Monday, April 27, 2015

Low-Impact Total-Body Workout

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Regardless of your age and fitness level, sometimes your joints need a little break even when you still want to workout. People who are injury prone, and who are also starting a fitness routine for the first time, can benefit from having a low impact workout designed for a body that needs to be eased into fitness.

DIY Natural Muscle Relaxer Cream

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When you work out extensively, and especially when you’re focused on intense routines performed several times per week, you begin to really enjoy the burn you feel while extending yourself during workouts. But no one likes waking up to burning, tense, stuff, exhausted muscles. Luckily, there are ways to prevent your muscles from tensing up and methods that will allow them to recover after an intense workout. Avoid discomfort and soothe your muscles more quickly with this DIY muscle relaxer.

15-Minute Arm Sculpting Workout

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Ready for sleeveless dresses, swimsuits, and tank tops? If your arms aren’t quite yet in warm weather condition, we can help you to tone and tighten them with a quick workout. Just take 15 minutes out of your day, only two days per week, and you’ll see sculpted arms before you’re ready to shed your cardigans.

15-Minute Total Body Fat Blaster

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Your time is precious and the hours you spend at the gym each week add up over weeks and months. If you’d like to save yourself time but still get fit, you need a quick total body workout. This fat blasting workout will shape your body in under 15 minutes. Targeting every major muscle group at a high tempo rate, this workout is great in a pinch and can be done at home or in the gym.

39 Tips To Help You Lose Weight Fast

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You know the drill when it comes to losing weight: take in fewer calories, burn more calories. But you also know that most diets and quick weight-loss plans don’t work as promised. What losing weight really is – is a journey made up of a million healthy choices we make each day. So, if you’re trying to drop a few pounds fast, keep these 39 tips in mind – they work at home, in the gym and at work. Continue on that healthy path, little by little, day by day. Remember, they all add up!

10-Minute Full Body Fat Torching Workout

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HIIT is all the rage these days! If you haven't tried it... you have to! =] It's so quick and painless. Okay not the painless part! You'll be so sore but in the best way! Did you know a 10-minute HIIT workout burns more calories than a 45-minute cardio workout!? YES! 

So this workout is only 10-minutes long, you need to complete each exercise for 45-seconds with 15-seconds rest between each. 

5 Hot Yoga Poses For Rapid Weight Loss

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Are you looking for an easy weight loss option? Here’s what you can do! Now, yoga helps you in losing weight naturally and easily. Practicing yoga on a daily basis helps you to stay fit and healthy, and even helps people in losing or gaining weight. Yoga definitely helps those who practice it regularly. Power yoga is a healthy and effective weight loss option. Yoga can be an effective option for weight loss as it does not have any side effects. It is a slow process and has a long lasting effect.

Hot yoga is generally practiced in a heated room which has a temperature of 100-110 degrees Fahrenheit and around 60% humidity. Hot yoga for rapid weight loss is another good option. It is also the best option for those who want to improve their body posture. Following are the yoga postures for weight loss which one can practice easily at home:

10 Power Yoga Workouts To Reduce Weight Fast

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Do you believe in losing weight through yoga in the easiest natural way? If yes, then you must definitely try practicing power yoga for weight loss at home. With so many fitness centers coming up across the city, power yoga has been lately gaining popularity.

Power yoga is considered to be one of the best natural ways of losing weight. It is medically safe and has no side effects. StyleCraze offers you information on the unique and best power yoga poses which you can easily practice at home.

Chia Seed Pudding with Mango and Blueberry

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I am so not a morning person. I really, really, really want to be, but it does not appear that is in my character to be my best self in the wee hours of the morning. I need time in the morning to wake up, even after I have been out of bed for awhile. I like my days to start slowly. Which is kind of funny because I live in a house of early risers that are ready to go the moment their eyes open. I like to head downstairs, watch a little Today show, and after about 20 minutes, I am okay to start the day. I am very lucky that my husband feeds the kids breakfast before he heads to work, so I am only responsible for feeding myself. In my half-awake state it is highly unlikely that I would a.) make myself a breakfast that involved much effort and b.) do dishes.

