Saturday, May 9, 2015

Full-Body Chair Workout + 5 Ways to Inspire Your Active Life in 2015

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Happy workout Thursday, frands! Today I am here with my first ever sponsored workout, so a HUGE thank you to FFF partner, Lorna Jane! I first heard of Lorna Jane two years ago through FitFluential and have LOVED their clothes and brand ever since. Until recently, I had to order clothes online because they did not have any stores in the Midwest…HOWEVER, I was at Dick’s the other day and what do I see? LJ!!! Boom sauce.

Along with my awesome outfit featured in the workout, LJ sent me their 2015 Move Nourish Believe Diary, which doubles as a planner and triples with TONS of motivation and inspiration to live a healthy lifestyle. If you’re looking for a 2015 planner, this one rocks! It’s hard cover with both week and monthly pages for you to keep track of your life in. It’s even got some beautifully photographed recipes.

How to Get Rid of Pimples without Popping and Ruining Your Skin!

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I tell my clients this so much, I feel like a broken record. If you squeeze a whitehead:

  • you inflame it and the tissue around it
  • it bleeds and scabs over, making it harder to cover up
  • it ends up lasting a week instead of a few days
  • you might even damage the skin, leaving you with a scar.
But I get it. You wake up and there’s an unsightly whitehead on your chin. You can’t go to work or class and subject your peers to it. They’ll lose their appetites! But that doesn’t mean you should annihilate your face either and walk in with a scab. Here’s what you can do instead: