Thursday, April 2, 2015

2 Weeks 49 ABSolutely Exercises

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The good news is that you can significantly improve your abs (or any part of your body) in just two weeks. The bad news is that it doesn’t come without sacrifice, but you already knew that, right? Theodore Roosevelt said it best when he said, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…” We get it Teddy, no pain-no gain.

I never gave diet much thought, actually that’s a lie, every woman has given diet much thought! What I mean is that I never really took into account how a single meal could make me look significantly better or worse until I was talking to my good friend, nationally ranked figure competitor, Tara Zito. She was describing how after her “cheat” meal she looks 3 months pregnant. If one meal could convert her perfect physique to second trimester roundness, then what effect is one meal having on me? The truth is a lot, especially if that meal is heavy with salt and carbohydrates.

12 Moves To Tighten Your Tummy

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Even with daily exercise, it can be tricky to flatten your tummy. By eating right, working out and incorporating some of these abdominal focused moves, you can achieve the tummy you’ve been dreaming of!

Advanced Russian Twist: You may have done a Russian Twist before, so amp it up with the more challenging modification!

Buzzworthy 8- Minute ABS Routine

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It’s time to stop neglecting ab day, ladies! We all want that toned tummy, but we understand your frustration of not seeing results after your 50th consecutive day of 200 crunches. This core routine is quick and effective and works all areas of your tummy, so there is no excuse not to do it!  The best part? This routine is crunch-free! This exercise will only take you eight minutes, but we guarantee you’ll feel more after these eight minutes than you do after your series of mindless crunches.

8 Moves Tone Your ABS

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Achieving toned abs is one of the most difficult things women can do. To really tone and define your abs you need a combination of cardio and some killer moves that target your abdominal muscles. It’s easier to keep to your regular exercise plan, but if you want to focus on your abs you’ll need to add a few more moves in. Thank goodness Skinny Mom is here or who else would tell you the ideal ab moves you should use?

Read More About 8 Moves Tone Your ABS

Get It Right, Get It Tight: Burpee

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Burpees are just as effective as they are difficult, which makes us not want to include them in our routine. However, this move is great for both strength training and aerobics. If you’re looking to lose weight or to tone, this move is a great addition to your routine!

Step 1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands tucked behind your head with elbows out.

Step 2: Start with a quick jump then push your hips back, bend your knees and drop down, placing your hands on the floor in front of you.

Read More About Get It Right, Get It Tight: Burpee

30 Minute Workouts

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For those days when you don’t have the time to make it to the gym, pop open your computer instead. With thousands of workouts available on YouTube, you can get a full body workout in your living room — and best of all — most of them are under 30 minutes. We’ve perused the catalog of videos to bring you the best to start off your get-fit-quick makeover.

Get Victoria’s Secret Angel Abs
Get your Pilates fix at home with Cassey Ho, host of Blogilates, who offers short videos (under 20 minutes!) that target different muscle groups for fast toning. Our favorite of the bunch — the Victoria’s Secret Model Ab Workout. If the name doesn’t get you in your yoga pants, we don’t know what will.

Read More About 30 Minutes Workouts

4 Exercises for Aching Knees

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This may sound counterintuitive, but medical experts agree that if you have aching knees, then sitting on the sidelines may not be the best answer for you. Getting out and exercising may be the best way to get rid of the pain. 

Sacheen Mehta, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon on the medical staff at Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano, spoke at the “Finding Your Fit” seminar at the It’s a Guy Thing men’s health fair at Baylor Plano, and discussed how to overcome past sports injuries, joint pain and back pain to find the right exercise routine for you.

Read More About 4 Exercises for Aching Knees

5 Money-Saving Swaps for the Newly Frugal

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My philosophy on frugality has always been that slow and steady wins the race. This is especially true if you’re in the beginning stages of trying to live a more frugal life. Radically changing your lifestyle overnight may actually backfire in the long run by making you feel deprived, and therefore causing you to quit before you’ve had the chance to reap the benefits of living frugally. Incorporating small, doable changes into your lifestyle is a simple and non-scary way to ease yourself into the frugal waters. These five frugal swaps help you do just that.