Monday, June 1, 2015

Long and Lean Full-Body Yoga Flow

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It's time to slow it down and work your muscles while lengthening them, so today's workout is a yoga flow to help you get long and lean. It's perfect for stretching tight muscles while working your arms and core in surprising new ways.

Directions: move through the entire 12-pose sequence on the right side, and then repeat on the left.

14 Simple Ways to Be Healthier Every Single Day

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It’s probably safe to say we all wish we lived healthier lives, full of many 6 a.m. yoga classes and absolutely zero 10 p.m. ice cream sundaes. Alas, life. Still, bettering oneself is a noble pursuit, and we’re committed to seeking out small improvements that have big impacts. That way, the road to healthy living doesn’t feel quite so insurmountable that we throw in the towel entirely. To inspire you to live healthier each day, we’ve rounded up 14 simple habits that make all the difference.

Bye-Bye Cottage-Cheese Thighs: 5-Minute Leg-Toning Workout

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Your legs are truly lovely and take you everywhere you want to go, but if you sometimes scan them in the mirror and think of cottage cheese, here's a workout for you. Strengthen and tone your powerful gams with this quick and effective workout. Just press play and get ready to show your legs some love.

43 Fat-Blasting Moves For Those Who Hate to Run

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Exercising hard enough to raise your heartbeat will burn major calories, but not everyone loves to run. Luckily, there are many ways to hit your cardio goals that don't involve miles. These 43 cardio moves will help burn fat and build muscle, no running required. Find your new favorite ways to cardio here.

52 Best Snacks for a Flat Tummy

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When your mind is set on weight loss, you’re probably desiring quick results. You’ve heard over and over again that you need to cut calories and eat nutrient-dense foods that act as fuel for your body, but how can you do that without going hungry? There are many options for meals under 300 calories, but what about snacks?

8 No-Equipment HIIT Moves You Can Do in 30 Seconds

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This is about as uncomplicated as it gets: These eight compound moves use zero equipment and will fry and firm the flab—fast. "Use the body you have to create the body you want," says trainer Adam Rosante, a fitness ambassador for C9 by Champion and the author of The 30-Second Body. "You can do anything for 30 seconds"—the magic number to hit for every set here—"so put the pedal to the floor for top-notch results." Aim for three rounds of the first four exercises—with 30-second breathers between circuits—then repeat with the next four moves. You're done. You just whipped your cardio and toning at once.