Tuesday, June 30, 2015

18 Simple Exercises To Battle The Belly Bulge

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There is nothing sexier than a tight and toned stomach. For us women, it sometimes can be a difficult area to tone. But have no fear, here are 20 easy exercises that can get rid of your flabby belly in no time.

Do a couple when you have some time to spare, or do them all for one great abs and core workout. If you do this 3 times a week, in 2 weeks’ time, you’ll start to notice difference in your belly. But word of caution, to get the abs to show, you have to watch your diet as well.

10 Toughest Core Exercises Ever

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Who doesn’t want a tight and toned core, and perhaps abs that pop? In addition to looking great, a strong core really cuts down on back soreness and aches and pains, so core training isn’t just vanity, it’s healthy!

Here are some of our favorite core-strengthening exercises to get you baring your belly and standing straighter than ever.

5 Exercises To Solid Abs

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You don’t need crunches to get solid abs. Here are some simple unconventional ways to achieve strong functional abs without having to spend hours at the gym. They can be done after your regular gym session or integrated with you workout. The great thing about these training methods is that they will get you results and they can all be done easily with minimal equipment. Doing a 5 minute circuit of all the exercises after finishing a workout in the gym is ideal. Start feeling the burn.

Read more about 5 Exercises To Solid Abs

17 Tips To Ensure An Awesome Workout

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We’ve all been there. You know, that dark place where it feels like nothing short of a personal invitation from Brad Pitt will get you off the couch and into the gym. But whether you’re battling workout boredom, weight loss plateaus, or injuries, you don’t have to let any obstacle sidetrack your fitness. All you need is the right preparation. These 17 tips will get you ready and rekindle your passion for working out.

10 Simple and Effective Abs Exercises

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Athletes from all sports from soccer to hockey to basketball base their training on improving the strength of their core using compound movements. That’s great for professional athletes but what about everyone else? What about girls who just want to get a flat stomach?

Everyone is different; some may get a flat stomach from solely working the belly to exhaustion while others may get their abs to pop without a single situp. But to train the core effectively, it comes down to the three planes of motion: frontal, sagittal, and transerve. Doing abs exercises in a circuit style keeps the intensity high and will likely lead to more fat loss.

8 Strength Training Moves To A Fit and Toned Body

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Human movement can be reduced to three basic categories: pushing, pulling, and hip extension (squatting, jumping, running, and even riding a bike). Functional fitness begins with learning good form for this essential repertoire and then gradually adding weight and difficulty to build stability and strength.

Doing the below exercises correctly with five pounds, in other words, is better than doing them poorly with 100 pounds. In the words of Gray Cook, one of the founding fathers of functional training, “Don’t add strength to dysfunction.”

10 Benefits of Squats And Why You Need Them

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If you’re not used to doing them, squats can be more difficult, than you might have thought, but once you’ve mastered the technique, you can do them just about anywhere and they are a great way to tone your legs and your backside, but doing squad exercises is also beneficial for other parts of your body, so here are ten benefits of squats and reasons why you should be doing squat exercises, as a part of your fitness regime:

8 Tips For Healthy Eating and Weight Loss

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Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health, and can help you feel your best. It doesn’t have to be difficult either.

Starchy foods should make up around one third of the foods you eat. Starchy foods include potatoes, cereals, pasta, rice and bread. Choose wholegrain varieties (or eat potatoes with their skins on) when you can: they contain more fibre, and can help you feel full.

8 Reasons Your Body Needs A Workout

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Losing inches shouldn’t be your only motivation for hitting the gym. With regular training sessions, your entire body benefits. According to a research review in the International Journal of Clinical Practice, regular exercise can help cut your risk of more than 20 illnesses, including cancer and heart disease.

“Exercise is essential for losing and maintaining weight loss,” says sports scientist Jane Poley,  “but the other benefits are just as important.”

