Monday, February 9, 2015

Bad Back? Try Yoga.

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Carrying boxes. Hauling in grocery bags. Scrubbing the floor on your knees. Shoveling. Holding a kid up in ice skates. Walking for hours through the mall with bags hanging in both hands. These and many other things put extra stress on our backs. Fortunately, yoga is, and has always been, one of the best ways to remedy the pain, tightness or soreness that shows up in in our back, especially the low back. The poses chosen for this workout are specifically designed to flex and extend the spine as well as gently twist for a finishing touch of relief.
Read More About Bad Back? Try Yoga.

At Home Crossfit Workouts

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14 Exercises You Can Do While Lying Down with More About At Home Crossfit Workouts

8 Things That Will Actually Make Running Easier

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1. Weight training. Specifically the quads and core will benefit you the most, as a runner. The quadriceps are key to lifting your legs off the ground. Here’s a little exercise that can help, and be done at your desk. Put one ankle over the other, then lift and straighten the lower leg 10 times. Do several sets. You’ll feel it just above the knee.
2. Take shorter strides. This will make your runs feel easier. A new study out suggests that it can make you run faster and longer. If you shorten your stride when you race, you can increase your sub-maximal speed and maintain it for a longer period of time, in turn you can run longer and further.
Read More about 8 Things That Will Actually Make Running Easier

5 Simple Tips to get you out of a Fitness Rut

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Find the right workout buddy. When I’m training for a long distance race my older sister is my ideal partner- she’s a little bit faster and a lot more disciplined than me so it keeps me on my toes.  When I’m interested in building strength through weight lifting my boyfriend is more than willing to commit to a regular gym routine.  My best friend is my best bet when I’m trying to take it easy and want to spend regular mornings running intervals at the park. Name your fitness goals and find a buddy that fits them- your workout routine evolves so your go to buddy might need to, too!

40+ Gifts Kids can Make

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Do your children love to make and give homemade presents?  If so, you’re going to love this! I’ve rounded up a collection of 40+ fabulous gifts kids can make that grown ups will really use, love and appreciate.
I LOVE giving and receiving handmade gifts.  You might have guessed as much if you saw this post that I wrote the other day.  In it, I shared over 70 homemade toys to make for kids.

Fat Blasting Belly Sculpting Workout

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Blast belly fat with a 4 Minute Fat Blaster that continues to burn fat up to 24 hours! Next, sculpt the belly with exercises designed to target the entire midsection. The first routine will burn overall body fat while the second tightens and defines the abdominal muscles.

31 Day Strength Project

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Our first YBC Community Yoga Project was a huge success. It was about flexibility, and the results were awesome. So many of you wanted to do another project, and I figured I'd better get to work, since the New Year is approaching and it's the perfect time to jumpstart our practices. 

Crossfit Home Invasion

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With the holidays approaching, try this cross fit workout with your family and friends, before you are indulging on a delicious dinner.

A big reason as to why people don’t try new things is due to it being unknown territory. People are less likely to try something if they know little about it. If you can relate to this feeling then trying a Crossfit like workout at home may help you feel a better about walking into your first Crossfit class.

Read More About Crossfit Home Invasion