Monday, March 30, 2015

7 Healthy Carbs to Help You Lose Weight

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Carb is not always a “four-letter” word! Bad carbohydrates, like white bread or sugary drinks, are quickly absorbed by the body, triggering blood sugar spikes and weight gain. In contrast, good carbohydrates are loaded with nutrients and fiber, so the body absorbs them more slowly for sustained, and healthy, energy burn. Add these 7 healthy carbs to help you lose weight to your menu plan this week.

5 Reasons You're Not Losing Belly Fat

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Have you been exercising and eating healthily, yet you still can’t seem to lose that unwanted belly fat? This can be so frustrating! While you might believe that there’s not much more about your lifestyle that you can change, these belly fat loss tips could be the secret! Check out these five common issues that can lead to excess belly fat, and then change them! Implement these changes into your daily life and you’ll make your way to a flat belly before you know it!

7 Drink Recipes To Flush The Fat Away

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There’s nothing like a refreshing cold beverage on a hot day. Your beverage can double as a fat-burner with our flush the fat away water recipes. We’ve designed these recipes not only to prep your body to break down fats and burn calories efficiently, but to taste great in the process. Each of the following seven flush the fat away drink recipes contains unique health properties to help you stay hydrated and fit this summer. Have a glass before each meal to optimize the benefits.

5 Steps to Become a Morning Exerciser

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Does the thought of morning exercises make you dive back into bed, pillow firmly pulled over your head? Do you shudder thinking about doing squats before you’ve even had your morning coffee? The fact is that morning may be the only time you have to focus on your own fitness and well-being. That’s why you should check out these 5 steps to become a morning exerciser.

Healthy morning routines, like starting the day with a workout, are an ideal way to jumpstart the metabolism. You’ll begin burning calories before most people are out of bed—and you’ll continue to burn calories throughout the day. As a bonus, you’ll feel more energized and ready to tackle whatever life throws at you during the rest of the day.

Fitness 101: Absolute Beginner’s Workout

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In less than 5 minutes per day you can begin to get fit. Fitness 101 for Beginner’s is a workout designed for anyone new or returning to fitness. This routine is a great way to gradually build endurance and strength. The routine below requires no special equipment. Be sure to watch the video demonstrations of the exercises.  Let’s get moving!

Top 10 Pandora Stations for Workouts

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Pandora Internet Radio is a online music recommendation service that plays musical selections of a certain genre based on your artist selections. Once you provide positive or negative feedback for songs chosen by the service, your selections are taken into account when Pandora selects future songs. The service has two subscription plans: a free subscription supported by advertisements, and a fee-based subscription without ads.

Now, Pandora offers workout music stations specifically to get you pumped up about your workouts. These are our favorite Top 10 Pandora Stations for Workouts:

5-Day Bikini Body Menu

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Whether you plan to wear a bikini or a one piece, this menu is the perfect way to slim down for summer. If your goal is to maintain your weight, lose a few pounds or twenty pounds, or somewhere in between, this 5 Day Bikini Body Menu can help you get there.

Read more about 5-Day Bikini Body Menu

The Fastest Ways to Lose Belly Fat

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Excess abdominal fat is correlated with a number of health conditions, from diabetes to inflammatory diseases. Abdominal fat cells release a hormone called adiponectin, which may disrupt cells’ ability to respond to insulin properly. These fat cells also release cytokines, which are inflammatory chemicals. They can cause high cholesterol levels, since substances from abdominal fat easily transfer to the liver and disrupts normal cholesterol production regulation in the organ.

At-Home Core Workout

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Okay, ladies, it’s time to seriously get focused on your fitness as swimsuit season is right around the corner. Remember the days when you were comfortable just walking around in your bathing suit? Not feeling like you had to cover up just to reposition your chair or take your little one to the restroom? Let’s get back to that, shall we?! Since those glory days, you may have grown a little something called a beer gut. Try this workout from LiveStrong to whittle your middle and get that confidence back!

Read More About At-Home Core Workout

How GMOs Wreck Our Gut and Our Health

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Today I want to talk about GMOs. 

They are all over the news right now, as several states (Colorado included) have GMO labeling initiatives on the ballot for November 4th (two days away!). 

While I do support GMO labeling (because I think we all have... 

How GMOs destroy our gut health. 

So many people suffer from leaky gut. And if you have leaky gut, you have some sort of chronic illness, or are well on your way to getting one. 

You’ve heard me say before that in the U.S. alone, over 60% of the popu...