Thursday, June 11, 2015

5 Tips For Faster Strength Gain

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You’ve committed to a strength training plan, but are you doing everything you can to maximize your potential? Some days, getting to the gym can feel like climbing Mount Everest. Which is why when you walk through the double-doors and finally put your mind to your workout, you want it to really count, right?

So what’s the secret? Even after adopting a workout that combines both cardio and strength training, it’s what you do outside of the gym that can really make a difference.  That’s the secret!

67 Ways to Lose Weight

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Healthy habits can quickly go out the window when we’ve got a tight deadline, no time for the gym, and few options but takeout food. Losing weight is no easy task, and doing it the healthy way can be even harder. We’re advocates for making small changes each day, rather than making drastic changes all at once. But it’s important to remember that just because a weight-loss strategy works for some (even if it’s backed by scientific studies) it may not work for everyone. From drinking more water to eating from blue plates, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite weight-loss tips to add to your daily routine.

Read more about 67 Ways to Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight in Your Thighs

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If you go online and google how to lose weight in your thighs, you’re gonna get flooded with a whole lot of sites made by people who don’t really know what they’re talking about. They’ll tell you to do all sorts of leg exercises or even ride a bike to get your thighs under control.

But, this doesn’t really address the problem, does it? After all, leg exercises are designed to build muscle mass. Muscle mass adds size to your legs. And this is not what you’re after if you’re wanting to lose weight in your thighs, right?

7 Ways to Stop Skipping Your Post-Work Workout

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After a stressful day at work, hitting the gym for even an hour can seem impossible. But you can make the seemingly impossible possible with these easy tips to stop skipping your post-work workout.

DIY Honey Shampoo

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Treating our hair with natural ingredients is one of the best ways to keep it strong, healthy, and long lasting. Standard shampoos add excessive chemicals including chlorine and citric acid which have long term negative effects on hair. This DIY honey shampoo is a perfect way to clean your hair and restore a natural and healthy shine.

Read more about DIY Honey Shampoo

15 Songs to Rock Your Workout

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You want to give it your all when you’re engaged in a great workout. Yesterday’s workout may have been a bit sluggish, so today you’re back with a vengeance. This workout playlist is meant to energize you and keep you at peak performance from beginning to end. Put your headphones in tight, press play, and grab your gear. It’s time to show your body who’s boss.

How To Get Tighter Glutes In 10 Minutes

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A tighter butt always looks good. Jeans, bikinis, and skirts all fit beautifully over a nice tight rear. Our guide to getting tighter glutes is the perfect way to treat yourself to a nice firm booty.

Strengthening Hip Workout

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Your hips take a lot of excessive force throughout the day. Repetitive bending and lifting, and walking throughout your day, are the most basic activities that can take a toll on your hips over time. Weights and running, while great for your body as a whole, add to the force absorbed by your hips’ joints and muscles, and by the day’s end, you may feel strain. These hip workouts will give you the stronger hips you need in order to make it throughout the day pain free, and to avoid injury so that you continue your full, active lifestyle.

Sleep Better With a Natural Way to Stop Snoring

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Who struggles to get a good night’s sleep because their spouse is snoring like a freight train? Don’t be shy, raise your hands. Yep, just as I suspected–lots of you.

Believe it or not, my Hubby is one of those people who can’t sleep because I’m the one who can’t stop snoring. It got so bad that I even had a “sleep test” a few years ago to see if I had sleep apnea (I don’t).