Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Upper Body Toning Workout

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Create a strong, sexy upper body with this workout routine. By working the larger muscle groups in your upper body, you’ll be showing off toned arms in no time!

What To Do For This Workout: Watch all video demonstrations before beginning your upper body workout. Perform 15 reps of each exercise and jump into the next exercise immediately. Rest 30 seconds between sets. Increase the amount of weight you use with each circuit. For advanced exercisers, return to the lighter dumbbells for the 4th circuit.

Read more about Upper Body Toning Workout

Lean and Toned Legs Workout

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This leg routine will work your lower body muscles from different angles, leaving you with lean and toned legs. In order to get the best results be sure to work legs two times weekly, follow a clean eating plan, drink plenty of water, and perform at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activities three or more times weekly.

Killer Legs and Butt Workout

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This workout is designed to maximize fat loss while toning and defining leg and glute muscles. It is recommended to perform the workout below two times weekly for optimal results.

Circuit resistance training is a great way to burn fat and build muscle. The training in this workout is designed to get your heart pumping while at the same time toning and defining muscles. Resistance training is a great way to rev up your metabolism and keep it going, even at rest.

How To Get A Bigger Butt – 28 Day Program

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Has your butt lost its round, youthful appearance? Did you know that it’s possible to reshape and build a bigger butt naturally? By naturally, we mean using exercises that are specifically for reshaping and sculpting your butt. Here’s a 28-Day program that is designed to give your butt a more youthful and sculpted look. 

If you are in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, or beyond, the get a bigger butt program is ideal for you. It is a comprehensive 28-Day program that targets every angle of the three gluteal muscles. Aging often has a negative effect on the glute muscles, causing them to droop and lose their youthful round and toned appearance. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned athlete, you can benefit from the How To Get A Bigger Butt in 28 Days Program. 

5 Easy Homemade Herbal Cleaners

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Does the odor of chemical household cleansers singe your nose hairs? Do the harsh chemicals ruin your skin and nails? Do you just want to live a cleaner lifestyle with fewer chemicals? If you like the idea of kinder, gentler cleaners, then consider mixing up your own cleansers using natural products, like herbs and lemons.

6 Ways to Detox Your Body

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Feeling tired? Drained? Stressed? Do you need a bit more get-up-and-go? Toxins from the food we eat or our environment may be weighing us down. It might be time to try detoxing body strategies that will help you look better and feel more energetic. The good news is that you don’t need pricey spa treatments or medical procedures to detox. We’ve got 6 body detox techniques to try.

Read more about 6 Ways to Detox Your Body

6 Must-Do Exercises for Toned Arms

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The days are getting longer and the air outside is getting warmer. You know what that means… it’s time to take out those tank tops and sleeveless dresses! If a little jiggle in the arm area has made you reluctant to welcome the arrival of spring and summer, we’ve got some exercises just for you. Here are 6 exercises that give you sexy and toned arms that will just beg to be shown off deep into fall.

Monday, March 30, 2015

7 Healthy Carbs to Help You Lose Weight

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Carb is not always a “four-letter” word! Bad carbohydrates, like white bread or sugary drinks, are quickly absorbed by the body, triggering blood sugar spikes and weight gain. In contrast, good carbohydrates are loaded with nutrients and fiber, so the body absorbs them more slowly for sustained, and healthy, energy burn. Add these 7 healthy carbs to help you lose weight to your menu plan this week.

5 Reasons You're Not Losing Belly Fat

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Have you been exercising and eating healthily, yet you still can’t seem to lose that unwanted belly fat? This can be so frustrating! While you might believe that there’s not much more about your lifestyle that you can change, these belly fat loss tips could be the secret! Check out these five common issues that can lead to excess belly fat, and then change them! Implement these changes into your daily life and you’ll make your way to a flat belly before you know it!

7 Drink Recipes To Flush The Fat Away

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There’s nothing like a refreshing cold beverage on a hot day. Your beverage can double as a fat-burner with our flush the fat away water recipes. We’ve designed these recipes not only to prep your body to break down fats and burn calories efficiently, but to taste great in the process. Each of the following seven flush the fat away drink recipes contains unique health properties to help you stay hydrated and fit this summer. Have a glass before each meal to optimize the benefits.

