Monday, May 11, 2015

9 Tips To Become A Better Runner

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To the unknowing spectator, running appears to be a simple sport — physically demanding, of course, but not requiring much more than speed and endurance. To the runner, however, it is far more than just slipping on some running shoes, tying up your laces and running a set distance.

Running is undeniably as mentally demanding as it is physically, if not even more so. Running requires determination, mental strength and clarity, plus the ability to listen to your body on top of the physical demands. For beginners, this is a hard concept to grasp, and there can be an overwhelming amount of running advice available. As you progress as a runner, the best advice will come from those who will help you see the whole picture.

10 of the Best At-Home Arm Workouts

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Many people are under the misconception that in order to “tone and tighten” they need a gym membership or lots of fancy gym equipment. One of my all-time favorite things to do here on this site is to dispel that myth. You can see amazing results working out at-home with as little as a pair of dumbbells. To show you how, today I’m sharing 10 of my favorite at-home workouts to sculpt lean, sexy arm muscles using just the dumbbells you’ve probably got lying around your house somewhere! You totally got this! Here we go!