Friday, September 25, 2015

23 Best Moves for Beach Ready Legs [VIDEO]

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It’s almost unbelievable to think that spring is just around the corner. And right after that comes summer — everyone’s favorite time of year. So what does this mean? You only have a few months to get your legs ready for the beach. Luckily for you, we have a terrific list of 23 of the best exercises to get your legs toned, lean and sexy.

At-Home HIIT Workout With (Or Without) the Kids

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Have you ever had a day or two, or possibly an entire week, that you were cooped up at home? Due to bad weather or a sick child, no matter the circumstance, getting into the gym or out for a run just is not happening. Being stuck at home doesn’t have to mean TV time. Making your small entourage a part of the show can help your little ones relieve restlessness, too. I have a kid-friendly workout plan (age 4 and above tested and approved), that is fun and doesn’t require a lot of fancy equipment except for hand weights if you want a little extra toning.

Go Ahead: Drop It Like A Squat

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Squats are great fitness moves if you want to tone your quads and glutes! They will take your lower body strength to a whole new level. If you can’t get enough squats, check out the video above for six squat variations, or read the article below for 10 variations to keep your squat game on point.

18-Minute Total Body Disc Workout [VIDEO]

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Adding a pair of discs to your workout will ramp it up 10 notches. This is a challenging workout, so if you’re not quite sure it’s for you, watch it once through. Skinny Mom founder and CEO, Brooke Griffin, powers through this intense sequence, doing each exercise for a full minute. If you don’t have actual discs, you can use washcloths on hardwood floors or paper plates on rugs and carpet. Brooke will perform each exercise for one round, but it’s up to you to finish two more!

Back Fat Be Gone [VIDEO]

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It’s easier to work the muscles you see in the mirror, but what about your back? Founder and Skinny Mom CEO Brooke Griffin mixes creative and basic exercises for an intense back workout. These exercises do require some balance on your part, so if you feel that you can’t quite manage it, try it without the equipment. Otherwise, you’ll be using a stability ball and a pair of dumbbells. Keep the abdominal wall tight and engaged to support the back muscles as they work. Exhale on the contraction of the movement like you’ll see Brooke do.

Read more about Back Fat Be Gone [VIDEO]

25 Ab Exercises That Aren’t Crunches

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When you think about working your abs, your mind probably goes straight to sit-ups and crunches. For a long time, those were thought to be the most effective way to strengthen the abdominal wall. Sure, they do that; however, there are far more creative exercises that provide real life function and strength. Instead of aiming for a six-pack, try these exercises for pure core strength, which will improve your performance not only in workouts but in day-to-day life. Most of these exercises require no equipment — that means fewer excuses and more reason to go for it!

Melt Away Belly Fat with These 8 Moves

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As a woman, your body naturally stores body fat in the tummy, thighs and buttocks. (Yay for us!) Through exercise, though, you can ignite a fat-burning transformation. By isolating the core, you will direct the heat to the abdominal muscles and really melt away the belly fat!

Beastmode: Animal-Inspired Full Body Workout [VIDEO]

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Break into your wild side with these animalistic exercises sure to spark a burn! You’ll be sweating your way through the animal kingdom, using a resistance band and a stability ball. Real Mom Model Tina shows you how to get the most out of each strength move so your entire body benefits from it! Go ahead and claim your spot in the living room or the gym for the next 10 minutes. Time to work!

15 Animal Moves to Make You Foxy

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We often find ourselves in a rut.  Everyday you wake up, do the same things at the same time in the same order.  That’s great for keeping yourself organized, but it’s not exactly fun.  Don’t let your workout grow stale or you’ll get bored, plus your body needs a challenge! Some of the most interesting moves are ones found in nature. From the “inch worm” to the “downward dog”, we’ve got the best animals moves for a foxy body!