Rosehip Oil - The Anti-Aging Oil

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If you are like me then you probably have never heard of rosehips! Apparently roses have hips... well sort of. Rosehips are the fruit of rose bushes. That's right, roses have fruit! Who knew? These grow just below the actual flower part of roses and are harvested after the rose petals have all fallen off. Rosehip oil is oil that is made from rosehips specifically rosehip seeds.

Rosehip oil can be found in many anti-aging products and usually those products come with an expensive price tag! However, rosehip oil is pretty amazing by itself and it's quite affordable if bought on its own!

17 Free Weight Exercises for Toned Arms

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Tank top season will be here before we know it and that means those arms are going to be out for the world to see. Of course, you want them to be tank top and tankini ready, which means you’ll have to work them hard — biceps, triceps and shoulders. All you need to turn those arms into sculpted works of art is a pair of free weights. Not quite sure what to do? Well, here are 17 great exercises that can help your arms look their summer best.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

101 Essential Oil Uses & Benefits

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Essential oils are have been used for thousands of years in various cultures for medicinal and health purposes. Essential oil uses range from aromatherapy, household cleaning products, personal beauty care and natural medicine treatments.

The particles in essential oils come from distilling or extracting the different parts of plants, including the flowers, leaves, bark, roots, resin and peels. In ancient times, Jews and Egyptians made essential oils by soaking the plants in oil and then filtering the oil through a linen bag.

DIY for Loose Skin Tightening

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Age and natural elements wear on our skin over time. Wrinkles and loose skin, although naturally occurring, can be fought off with two simple ingredients. This DIY skin tightening recipe will help to firm your skin and will give you a long lasting, younger appearance.

25-Minute Booty Workout

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I’m flying out to Colorado tomorrow to spend a long weekend snowboarding Vail with my college friends (SO excited—I’ve never been before!) and have a mile-long to-do list to get through today, so let’s get right to this booty workout…

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Friday, April 24, 2015

Sexy Glutes Intense Legs and Butt Toning Workout for Women

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Toned calves, muscular legs, and a firm butt are on every woman’s list of fitness goals and this workout pack will help you achieve just that. These high intensity lower body workouts will melt the fat away while strengthening and defining your legs, thighs, and glutes. Your core will also get plenty of attention, ensuring you will be ready to wear that new pair of shorts.

Read More About Sexy Glutes Intense Legs and Butt Toning Workout for Women 

The Upper Body Workout for Women

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To guys, the muscles that are most important to work are the biceps, pecs, lats, and traps. After all, these are the muscles that can change a mans look dramatically. But what about women? The vast majority of women don’t want to have massive, bulging biceps or look like they’re the incredible hulk. They want to look slimmer, longer, and more toned. In one word: sexy.

The good news for women is that doing upper body exercises won’t make them bulky. It won’t make them look like a guy, and it certainly won’t make them muscle-bound or less flexible. The exercises which make men big won’t have the same effect on women. Why is this, you wonder? Put simply; they can’t.

15 Minute Bodyweight Fat Loss Workout for Women

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This 15 minute anytime, anywhere bodyweight workout is built to accelerate your fat loss by turning on your fat burning hormone. It's packed with exercises to burn fat and build lean muscle mass, so you can get the lean, sculpted body before the summer hits.

This fast-paced strength training circuit workout is all about reaching your max and building lean muscle mass. To burn fat, lose weight, tone up and tighten your body, you need to achieve two things. 

Rock Hard ABS in 12-Minute

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See More About : Rock Hard ABS in 12-Minute

20-Minute Flat-Belly Workout

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Combine cardio with core work to reap the flat-belly benefits of both types of sweat sessions. This workout alternates between jumping rope and standing ab moves, so you can tone your belly while burning serious calories in just 20 minutes. We use one eight-pound dumbbell in this workout to increase the toning potential of each exercise. No weights? No problem. This workout will still be effective without them.

The Truth About Sleeping in Makeup

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There’s no shame in admitting it: We’re all guilty of having slept in our makeup once or twice. Whether the cause was an exhausting work week or a few too many cocktails, spending the occasional night with our favorite foundation or mascara seems harmless enough provided it isn’t happening on the regular … right? Wrong. It turns out that this oft-committed lazy girl mistake can do some serious damage to your skin—yes, even if it only happens once in a while.