Show Off Your Flat Tummy With These 8 Killer Moves

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Want great abs? This ab-stastic workout routine combines fat-burning cardio with moves that target your entire core rather than individual muscles so you’ll burn more fat while toning up. Feel the results the first week, see the toned abs start to show in the third.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

7 Tips to Staying Fit Throughout The Year

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Getting fit doesn’t have to be difficult – you can drop weight by following these simple tricks that can do wonders for your body. You will have lots of fun while getting in shape. Plus, you don’t need to spend tons of money on the gyms.

6 Effective Ways To Get Your Body Bikiny Ready

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With summer fast approaching, it’s time to start preparing your body for the summer season right now. Women tend to work out, make diet changes, and switch up their skincare routines when summer hits, however, why not get your body summer ready well in advance? You will avoid committing skincare mistakes, tone up your body and be ready to hit the beach as soon as the weather permits. Check out what you should do to get your body summer ready in a month.

25 Effective Exercises To Get Rid Of Back Pain

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Is your work, family life or personal life, suffering due to your back ache? Don’t suffer in silence and don’t keep trying to ‘walk it off’. If your back pain is persistent and won’t go away with rest or OTC painkillers, it is time to consult a doctor. Research says that about 85% of people are affected by bad back pain at least once in their lives!

15 Minute Full Body Workout To Tone Your Body

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Do you want a fit body to die for? But do you often worry you don’t have enough time to work out? With our hectic schedules and never-ending work, we can hardly find time for intense exercise.

But what if you could tone your whole body in just 15 minutes? Unbelievable, isn’t it? But there does exist a workout, which covers four routines in 15 minutes and can work your entire body! Chiselled abs and a leaner body, just by working out for 15 minutes a day! Now, how do you like that!

15-Minute Allover Toning Workout with Tracy Anderson

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Tracy Anderson, the mastermind celebrity trainer, shares a 15-minute allover toning routine on Goop to act as an additional set to your daily regimen or to be a stand alone workout if you only have 15 minutes to spare for a sweat sesh. Either way, you’ll love the way your body feels after this total body toner!

Top 7 Kettlebell Ab Exercises For Beginners

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There are various exercises one does in a gymnasium from weight training to cardio and rock climbing. The latest on the scene are kettlebell exercises which are gaining popularity. What are kettlebell exercises?  In the early 1700s, cannonballs-shaped iron orbs with handles lifted in a swinging motion were developed by the Russian men for building strength, balance, suppleness and stamina. They were used by military personnel, weightlifters and martial artists long before it became a mainstream personal fitness tool. 

A kettlebell instructor, Micheal Shade says that instead of lifting weights for half an hour and doing a treadmill for another half hour, one could easily gain from doing kettlebell workout in 20minutes.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Back Fat Be Gone: The 9 Back Exercises You Need

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Back fat keeping you from feeling sexy in your strapless sundress? While you can't spot reduce (it takes a healthy diet and consistent workout plan to reduce fat, no matter where it is on your body), you can still strengthen and tone your back to take your results to the next level. Master these moves to sculpt a sexy back in no time.

Best Ways to Groom Your Bikini Line Without the Wax

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As we indulge in the summer heat and head out for some fun in the sun, it’s best to slip on our itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikinis and leave all our worries at home. You’ve been working out all winter and you’ve finally got your beach body just right, so what could possibly kill your vibe? None other than pesky bikini line hairs can certainly do the trick. While waxing can be effective in getting rid of that problem, just the thought of it alone can also be terrifying. Luckily, there are some alternative routes you can take to ditch those annoying hairs, pain-free.

6 Exercises For A Strong and Healthy Back

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Your mother was right (as usual) when she would tell you to stand up tall and don’t slouch. A woman with her shoulders down and her back straight shows confidence, strength and beauty. Strong back muscles are essential for good posture. The upper back muscles are used in pulling your shoulders down and back and helping you stand tall instead of hunched over. 

Good posture is also the easiest and fastest way to lose 10 pounds! Then there’s the added benefit of looking great while wearing halter tops and backless dresses. A strong back can be very sexy!