Get Sexy Legs at Home [VIDEO]

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There’s nothing better than working out in the privacy of your own home. Follow Real Mom Model Melissa through a leg circuit, doing 12 repetitions for each move. You’ll get breaks in between, but if you’re not feeling enough burn, add some dumbbells for extra resistance. You’ll probably need a countertop or chair back to help you balance during the first exercise. Go at your own pace and be mindful of your range of motion. Repeat this circuit as many times as you want!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

7 Ways To Get The Most Out of Your Workout

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I was recently watching a TED talk given by Dan Gilbert called “The Surprising Science of Happiness,” where Mr. Gilbert points out that too many options actually lower our level of contentment about any given thing. One of the greatest kettlebell trainers of our time, Pavel Tsatsouline, mentioned how in Russia, there are two choices for coffee, with or without milk. When a Russian then enters a Starbucks with a full menu of coffee derived beverages, overwhelmed, he leaves with nothing.

5 Unmentioned Tidbits About Exercising

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Exercising isn’t always pretty—the sweat, the matted down hair, the locker rooms—but it’s definitely worthwhile! Whether you are just starting out or returning after a long break, there are a few things no one ever really tells you about exercise. Even you regular gym bunnies might learn a thing or two from this list—oh how I wish someone had told me these when I started working out!

When you can expect them, and know what to do about them, you’ll have fewer barriers and hiccups along your exercise journey.

7 Reasons Strength Training Is A Must For All Women

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Think you’re too old to start a strength training program? Well think again! Strength training is just what your body needs to fight the loss of muscle, bone mass and strength that comes with age.

Everyone, no matter how young or old, should be doing some kind of regular strength training. This could be at the gym, or at home using very little equipment. Resistance bands and balls, small hand weights, water and even your own body weight can be used as resistance when designing a strength training program.

Top 4 Completely Wrong Fat Burning Advice

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Wouldn’t it be great if all the fat-burning secrets you see in magazine ads and TV infomercials actually worked? If sauna suits, cellulite-shrinking creams, herbal wraps, and pills designed to “boost metabolism and melt fat away” did what they claim to, obesity would be a thing of the past.

4 Full Body Workouts To Kickstart Your Morning

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Kickstart your morning with this full body workout. Head to the gym, step outside or do it from the comfort of your own home! These circuits are meant to push you so don’t take it lightly.

Take your pick but start today and transform yourself in weeks. Remember, summer months are long and there is still time to show off that bikini body.

3 Flat Belly Moves That Won’t Hurt Your Back

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A flat stomach is the ultimate goal for many gym-goers. Walk into any gym in the country, and there is sure to be someone on their back doing crunches or holding a dumbbell while they side bend – all in pursuit of tight, toned abs.

Unfortunately, a lot of the traditional abdominal exercises are based on outdated training programs that work your core in an isolated way.

Ballet Boot Camp for a Leaner Body

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You don’t have to be able to arabesque in pointe shoes to get the graceful, sculpted body of a dancer. What you do need: our fat-blasting Ballet Boot Camp Challenge. Created by Sadie Lincoln, founder of Barre3 exercise studios, these moves combine yoga, Pilates, light weights, and a secret weapon that in-the-know exercisers (including celebs like Ricki Lake) swear by—barre work. You don’t even have to leave home to get the body-slimming benefits: The ballet-derived exercises are normally done using a stationary handrail, but you can do them with a chair or kitchen table.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

15 Natural Home Remedies for Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac

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Leaves of three, let it be. That old saying is worth remembering when trying to identify plants that might be poison ivy, oak or sumac.

I have to admit, I have seen plants that I thought were poison ivy or poison oak , and other people said they were not. If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have your handy plant guide with you when you’re out in the woods hiking or whatever. So if you’re planning on a hiking excursion in the woods, you might check out what these pesky plants look like ahead of time. Watch this video from Gardening & More which explains how to identify poison ivy, oak and sumac.

10 Unusual Weight Loss Tactics That Work

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If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that eating tasty food can be one hell of an experience. It can improve your mood, give you the energy you need to go through another hard day at work, and it can even be an integral part of a romantic evening. Salty, fatty and sugary foods taste incredibly good to us, because these types of foods are rare finds in nature and are necessary for us to keep functioning properly. Over time we have developed mechanisms that keep us hooked on calorie dense foods, and our bodies tend to favor fat build up over muscle synthesis, because this enables us to survive long periods with minimal resources available.