The Beginner’s Guide To HIIT

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Maybe you’ve heard the hype about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts and how they improve your cardiovascular fitness while helping you build lean muscle and burn fat. Guess what? It’s not hype! HIIT workouts work. I love doing and teaching these high-intensity workouts because they can be done in 30-minutes or less. Oh, and they are stinkin’ fun. Build muscle, burn calories, and boost metabolism all in one workout! Better body in less time? 

Read More About The Beginner’s Guide To HIIT

4 Exercises To Tone Your Butt

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“Bottoms Up” and I don’t mean with a drink. I mean try these great exercises to lift and firm your butt. A busy life can often derail your fitness plan. But even doing a few exercises when you have time can help you feel stronger and feel better in your clothes. I am a fan of resistance bands because they are easy to use at home, the office, or on the road. I’m a frequent flyer, so I stick a few in my suitcase and can use them right in my hotel room. Bands offer the same benefits of other resistance equipment without being big and heavy. If you use proper form and a challenging level of tension, your muscle fibers won’t know the difference between weights or bands. Even better, bands can offer more muscle recruitment because you can use multiple muscle groups at once. 

6-Minute Yoga For Better Abs

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You already know that yoga is a natural detoxifier, yoga can help alleviate back pain, and yoga will help you sleep better. But did you know that yoga can also land you a strong core and enviable abs? Yep, yoga is basically a superhero. Since a great deal of core strength is involved in every part of a yoga practice, you can whittle your middle without a single crunch. Even if yoga isn’t your favorite way to sweat, give this workout a chance. We’ve pulled four of the best core strength yoga poses and put them into a routine you can do anytime and anywhere!

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How To Get A Butt You Will Love

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Squats and lunges are two exercises that work their way into almost every butt workout. Perhaps you’re just sick of doing squats, or maybe they bother your knees—no matter the reason, we’re guessing it’s time for a much-needed break. This workout is designed to tighten and tone your backside without any form of a squat or lunge. Not one. We promise! All you’ll need is a resistance band and a sturdy chair.

Read More About How To Get A Butt You Will Love

Run The Stairs Workout

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You’re heard take the stairs, not the elevator a thousand times. But what if instead of it just being a healthier way to get around, the stairs became your new favorite toning tool? This workout is going to take you up and down a set of stairs—in your home, or wherever you want—while adding sculpting moves in between. Since moving up a flight of stairs forces you to work harder against gravity, you’ll build strength and power in your lower body while your heart rate soars. The mini cardio intervals will help you burn calories at a higher rate for longer after you finish, and the quick toning moves will fire up up your arms, back, butt, and thighs. At the end, you’ll be sweaty, stronger, and thanking the stairs for a free but fierce workout!

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How To Safely And Smartly Increase Your Running Mileage

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If you’re an avid runner, now is about that time you start checking out the summer race schedule. Are you going to sign up for the same list of 5K races, or is this the year you finally step it up in the distance category? I vote for the latter! If you make it a goal to run a little farther, go a little faster, and improve your endurance, you can be successful. It’s all about motivation and having a plan that will keep you healthy and headed down the right direction. So whether you want to take your 5K to a 10K or your 10K to a half marathon this year, I’m here to help with a few smart strategies to increase your mileage for your next finish line!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Healthy Oat Smoothies ~ Blueberry Muffin & Peach Cobbler Flavors

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Most days she will drink a smoothie, so I had the idea of sneaking in some oats, since that seems a more fitting breakfast than cheese popcorn. And you know what? She fell for it liked it! And actually, so did my older kiddos…and so did I! The oats made the smoothie thick and silky and definitely more filling, and I also thought they lent an undertone like some type of baked good was ground up in there. So I decided to experiment a bit and see if I could expand upon those flavors even more!

It was as simple as adding a smidge of pure vanilla extract and a sprinkle of cinnamon to make a blueberry oatmeal smoothie taste like a Blueberry Muffin Smoothie! And since I like my peach cobbler extra-cinnamon-y, I upped the cinnamon a bit more for the Peach Cobbler Smoothie variation. I am telling, y’all…it’s hard to believe that smoothies can taste like baked treats but these honestly do!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Step Up and Get Lean at the Barre

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Ask most women what their biggest fitness goals is and you will usually hear the same request; to look long and lean. For some, this body type comes naturally as they flow through life, making us all envious. For the rest of us, getting that long, lean look requires a bit more effort. Enter the amazing Barre workout.

