Monday, March 23, 2015

Healthy Avocado Chocolate Cookies

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For a long time I’ve been wanting to try making some 100% healthy cookies. Not just like those you find, where the sugar has been replaced with sweeteners or half of the butter replaced with canola oil. Seriously? Should fake un-natural sweeteners be healthier than usual sugar? Well, I get stevia since it is still natural, but I really don’t think those chemically produced sweeteners are good for you. Still, white sugar isn’t really healthy I know. My solution? I always try to go for other kinds of sweeteners – natural sweeteners to be exact.

Usually I end up using honey or maple syrup, but this time I tried something new (well, almost new – I used it in my healthy chocolate granola as well): Coconut Sugar.

See More About Healthy Avocado Chocolate Cookies

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