’s the secret!.

The 5 Best Ways to Tone Your Butt

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Summertime is right around the corner, and with it will come shorts, dresses and more than likely, swimsuits! It’s time to get back into shape, and get your body looking tight, trim and proper. One feature that you may overlook is your butt! It can be tricky to find the right exercises to get your backside looking firm and sexy, but never fear, we have put in the research and want to help you form that perfect beach body.

The 4 Best Core Exercises for Women

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When doing any exercise,the core( i.e. the back, waist and abdomen)is probably the most significant area for women. Having a strong core means that you can put less pressure on the back and spinal column areas and it allows for a toned abdomen, back and pelvic area. Lower back pain in women, can sometimes be the cause of a weakened core. Evidence has also shown that falls and slips can be attributed to women who do not have enough strength in their core area. 

There are 4 great core exercises for women that can help alleviate some of these problems and strengthen this area allowing them ease with child birthing and injust doing daily chores around the house. These exercises include: the Abdominal Crunch, the Ball Roll Out, the Side Plank and the Bicycle.

The 3 Best Butt Shaping Exercises

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You don’t have to be Tina from Bobs Burgers to know that having a nice toned butt is a beautiful thing. If it’s your goal to maximize your booty beauty then I’m about to share the 3 amazing butt shaping exercises that will get you there.

Before I share with you the exercises you should be doing I just want to talk about a few common misconceptions when it comes to working out your butt. The first thing that you should know is that the body can’t spot remove fat from any one area of the body. So don’t think that doing these exercises are going to suddenly remove all the fat off of your butt specifically. 

The Top Five Beach Body Surfer Exercises

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Surfers have been fitness icons for a long time now. They are people who spend so much of their lives enjoying the hot sun in wet suits, which requires a high degree of fitness and a lot of body confidence. Surfers can introduce many people to great types of exercises. Some people might try these exercises and go on to become surfers themselves. Other people may simply enjoy being able to maintain a surfer’s body that much more easily.

5 Days to Incredible Arms

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A nice set of arms does a body good, but most women tend to neglect their upper bodies while focusing too much on the lower bodies. Great arms can add spice to any simple tank top or strapless dress while making your overall appearance look sleek; however, building them up can take some time. We’ve mentioned a few exercises to get rid of the bat wings, but here is a 5 day workout plan to transform your entire arms from mediocre to incredible!

Read more about 5 Days to Incredible Arms

5 Minute At Home Tabata Workout

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A Tabata is a high-intensity workout protocol that has fitness and weight-loss benefits. It is also a very short workout with completing 20 seconds of a certain CrossFit style exercise, followed by a 10 second rest period. Similar to HIIT, Tabata has become very popular over the past few years because usually no equipment is needed!

Got five minutes out of your busy day to spare? Try this total body toning 5 minute at home Tabata Workout!

The Warrior Workout

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You will complete each exercise for 50 seconds with 10 seconds rest between exercises. I go through the routine once with you below, and you can hit replay to run through it  1-2 more times. For beginners, shoot for 1-2 times total, intermediate 2-3x and advanced 3+. One round will take you 10 minutes. If you want to go for 3x through, you will program you timers for 30 rounds. Take a break when needed and challenge yourself with the weight you use. The sandbag I used in this routine weighs about 25 pounds. If you don’t have a rope, complete high knees for the 50 seconds.

Read more about The Warrior Workout