12 Barre Exercises that Blast Fat

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By now you have likely heard of the latest buzz word in exercise, Barre. Maybe you have been a bit intimidated to look into this workout because it conjures up images of  ballerinas in tutus prancing gracefully around a studio and leaping with perfectly pointed toes. Well, it’s time to take a closer look at this fancy foot phenomenon and realize that not only can anyone participate in this muscle sculpting ballet-inspired craze, but you burn mega calories while at it!

14-Minute Booty Lift

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We all have days where we can hardly find time to go to the restroom alone, let alone spend a solid hour at the gym. So, when your day is packed from morning to night, we have a fabulous booty lifting workout that will tighten and tone in just 14 minutes. All the moves can be done without equipment (with minor adjustments) if you’re getting this sweat sesh in at home. Enjoy the hurt-so-good burn, knowing you’re getting your booty summer ready.

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7 Exercises to Relieve Stress

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Stress is your worst enemy when it comes to weight loss and overall well-being. As common knowledge as it is, we tend to forget about the biological response to stress: hormones and cortisol production which can lead to weight gain. We feed into the stress as an emotional response. But, before you get frazzled just reading about stress, take a breather. Channel your inner zen master and read theses 7 exercises that will help you lower your stress levels.

58 Best Thigh Exercises to Rock Your Skinners

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If you’ve been aching for lean legs and toned inner thighs, then this is the article for you. A collection of nearly 60 muscle-sculpting moves to work all areas of the thighs (and more!) will be more than enough to get you well on your way to those gorgeous gams you’ve been envisioning. Beginners should create a sequence of the moves below and complete three sets of 10-15 reps. Those at advanced levels should create a sequence of the moves below and complete each move as many times as possible for 60 seconds.

17 Moves to Reduce Belly Fat

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Are you finding it difficult to fit into your little black number? Is belly fat giving you sleepless nights? If your answer is yes, then you need to make some lifestyle changes to solve it. Abdominal fat can take serious proportions if not curbed at the right time. No doubt, belly fat looks aesthetically displeasing, but what is more important is its affect on long term health.

Vanilla Green Smoothie: Protein Packed Shamrock Shake

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Shamrock Shake just got a make over and I think you are going to love it. I just loved these minty shakes that are so popular this time of year, but I don’t love the long list of ingredients or crappy nutritional value of these classics. So we are remaking this classic into a healthy protein packed version you can enjoy all year long! It’s no longer a once a year treat! Woohoo!

5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Joint Pain

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Joints are nothing but the mere connection between the bones. They are instrumental in providing support and helping us move. Any injury or interference with the movement can result in joint pains. There’s nothing uncommon in having joint pains. It has been an evil for a lot of us and can be really annoying if it keeps persisting. And it’s really a misconception that joint pain occurs due to aging because there are young people who suffer from joint pain too. According to experts, trauma, heavy lifting, fractures, arthritis, etc. can also trigger joint pain. While there are lots we can do to avoid joint pain, here’s a list of few home remedies that you can use to get rid of your joint pain.

5 Hot Yoga Poses For Rapid Weight Loss

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Are you looking for an easy weight loss option? Here’s what you can do! Now, yoga helps you in losing weight naturally and easily. Practicing yoga on a daily basis helps you to stay fit and healthy, and even helps people in losing or gaining weight. Yoga definitely helps those who practice it regularly. Power yoga is a healthy and effective weight loss option. Yoga can be an effective option for weight loss as it does not have any side effects. It is a slow process and has a long lasting effect.

4 Quick Butt-Toning Moves

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Get your ass into shape with these incredibly easy, super-quick butt-toning exercises from Amanda Butler of The Fhitting Room, a New York City fitness club known for its high intensity workouts.

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

I Came, I Saw, I Contoured

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Get Motivated and Get Started

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Have you been ending each day thinking you could have done more and telling yourself, “I will start tomorrow”? For many people who battle with this daily conversation, “tomorrow” never actually arrives and they find themselves at year’s end still out of shape and unhappy with themselves. If you feel like you’ve been struggling to finally get on track, here are a few tips to get you motivated and on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

13 Healthy Living Struggles

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Choosing to live healthy isn't always a cakewalk, which is why we partnered with thinkThin protein bars to commiserate your daily struggles. We're right there with you.