5 Best Fitness Exercises That Will Help You Burn Calories Fast

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Activities that use the largest muscle groups of the body and performed continuously usually will burn calories fast in the greatest amount.

Intensity and duration are the two key determinants of total energy lost – calories burnt. Activities in which you may be able to exercise continuously at a fairly high intensity for a prolonged period will maximize your total caloric lost.

5 Best ABS Exercises For Women

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If you’re overweight and looking to get flat abs, it’s going to be a must that you’re paying attention to the exercises that you’re including in your workout program. However, exercise selection alone is not enough.

The biggest must-do if you want to achieve flat abs is to focus on cardiovascular exercise and eating a calorie reduced diet. If you aren’t eating a lower calorie diet, fat loss will be virtually impossible and this will mean your abdominal appearance will stay as-is even if you perform abdominal exercises daily. In combination with diet, cardio is also a necessity if you’re trying to burn fat from your waist.

12 Moves to An Amazing Butt

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For overall strength and a great looking butt, you need to take some time to train. If total body fitness and proficiency at everyday tasks isn’t enough motivation, these 12 moves will tone your behind and have your butt looking better than ever. How’s that for incentive?

Read more about 12 Moves to An Amazing Butt

10 Unusual Weight Loss Tricks That Work

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The first rule of weight loss: Do not talk about weight loss. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to hear about your thighs, your portion size, your fear of carbs, or your vegan-on-Friday rules. It’s a buzzkill—plus, having a super-restrictive attitude isn’t sustainable.

After all, you wouldn’t dive into an Olympic-level workout right away—you’d start slow and then slowly build up your fitness. Do the same with your eating habits, and you’ll be less likely to get discouraged.

5 Ways to Work Your ABS to Exhaustion

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We know the basic abdominal floor crunch is old news at this point, and you want to take core training to the next level. Not a bad choice, considering almost all of our daily tasks require core strength (yes, even sitting at your desk).

According to Patti Hallow, exercise physiologist and author of Beat The Flab: What Personal Trainers Say and Do, the average American spends 56 hours per week sitting, which weakens the core—and that, in turn, makes daily activities tougher. But maintain strong abs, and you’ll help prevent back pain, boost your agility, increase your flexibility, and look good.

5 Ways To Build The Perfect Butt

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Who doesn’t want a backside that turns heads? You can do cardio until you’re blue in the face, but you won’t build a great bum unless you do some weight training. Not sure which moves or techniques are best for building the perfect booty? We’ve got you covered.

Here are 5 ways to make yours rounder, fuller, and stronger so you can rock the heck out of those new skinny jeans.

8 Eating Habits Of Naturally Slim Women

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We all have that one thin friend—one of those skinny women who’s never bullied into submission by the bread basket, and when she says “I’ll just eat one bite,” she does just that. Is she for real?

Turns out, research shows that skinny people simply don’t think about food the same way as–well, the rest of us. “Thin people have a relaxed relationship with food,” explains David L. Katz, MD, an associate professor adjunct in public health at Yale University. “Those who are overweight, however, tend to be preoccupied by it. They focus on how much or how often they eat, or attach labels like good and bad to certain foods. As a result, mealtime is always on the brain.”

19 Best Foods That Will Make You Fit And Healthy

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You are what you eat, so don’t be quick and cheap. Eat Clean, Train Dirty. Abs are made 70% in the kitchen and 70% in the gym. All sound familiar? Well, that’s because choosing and eating the right type of food affect your ability to get fit, be healthy and maintain a slim and toned body – and this is for the long-term. So, here are a list of 19 best foods that will get you healthy and make you fit. But remember, you have to get yourself to the gym – there’s still 30% work that remains.

Friday, June 19, 2015

7 Ways To Build Muscles And Lose Body Fat Fast

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Everyone’s swapping silly fad diets for strength training, and it’s great. Getting strong and lean is so much healthier than restrictive diets. But like anything, it can take a little while to get to grips with.

