Sunday, February 15, 2015

10 Minute Pre Natal Strength Workout

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So the old wives’ tales that kept women from exercising when pregnant are gone. Let’s clear the air with facts right away: exercising will not hurt you or the baby. In fact, the opposite is true. If you are otherwise healthy and the pregnancy is going well, then staying fit during pregnancy is better for both parties. Of course, checking with your doctor is your first priority. But given the go-ahead, one of the best ways to do this is through strength training. After all, what takes more strength than delivering a child? But besides the pregnancy and childbirth, maintaining lean muscle on your body is going to provide tremendous benefits for you once the baby has arrived. Let’s look at all the benefits pre-natal strength training provides.

Be The CEO Of You

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We are almost a month into this year.  How are those resolutions going for you?  Were you going to hit the gym or pavement every day?  Start a new habit, quit an old one?  Plan a garden?
OR … Have you already kicked your resolutions to the curb?  Are you on the verge of giving up? Are you saying you knew you shouldn’t have tried, because nothing ever changes?
I hope not!  I hope you know this: New starts don’t only happen once a year.
Read More About Be The CEO Of You

20 Flat-Belly Breakfast Recipes

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French Toast with Strawberries
1 egg
2 Tbsp skim milk
2 slices whole-wheat bread
13 strawberries, sliced
1/2 tsp powdered sugar

Whisk together egg and milk and dip bread into mixture. Cook in nonstick pan until slightly browned. Top with berries and sugar.

Total: 275 calories

The fiber in strawberries heads off hunger and also helps ward off diabetes and breast cancer.

Eliminate Kidney Stones…Naturally!

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If you have ever experienced kidney stones you know just how painful the whole ordeal can be. My first episode with kidney stones was in my last trimester with my third baby. Initially I thought I was in labor…but, after a trip to the hospital I was sent home with orders to drink LOTS of water to flush out that pesky painful kidney stone. The pain subsided and I figured we were clear. Just weeks after the birth of my adorable baby boy, the kidney stone returned…with a vengeance! I thought I was dying. I had just been through an unmedicated childbirth, and compared to the pain from the kidney stone, giving birth without an epidural was a breeze! I had no idea that a tiny piece of sediment could hurt so badly. After a couple of ER trips and a week of awfully miserable pain, I had to have a Ureteroscopy procedure done to remove the stone.

30 Tried And Tested Weight Loss Tips

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With the exception of my first year away from home, when I packed on 30+ pounds in less than 6 months, I have always been on the slim side. Sure, my weight fluctuates between 3-7 pounds throughout the year, but apart from feeling like my clothes are too snug and my skin doesn’t fit when I’m at the upper end of my weight spectrum, I always tend to look the same to everyone else.

Which drives all of the women on my mother’s side of the family INSANE.

But over the course of the last few months, as I’ve been wrestling with the very sudden and unexpected loss of my dad while simultaneously trying to juggle my busy life as a mom, wife, and blogger, I’ve seen a drastic change in not only my weight, but also my overall well-being

Read More About 30 Tried And Tested Weight Loss Tips