It's a real challenge to give up bad habits, especially ones that we do every day without even thinking about it. Whether you're working hard to lose a little weight or just be a healthier human being overall, just know — we've all been there. But hey, every day is a new opportunity to achieve your goals, right?

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Surprising Daily Habits Keeping You Overweight

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Having a routine keeps us organized, but sometimes these routines can turn into habits, and some of these habits are keeping you overweight. What if some simple changes in your day-to-day could help you shed some pounds? Well, it’s your lucky day! Men’s Health shared small changes you can make in your daily routine to help cut back, do better, slim down.

Burn More Fat With 5 Surprisingly Simple Expert Tips

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Boosting your metabolism doesn't have to feel out of reach and oh so elusive. We tapped nutrition and fitness experts for their top straightforward tips that can help you up your metabolic rate, burn more fat, and see real results.

How To Fire Up Your Fat-Burning Furnace

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Whether you're trying to lose or few pounds or maintain your current weight, most exercisers are interested in "burning fat" during their workouts. Of course, the fat-burning benefits of exercise vary based on when and what you last ate, what type of workout you're doing, how hard you're pushing—and countless other factors. On top of that, you've probably heard a lot of conflicting advice about what types of exercises burn the most fat. But I believe fitness professionals can all agree on one thing: The more calories you can burn, the more body fat you will lose. So what can you do to burn more calories and get the results you want?

9 Proven Ways to Never Regain Your Lost Weight

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Congratulations! You lost those unwanted pounds and are finally happy with what is staring back at you in the mirror. The road might have been tough, but you did it. Now comes the real test—keeping it off for good. All too often, people who lose weight tend to fall back into old and unhealthy habits that got them to their overweight status leading them back down the path to weight gain. However, you can lose weight and keep it off for good. Here are nine proven ways to make sure those pounds do not find their way back.

13 Tips to Restart Your Workout Regimen

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The good news for avid gym goers is that you no longer have to park at the far end of the parking lot, find a new spot in kickboxing class or wait endlessly for your favorite machine. The bad news is the reason for all of this—many people have given up on their resolutions to regularly exercise or have found many reasons to stop. If you have fallen off the fitness bandwagon, it is not too late to get back on board.

Friday, April 17, 2015

5 Weight Loss Smoothies for Fast Weight Loss

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You Wouldn't Imagine That Aid in Fast Weight Loss Here are a couple of surprising Detox smoothies you may not have imagined, that can help you on your way to Quick weight loss!

5 Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

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Flowers hint at blooming and grass struggles to turn green… Spring is in the air!  But that air also contains pollen and allergens that cause many to dread this beautiful season.  If the first casualty of the war between pollen and sinuses is you then perhaps it is time to fight back.  Allergy medicine can come with a side of mental fog leaving many debating whether suffering with allergies is better than taking medicine.  Breathe-easy, natural solutions have proven effective for many allergy sufferers without the side effects of other OTC meds.

Home Remedies For Ingrown Hair

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When a hair grows sideways into the skin or curls back, it is referred to as an Ingrown Hair. More often than not, the condition affects the area of skin that is frequently shaved or waxed.

The condition is more common in case of areas bearing coarser hair. Individuals with thick and curly hair are more prone to this problem. Ingrown Hair is a medically harmless condition but tends to cause other skin issues such as scarring, skin discoloration, skin infections etc.

Home Remedies for Cystitis

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Cystitis is a type of urinary tract infection which leads to the inflammation of the bladder involved in it. The infection and irritation become worse when the disease spreads to the kidneys as well. As women have a shorter urethra as compared to men, they are more prone to develop this type of infection. Pregnant, post menopausal and sexually active women are the common victims of this disease.

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14 Moves for the Perfect Bubble Butt

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Great butts are NOT just for swimsuit season, ladies! Don’t get lazy just because you haven’t had to strut around in a bathing suit in a while. These exercises are easy to incorporate into any workout. Whether you’re are at the gym, the park, or your house, the following moves will work your glutes so you can crack out those yoga pants, leggings and shorts with no regrets or shame.