9 Simple Exercises You Can Do At Home

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You want to work out but you don’t always have the time to implement a workout routine into your busy day. Finding time for daily exercise takes discipline and commitment, and often you feel like you need to go for a long run or intense workout at the gym in order to feel a sense of accomplishment.

There are many simple exercises you can do at home in order to improve your strength, agility, and cardio vascular endurance. The problem with some at-home workout routines or quick exercise routines is that you might be doing the wrong kind of exercise.

12 Sexy Thrillers To Keep You Up All Night

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We don't need E.L. James to tell us that people like their pleasure with a little bit of pain. Just consider the countless films that alternately thrill us and turn us on. Sure, there's a murderer on the loose and he or she probably wants you dead, but there's always time for a sweaty lovemaking scene to turn up the heat and raise the stakes — especially when you realize the murderer was your lover all along. Oops.

Out January 30, The Loft has all the makings of a sexy-suspenseful thriller. Five married pals — James Marsden, Matthias Schoenaerts, Eric Stonestreet, Wentworth Miller, and Karl Urban — use the same penthouse for their indiscretions. Cue beautiful women, some between-the-sheets action, and a dead, naked blonde in the bed. Dun dun dun.

Monday, September 21, 2015

7 Reasons to Try High-Intensity Interval Training

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If you’re already a fan of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or have heard the buzz surrounding it, you know that it’s a super fast, very effective way to work out. Basically, HIIT involves short, intense bursts of exercise with less intense moves or complete rest in between. Essentially, it’s crazy-efficient—which means you could be spending less time in the gym each week while still cashing in on all the fat-burning, metabolism-boosting, and heart-pounding benefits. If you’re still not convinced that HIIT is worth a try, read on for even more of its advantages.

15 Minute Super Fast Total Body Workout

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Four moves. That’s all it takes to fire up your fat burning and build lean metabolism-charging muscle. This basic routine hits all of your major muscle groups. Do these moves one after another with no rest in between. Repeat the circuit a total of three times, resting one minute between each circuit. Do this workout four to six times a week and see results in your second week, guaranteed!

10 Benefits of Squats And Why You Need Them

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If you’re not used to doing them, squats can be more difficult, than you might have thought, but once you’ve mastered the technique, you can do them just about anywhere and they are a great way to tone your legs and your backside, but doing squad exercises is also beneficial for other parts of your body, so here are ten benefits of squats and reasons why you should be doing squat exercises, as a part of your fitness regime:

7 Exercises That Rock Your Abs

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Every woman I know have always spoken about having a flat tummy, one that is toned and taut yet feminine. You probably are no different. If you have struggled in the past and always fallen short of your dream of having a flat toned sexy tummy, then read on. Most of us believe that crunches are the best option. But, that’s not true. Crunching isn’t the best abs workout. They tone only the front and sides muscle of the stomach. It doesn’t tone all the muscles for perfect abs with hips, lower back, and upper thighs.

10 Best Foods To Eat Before Working Out

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Maximize your workout by not exercising on an empty stomach. For a standard hour-long workout — lifting, running, cycling, you need to make sure you have a combination of carbs and protein to provide a stream of energy during strenuous exercise and nutrients to repair muscle afterward.

For people trying to tone and lose fat, there is a myth that by not eating, they are going to go into further deficit and lose more fat. In reality, you bodies may shut down and not lose anything, which renders your workout a waste. So remember to eat something at least 45 minutes to an hour before your session so that you give your body ample time to digest. 

10 Moves For Total Body Strength

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No matter what your fitness goals are for this summer (run faster, build muscle, burn fat, get healthy), including strength training as part of your regular workout routine will help to support them. From improving athletic performance to revving up your metabolism, strength training offers a long list of health and fitness benefits that make it an imperative part of any exercise regimen.

The Thigh-Gap Workout

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A top NYC personal trainer has revealed that it is possible to get the supermodel-like gap-between-the-thighs look without resorting to cosmetic procedures or extreme eating regimes. While targeted inner-thigh workout may be healthier, it is by no means an easy option and requires some serious effort.

