Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8 Strength Training Moves To A Fit and Toned Body

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Human movement can be reduced to three basic categories: pushing, pulling, and hip extension (squatting, jumping, running, and even riding a bike). Functional fitness begins with learning good form for this essential repertoire and then gradually adding weight and difficulty to build stability and strength.

Doing the below exercises correctly with five pounds, in other words, is better than doing them poorly with 100 pounds. In the words of Gray Cook, one of the founding fathers of functional training, “Don’t add strength to dysfunction.”

16 Fun Exercises to Help Blast That Belly Fat

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Losing weight is a goal that most people set for themselves. But it’s usually easier said than done. Burning the fat that your body has acquired throughout the years from lack of activity really requires yourself to be determined and disciplined. To burn belly fat, you need to follow a healthy and sensible diet and a consistent exercise routine.

Many people feel that they only need to do one or the other but that’s not the case at all. To lose fat you have to sweat, a lot. Aerobics and other exercises that can get your heart pumping is the trick in most, if not all weight loss plans for women.

12 Exercise and Diet Tips For Slim and Toned Thighs

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Do you want slim and toned thighs? Are you feeling like your lifestyle needs a bit of a makeover and some new inspiration? Slim thighs don’t just magically appear, but with some work, they are definitely doable. You’ll need to deploy the right combination of exercise and diet; and if you’re consistent, you’ll see results in no time.

6 Tips For Awesome ABS

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Of the many physique goals in the wide world of fitness, getting a set of shredded abs is definitely one of the most difficult. After all, a defined, chiseled midsection doesn’t just pop up out of nowhere. To achieve it, you need a rock-solid game plan. Here are six awesome tips that will get your abs to pop!

Read more about 6 Tips For Awesome ABS

5 No-Equipment Exercises To Rock Solid ABS

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A tight and toned stomach is always in season. Move through this effective circuit two to three times for a complete workout, and help tone your belly. The best part is that there’s no equipment necessary! You can do this bodyweight routine just about anywhere.