Saturday, July 11, 2015

5 Ways to Reduce Cellulite Naturally

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In our photo-shopped skinny-worshiping world its acceptance has become a battle cry for self-love and its abolishment has become the goal of many a health fad.

Whether you accept it as part of being a woman, or hate it and are determined to see its ultimate demise, there’s one thing I know for sure: no one loves cellulite. At best it’s a “live with it” kind of thing.

10 Easy Ways To Keep A Beach Body Throughout The Year

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You logged some serious hours at the gym and used all the willpower you had to avoid the known diet derailers (hello, hot dogs, margaritas, and ice cream!) this summer. Once the colder weather arrives, don’t let the crisp air and additional clothing layers tempt you into skipping the gym to eat comfort food on the couch. To keep that sexy bikini body (and turn it into a sexy skinny-jeans body), try these easy workout tips to stay in stellar shape all year long.

11 Health Hacks That Will Change Your Body and Life

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No one has a perfect fitness routine down. There are always a few things that you could be doing differently to make sure you’re getting the most out of your body and your life. With a few tweaks, you could not only be healthier, but happier too.

Gym work outs are good but they’re not the only way to get your body into shape. Try going outside instead. Running, biking, swimming, hiking, rock climbing, power walking—no matter what you decide to do, it will feel like less of a routine chore than going to the gym again.