One must do 12-15 reps of each of the five different exercises, which include squats, lunges and the terrifying-sounding Single-leg Romanian Deadlift

Read more about The Thigh-Gap Workout

10 Really Silly Mistakes To Avoid At the Gym

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Walk into the gym and you’re likely to see women using form or doing exercises that will make you cringe. But these obvious errors are just two of many possible ways you can screw yourself in the gym. With so many pieces of equipment to choose from, it’s hard to set up a proper routine—let alone get the warm-up and all of the other components right. Although some of these mishaps may be minor, they can actually lead to huge setbacks in terms of gains.

Get an Hourglass Figure…Fast!

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A larger bust is necessary to get the hourglass. And though there are plenty of unnatural ways to increase breast size, we would never recommend cosmetic solutions or voodoo creams. Instead, there are ways to make your breasts look bigger by building up the chest muscles through a few simple  exercise:

9 Best Exercises For A Super Toned Butt

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I know you squat. That’s good, no really, it’s great. But are you tired of doing them? If you are, we totally understand and can relate. So here’s 9 moves that will mix your workout up a bit. These exercises  target all the muscles in your glutes and hamstrings and will give you a fitter, firmer butt. Are you ready to look even sexier in those skinny jeans?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Only 4 Exercises You’ll Ever Need

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What’s the best exercise that works the entire body? It’s one of the first questions people ask when they meet their personal trainers. This question is one of the most difficult to answer. First, you won’t get the results you want from any exercise unless your diet and sleep habits are in check, but further, an accurate answer really.

13 Ways To Increase Metabolism and Lose More Weight

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Many people want to make big changes in their metabolism. If your metabolism runs high you can burn fat and lose substantial weight with out a lot of extra activity or at least faster.

Lots of things will affect a person’s metabolism, and it can change at different times depending on the frequency one eats, his or her genetics, the volume of muscle mass, stress and activity. Things that make a person’s metabolism slow down can be the loss of muscle mass because of the lack of activity. When that happens the body tends to consume its own muscle because there is a lack of energy from food to get along and finally the metabolism slows down because with advanced age physical activity normally declines.

10 No Equipment Exercises Guaranteed To Blast Fat Fast

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You don’t need a gym membership to get in shape. Here are 10 body-weight exercises that will build strength, burn fat and improve balance and endurance. Find what works for you and don’t be afraid to try new ways to burn fat outside the gym. No more excuses. Now, get moving!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Get It Right, Get It Tight: Hamstring Ball Tuck

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Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and kick the feet up onto the stability ball. Make sure your heels are firmly planted on the top center of the ball. Squeeze the glutes to keep the hips lifted and in line with your legs and torso.

8 Tricks to Help You Get Back Into A Regular Exercise Routine

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I don’t know about you, but I have been SERIOUSLY slacking with my exercise routine lately.

It started about a week before my father-in-law saw me naked over the Christmas holidays, it got worse while I was slaving over the redesign of my blog, and it’s been spiraling out of control ever since.

And then this morning I made the fatal mistake of putting in my contacts BEFORE I had my shower, caught a glimpse of myself in our full-length mirror as I was toweling myself off, and had the shock of my life.

30 High-Energy Alternatives to Caffeine

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You’ve hit the slump in your day and reach for the Monster Energy Drink. It’s easy to guzzle down, get that zip of energy and charge through the rest of your work day like a champ. Caffeine has benefits, but can be harmful if not taken in moderation. Becoming dependent on caffeine can overload your adrenal glands and you’ll find yourself stuck in a cycle of fatigue. If you don’t want to rely on a big cup of coffee or energy drink, check out these foods, drinks and lifestyle changes you can make to increase your energy levels.

Build Your Workout Momentum with These Tips

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We have all made a resolution at one time or another to get healthy. We all say, “This is my year!” But in reality, life gets in the way and our momentum drops for one reason or another. Here are some tips to keep that momentum going so working out can become a lifestyle rather than an obligation.

Let’s Get Flexy: How to Be More Mobile

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Flexibility is not only about yoga and acrobatic tricks. There’s a very vital aspect to being able to move, reach, stretch, turn and be mobile. There are a few approaches to stretching as well, static and dynamic being two, offering different results. Instead of trying to throw yourself into some stretches, set yourself up for success by following along with very simple guidelines throughout the day. When it actually comes time to stretch, it won’t feel so impossible! Check out these 20 yoga moves for beginner benders!

