Sunday, February 8, 2015

Getting Started with Weight Watchers

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Hi, I’m Virginia and I’m and overeater.

I sometimes feel like I should go to AA.  I guess Weight Watchers is my AA. Same support team; same ‘quit what you’re doing to make your life better’ kind of atmosphere.
I can’t lie, I love it.

I tried other weight loss programs, and schemed up ideas to loose weight fast, but nothing worked the way Weight Watchers has. I lost 70lb. and it felt awesome!  I maintained that weight for two years… until I got lazy and started sitting in front of the computer 40 hours a week. Needless to say, the scales have started to creep back up. Not reeeeally bad, but I’m up nearly 20 since my last weigh-in in 2012.

Read More About Getting Started with Weight Watchers

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