Before slamming the barbells down in frustration, take a minute to read up on our essential strength training tips. Good form and technique is critical to your fat-burning success, and we can prove it.

7 Ways to Strengthen Your Ankles to Avoid Twists and Sprains

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Ankles are often neglected when it comes to your strength-training routine, but they shouldn't be. Strong, flexible ankles are an important foundation, helping prevent injury whether you're running back and forth on the tennis court or running to catch the bus. The good news is just a few minutes a day can help keep the sprains away. If it's been a while since you gave those joints any extra attention, read on for an ankle-strengthening exercise for each day of the week.

5 Fun Treadmill Workouts

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Treadmill workouts have always been a necessity for me. As a human rights lawyer, I am frequently working in places where it is too unsafe to run around outside. Recently, I spent an entire year living and working inside an armed compound in Afghanistan, where stepping outside the compound walls was strictly forbidden. As much as I loathed the treadmill, I hated the thought of giving up running even more, so I worked to make my indoor workouts as interesting as possible. 

Read more about 5 Fun Treadmill Workouts

"Get a Better Butt" Treadmill Workout

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It's time to combine some booty-toning hills with some calorie-torching cardio to work your backside. Working the incline on the treadmill targets your hamstring and glutes! This calorie-torching workout combines bursts of running with quick hilly walking as you play with speed and incline. It moves so quickly that there is no chance for you to get bored.

Beginner's Total Body Fat Blasting Routine

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Everybody’s got to start somewhere!  This routine is for anyone ready to get fit and stay that way for a lifetime. If losing weight and getting fit seems overwhelming, this routine is for you. 

Though soreness is a good thing, working out too hard at the start can lead to injury and discouragement.  This simple 10 – 15 minute beginner’s fat blasting routine will have you losing body fat and boosting your self-esteem as you begin your get fit journey!  Below you will find the video demonstrating this routine, so there’s no guess work.

Total Body Workout for Beginners

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Are you ready to get in shape, tone up, or lose weight but not quite sure where to begin? Begin here! This workout is designed to tone your entire body and burn fat to help you get into the best shape of your life! Begin your fitness journey today and continue for a lifetime. We have a library of workout routines for all fitness levels. No excuses, just results!

Bikini Body Guide For Workouts Exercise Training Plan

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Quickest Way To Lose Lower AB Fat

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Mike Geary’s Truth About Abs reveals a dieting approach to losing stubborn belly fat. The goal-flat, sexy abs. The program emphasises eating the right power foods to control your appetite. You will feel full & not hungry for longer periods.

Details of these fat burner foods are laid out in meal plans that are made available to you. There is a 6-step process for choosing healthy foods suited to your particular body metabolism.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

10 Mental Rules Fit Women Live By

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Attitude plays a big part to whether you thrive with your fitness goals or you fail. Here are 10 mental rules that fit women follow that helps them continue being successful in their fitness journey.

10 Effective Home Remedies for Stomach Upset

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Are you overeaten and now feeling uncomfortable with a feeling of tightness in the abdominal region? Or are you suffering from other conditions like bloating, severe pain in the abdominal region or a burning sensation in the abdomen followed by a feeling of nausea and vomiting? Gluttony is a sin, according to several holy books, and for a very good reason! Well, the indigestion symptoms listed above are all caused due to overeating. This condition occurs when a person suffers from stomach upset.

13 Reasons Why Physical Exercise Is Important

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Do you feel lethargic most part of the day? Have you ever felt the need to do something that can keep you upbeat and excited all day long? Then physical exercise is the key. But then, how many of us do it every day?

Physical exercise is one of the most important habits anyone needs to inculcate, because the benefits it offers are immense.

10 At Home Fat Burning HIIT Workouts For Beginners

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If you’re starting to see a plateau in your weight loss efforts and want some new and effective at home workouts that will help you increase your metabolism and burn fat fast, give one of these HIIT workouts for beginners.