5 Steps to Become a Morning Exerciser

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Does the thought of morning exercises make you dive back into bed, pillow firmly pulled over your head? Do you shudder thinking about doing squats before you’ve even had your morning coffee? The fact is that morning may be the only time you have to focus on your own fitness and well-being. That’s why you should check out these 5 steps to become a morning exerciser.

Healthy morning routines, like starting the day with a workout, are an ideal way to jumpstart the metabolism. You’ll begin burning calories before most people are out of bed—and you’ll continue to burn calories throughout the day. As a bonus, you’ll feel more energized and ready to tackle whatever life throws at you during the rest of the day.

Fitness 101: Absolute Beginner’s Workout

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In less than 5 minutes per day you can begin to get fit. Fitness 101 for Beginner’s is a workout designed for anyone new or returning to fitness. This routine is a great way to gradually build endurance and strength. The routine below requires no special equipment. Be sure to watch the video demonstrations of the exercises.  Let’s get moving!

Top 10 Pandora Stations for Workouts

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Pandora Internet Radio is a online music recommendation service that plays musical selections of a certain genre based on your artist selections. Once you provide positive or negative feedback for songs chosen by the service, your selections are taken into account when Pandora selects future songs. The service has two subscription plans: a free subscription supported by advertisements, and a fee-based subscription without ads.

Now, Pandora offers workout music stations specifically to get you pumped up about your workouts. These are our favorite Top 10 Pandora Stations for Workouts:

5-Day Bikini Body Menu

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Whether you plan to wear a bikini or a one piece, this menu is the perfect way to slim down for summer. If your goal is to maintain your weight, lose a few pounds or twenty pounds, or somewhere in between, this 5 Day Bikini Body Menu can help you get there.

Read more about 5-Day Bikini Body Menu

The Fastest Ways to Lose Belly Fat

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Excess abdominal fat is correlated with a number of health conditions, from diabetes to inflammatory diseases. Abdominal fat cells release a hormone called adiponectin, which may disrupt cells’ ability to respond to insulin properly. These fat cells also release cytokines, which are inflammatory chemicals. They can cause high cholesterol levels, since substances from abdominal fat easily transfer to the liver and disrupts normal cholesterol production regulation in the organ.

At-Home Core Workout

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Okay, ladies, it’s time to seriously get focused on your fitness as swimsuit season is right around the corner. Remember the days when you were comfortable just walking around in your bathing suit? Not feeling like you had to cover up just to reposition your chair or take your little one to the restroom? Let’s get back to that, shall we?! Since those glory days, you may have grown a little something called a beer gut. Try this workout from LiveStrong to whittle your middle and get that confidence back!

Read More About At-Home Core Workout

How GMOs Wreck Our Gut and Our Health

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Today I want to talk about GMOs. 

They are all over the news right now, as several states (Colorado included) have GMO labeling initiatives on the ballot for November 4th (two days away!). 

While I do support GMO labeling (because I think we all have... 

How GMOs destroy our gut health. 

So many people suffer from leaky gut. And if you have leaky gut, you have some sort of chronic illness, or are well on your way to getting one. 

You’ve heard me say before that in the U.S. alone, over 60% of the popu... 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Excellent Portrait

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I inked what I felt he was to Singapore & me. The 5 hours was a meditative experience remembering him. Till the end of my days... I shall be reminded of him. He lives on in our success!

No! 'Don' does not signify only a mafia leader... go google la.

Thanks Susheel BG for working on the design with me. Thank you Kim Chong for the excellent portrait. Thanks Richard of Body Decor Tattoo for introducing Kim. Thanks Sathiyaselan Sivalingam for introducing Richard!! ‪#‎DonLeeKuanYew‬

The Queen of Bollywood

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3 Delicious Cleanse & Detox Waters

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Cleanse & Detox waters aren’t just delicious. They’re gorgeous! Shimmering glasses full of bright colors inspire you to stick to your healthy goals because they’re so much prettier than a boring, old candy bar.  With millions of color and flavor combinations possible, detox water is a fun way to mix up your healthy eating routine. We’ve pulled together three of our favorite flavor combos. Mix them up or make your own. We’d love for you to leave a comment and share your favorite cleanse & detox water flavors!

Skinny Mint Cookies

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You don’t have to wait around for February when the little girls in green come to call. Make your own deliciously clean chocolate-covered chocolate mint cookies with this incredible recipe. Surprisingly simple to make, you’ll have a whole batch in a matter of minutes. Just stir, bake, and dip your cookies in our no-sugar dark chocolate peppermint coating. This recipe is seriously that simple. And it’s seriously delicious!

