Sunday, May 10, 2015

This Mother Day

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                #Motivational #Quotes #ThisMothersDay #HappyMothersDay #ToAllMothers

Rogue Workout

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Rogues set their own rules which means they are self-sufficient, in control of their world. The Rogue workout builds strength where you need it so that you can make your body do what you command it to. What rules it then gets to play by is entirely up to you.   

Read more about Rogue Workout 

How to Get Skinny Arms Fast! No Special Diet Required

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There are literally hundreds of arm-toning workouts designed for women. You know them… tricep dips, kickbacks, flank, upright rows, hammer curls (the list goes on and on).

In the end, we all come to realize it’s practically impossible to try every exercise, especially when so many seem to show so little results. Here, we get back to basics and share the only 3 exercises you will ever need to have skinny arms FAST. Each of these are tried and true methods that have always worked.

Get a Beautiful Butt in 4 Weeks

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Tighten your bum with this workout based on the new Core Fusion: Thighs and Glutes DVD from Elisabeth Halfpapp and Fred DeVito, the duo behind the Exhale Core Fusion craze. The moves may look tame, but don’t be fooled: You’ll lose up to 2 inches from your butt in 4 weeks. 

How To Build A Better Butt

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Butt, backside, buns, bum, booty—whatever you call it—you probably want a better one. Everybody does! Firm, round, and lifted are highly desired derriere traits. But let’s put how to look perkier in jeans out of our heads for a second and talk a little science. The suspense!

Read More About How To Build A Better Butt

30-Day Squat Challenge to Tone Your Butt and Thighs

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Of course, my husband thinks this is crazy (I love him!), but after crying in a lululemon change room after trying on one of their gorgeous Pace Rival Skirts a few weeks ago, I decided it was time to do something.

How to Stay Motivated with Your Weight Loss Goals

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If you’ve reached a plateau in your weight loss goals, or just need a little motivation to get back on track with your fitness routine, this list of 8 simple tips to teach you how to stay motivated with your weight loss goals is for you!

Tips 4 and 6 have recently made a HUGE difference in not only getting me back to the gym 4+ times a week, but also in pushing myself to get the most of our my workouts. And tips 6 and 8 help me eat less throughout the day.

Fat Blasting Belly Sculpting Workout

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Blast belly fat with a 4 Minute Fat Blaster that continues to burn fat up to 24 hours! Next, sculpt the belly with exercises designed to target the entire midsection. The first routine will burn overall body fat while the second tightens and defines the abdominal muscles.

Vertical Abs Workout: 6 Standing Moves for a Six-Pack

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Stand on right leg, knee slightly bent, with left leg extended low behind hip. Extend right arm straight overhead, palm facing forward. Slightly extend spine and lift chest, raising left leg as high as you can, reaching right arm up. Scoop abs into spine and sweep left leg forward, reaching right hand to toes. Return to start. Do 10 reps, and then repeat on opposite side.

15 Ways to Have More Energy

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So many people have been writing in recently and asking me, “How do you have so much energy?”

This question amuses me somewhat, because although I do try to live intentionally by setting goals and following through with them each week, I am not Superwoman or the Energizer Bunny and have friends who run circles around me (I’m looking at you, Angie, and you, Jessica!).

Read more about 15 Ways to Have More Energy