5 Simple Tweaks To Make Losing Weight Easier

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There’s no need to pretend — for 99 percent of us, the thought of losing weight is absolutely ridiculous. We have all tried and failed dozens of times before. Even when you achieve some semblance of success (yay, you!), the next hurdle appears on the horizon: How are you going to keep the weight off?

I’m just the messenger telling you what you already know. Weight loss can be frustrating. If you want any hope of it sticking, it’s about creating a new lifestyle that is actually attainable — making new habits you can really stick to day after day, without feeling deprived.

10 Best Exercises To A Fit And Toned Body

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Every woman is familiar with those tricky trouble zones that take a little extra work to tighten and tone (lower abs, anyone?). After a lot of exercise trial and error, I’ve finally found a solid set of moves that help me shape up and feel confident in a swimsuit, my favorite skinny jeans, or a sexy cockatil dress.

6 Simple and Direct Reasons All Women Should LIft Weights

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When it comes to working out, many women skip the weights and go straight to cardio with hopes to lose weight without “bulking up.”

Well, these women cannot be more wrong – bulking up does not happen if you don’t want it to. In fact, these women are missing out on the many benefits strength training has to offer. Here are 5 simple and direct reasons why ALL women should lift weights:

Kettlebell Workouts For Women

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I have been in love the my Kettlebell lately! The great thing about this workout is the ability to do it in your home or use dumbbells if you don’t have access to kettlebells. Give this workout a try and let me know what you think.

Lose The Love Handles

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You can work abs 3 – 5 days per week. You can either do the same circuit three times in a row for that workout or do three circuits different circuits once through, whichever you prefer. I would probably do the same circuit for 2 – 4 weeks then move on to the next.

See more about Lose The Love Handles

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How To Get A Flat Stomach in 7 Moves

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Slimming our midsection is an ongoing goal for many of us. Some days, we feel bikini ready, and other days we would rather keep our stomach covered up. Whether you prefer flat or muscular abs, it takes dedication and the right combination of exercises. Our guide to how to get a flat stomach combines cardio, planks, and additional ab exercises, all designed to get results.

Monday, June 15, 2015

8 Yoga Exercises For Stretching Your Body

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Yoga is all about stretching your body in different forms and meditation. When you see a book on yoga, all the pictures given are of yoga gurus stretching their hands, legs, backs, upside down pictures and what not. Don’t they look out of reach? But you know what guys; it’s not as tough as it looks. With regular and committed practice, who knows you may even start yoga sessions at your home. 

10 Yoga Poses To Help You Treat Cold

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Yoga helps cure and prevent many kinds of diseases and conditions. Did you know that yoga can also help treat common conditions like cold and congestion? Seems incredible, doesn’t it? Many asanas (poses) help reduce the effects of cold and congestion from the body.

5 Best Yoga Asanas For Eating Disorders

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From fitness issues to medical conditions, yoga has something for everyone. So, you may wonder if there are any poses that can help you overcome eating disorders. Well, yes, there are! What are they? And how can one perform them? This post has the answers!

Read on and find out about these simple, yet amazing poses that help you overcome eating disorders.

Top 5 yoga Asanas To Do In Bed

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Looking for a workout routine with a difference? How about burning calories at the place most comfortable to you? What better place to start your yoga routine then your very own bed? This unique form of yoga allows you to be comfortable while working out. StyleCraze offers you the best-in-class information on the various poses of yoga to do in bed.

Top 12 Yoga Asanas To Reduce Belly Fat

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Erroneous lifestyle, indulgence in junk, lack of exercises, and above all unpredictably high stress levels –all these give rise to a flabby tummy. The wider your abdomen, the higher the level of risk is. And, there are no shortcuts to get rid of the abdominal fat. Proper diet combined with a good fitness routine can definitely help you reduce this fat to a greater level. Yoga not only helps in lessening the abdominal fat, but also allows you to control your body and mind like never before thus, thwarting the risks associated with a wider abdomen.