Crop Top Belly Workout [VIDEO]

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There are tons of ab workouts out there, but this one is sure to fire up every muscle of the abdominal package for a lean and toned result. Follow Real Mom Model Jean Sherfick through 60 seconds of seven exercises. You’ll transition between isolation and compound moves to add functionality to your core. Get ready to throw on that crop top!

Strong, Sexy & Sculpted Arms in Only 7 Exercises

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Think about all of the things you do with your arms every day and all of the clothes you wear or wish you could wear that expose your arms. It’s so worth it to take a few minutes several times a week and show them some love. With these seven beginner moves, you’ll be able to work the biceps, triceps, chest, upper back and shoulders for a total upper body package. Take a look at these:

20 Moves to Tighten That Tushy

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The biggest muscle in your body is the gluteus maximus, also known as the derrière, backside, money maker, whatever you lovingly refer to yours as. It would love some attention from you! Try going through these 20 exercises to tighten, tone and tame your tush.

4 Pilates Moves You Need Now

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It’s no secret that Pilates is a great way to strengthen your body and mind. If you’re missing these four moves from your Pilates routine, you have to give them a try! Share your experience with us in the comments below after you’ve tried them out!

6 Butt Exercises For A Rounder and Lifted Butt

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It’s rare to find someone in the world of fitness who isn’t interested in building—or admiring—a bodacious booty. After all, a solid rump indicates a sturdy lower body that offers stability and power to many movements, in and out of the gym.

To create more desirable and stronger booty, here are 6 best butt exercises that shape the perfectly lifted butt men can’t stop staring.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

16 Fun Exercises to Help Blast That Belly Fat

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Losing weight is a goal that most people set for themselves. But it’s usually easier said than done. Burning the fat that your body has acquired throughout the years from lack of activity really requires yourself to be determined and disciplined. To burn belly fat, you need to follow a healthy and sensible diet and a consistent exercise routine.

Many people feel that they only need to do one or the other but that’s not the case at all. To lose fat you have to sweat, a lot. Aerobics and other exercises that can get your heart pumping is the trick in most, if not all weight loss plans for women.

6 Butt Exercises That Don’t Hurt Your Knees

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Lunges and squats are often referred to as the masters of lower body exercises. In addition to your legs, these functional, compound exercises also work your buttocks.

However, poor form, a muscle imbalance, the consistent overload on your knees, and the repetitive motion, can make these exercises wreak havoc on your knees.

6 Best Lower Back Exercises for Women

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Back pain is the second most common neurological ailment in adults (only headaches top it). The good news is that by strengthening and stretching the muscles in your back (which, with your abs, make up the all-important core), you can relieve and prevent pain.

In fact, research shows that the sooner patients with minor back pain begin exercising, the quicker they recover.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

10 Core Exercises To Flatten Your Belly Quickly

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Who doesn’t want a tight and toned core, and perhaps abs that pop? In addition to looking great, a strong core really cuts down on back soreness and aches and pains, so core training isn’t just vanity, it’s healthy!

Here are some of our favorite core-strengthening exercises to get you baring your belly and standing straighter than ever.

Read more about 10 Core Exercises To Flatten Your Belly Quickly

5 Moves To Your Strongest Core

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Core strength is the key to great fitness and posture. A strong core can prevent back pain and it helps you stand straighter, move easier, and look taller.

So, what is the secret to core strengthening? Mixing your routine up. Using a variety of moves that target different abdominal muscle groups ensures your body never gets used to it. Keeping your body guessing is what prevents plateaus and gives you the results you’re going for.

Read more about 5 Moves To Your Strongest Core

10 Best Exercises To Sculpt Your Core

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Core muscles are some of the weakest muscle groups on women, even though it’s a set of muscles we use in most of our daily activities. Years of bad form and improper posture weaken the muscles and cause pain where we don’t need it (and definitely don’t want it).

If you continuously experience lower back pain or know you have weak stomach muscles, you should incorporate abdominal and back exercises into your routines at least 3-4 days a week. Before starting any new exercise routine, especially with preexisting conditions, be sure to consult your physician.

Read more about 10 Best Exercises To Sculpt Your Core