Sunday, April 5, 2015

Best Beginner Workouts

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When you’re beginning a fitness program, it’s easy become carried away and jump into a crazy-intense routine. But that’s not always the right strategy. You may become frustrated by exercises your body simply isn’t able to perform at this stage. Jumping head-first (or, rather, feet-first) into a routine that’s too advanced may make you want to quit before you get a single workout under your belt. What’s more, you can injure yourself by pushing your body too hard, too quickly.

That’s why it’s important to follow the best beginner workout routines. The right exercise program will offer basic moves that won’t leave you confused or injured. It may also offer modifications, or variations you can employ if a particular exercise doesn’t feel quite right. In the end, you should feel as though the workout challenged your body in a positive way.

Read more about Best Beginner Workouts

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