Monday, April 27, 2015

Chia Seed Pudding with Mango and Blueberry

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I am so not a morning person. I really, really, really want to be, but it does not appear that is in my character to be my best self in the wee hours of the morning. I need time in the morning to wake up, even after I have been out of bed for awhile. I like my days to start slowly. Which is kind of funny because I live in a house of early risers that are ready to go the moment their eyes open. I like to head downstairs, watch a little Today show, and after about 20 minutes, I am okay to start the day. I am very lucky that my husband feeds the kids breakfast before he heads to work, so I am only responsible for feeding myself. In my half-awake state it is highly unlikely that I would a.) make myself a breakfast that involved much effort and b.) do dishes.

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