Read more about Skinny Mint Cookies

Muffin Top Makeover – 9 Ways to Whittle Your Waist

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Ugh! The muffin top…it leaves many of us covering up at the beach, tugging down our shirts, or wearing sack-like clothing. The frustrating bulge can strike at any age, but women are particularly vulnerable once they reach their late 30s. The good news is you can makeover that muffin top for a wonderfully whittled waist:

30-Day No Soda Challenge

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This challenge will be done on a “good-faith” basis. Do this challenge for yourself and we will help motivate you and provide support along the way. We want you to participate because you want to, not because you have to. There are no contracts involved. It is simply a deal you make with yourself.

Even if you don’t have a problem with consuming too much soda, you can still benefit from this challenge! Most sodas contain empty calories, refined sugar and/or and artificial sweeteners…so if you drink it, why not challenge yourself to cut it out for just one month and see if you notice any health benefits? What could it hurt?

Read more about 30-Day No Soda Challenge

14 Steps to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

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When you’re trying to lose weight, it can seem like the entire world is out to derail you from reaching your weight loss goals. That doesn’t mean you should give up. Maintaining a healthy weight is not only important to your health and quality of life, it can also be a large contributor to your overall happiness. If your weight loss attempts have been unsuccessful in the past, we can help you get back on track and lose weight for good with these 14 Steps to Lose Weight and Keep it Off.

Read more about 14 Steps to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Skinny Peanut Butter-Yogurt Dip

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If you’re looking for easy prep, no sugar added snacks…look no further!  This recipe is ideal if you’re participating in the THE SWEETEST CHALLENGE.

Read more about Skinny Peanut Butter-Yogurt Dip

11 Foods that Pack on the Pounds

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Want to lose weight? Feel better about your health? Be able to chase a runaway toddler without huffing and puffing? Along with committing to a regular exercise routine, booting unhealthy foods from your diet is the best way to reach your goal. Here are 12 Foods that Pack on the Pounds.

3 Steps to a Flat Belly

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Do you do your best to hide behind old-fashioned bathing suits or body-covering wraps when you’re at the beach? Have you given up on ever wearing a two-piece again? If so, we’re here to tell you that it’s never too late to get the body you wish you had. With a little work and a few lifestyle changes, anyone can have a flat belly that just begs to be shown off. Follow the steps below, and you’ll be shopping for bikinis before you know it.

Read more about 3 Steps to a Flat Belly

7 Moves for Total Body Fat Blasting

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Some of you may be able to pinpoint specific areas on your body that need a little work. Maybe your abs need flattening. Your butt needs lifting. Your arms need sculpting. But we’re willing to bet that many of you would appreciate a full body toning and firming workout that gets every part of your body involved.

Workout Wednesday-AMRAP in 20 Minutes

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I mentioned AMRAP workouts in my Crossfit post awhile back. AMRAP stands for “As Many Rounds as Possible” and the goal of an AMRAP workout is to see how many times you can go through a round of exercises in a given time frame.

This week’s workout is to complete AMRAP of the following exercises in 20 minutes.

See more About AMRAP 

Woman Loses 80+ Pounds Before Wedding!

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Amanda's Interview After Her 88-Pound Weight Loss With The Tolerance Suppressing Method.

A woman has documented her incredible 88lb weight loss with a series of photos showing just how dramatically her body - and self-confidence - has changed.

36-year-old Amanda, who did not reveal her last name, used advanced tolerance prevention system to shrink her 222lb frame.

By sticking to this advanced formula and doing 'virtually zero intentional exercise', Amanda managed to shed the weight while gaining self-confidence. 

See More About Woman Loses 80+ Pounds Before Wedding!

How The Colour Of Your Surroundings Affects Your Mood

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In the process of refurbishing your home, there are lots of things to keep in mind – from the style and arrangement of the furniture to the colours in which you will be painting your walls. And it seems that while we pay a lot of attention on the fleeing interior design trends, we somehow end up overlooking the importance of choosing the right colour combinations that will be found within your house.

Colour, however, have the unique power to influence your mood and thoughts as well as help you set particular atmosphere in each and every room and charge it with distinctive energy. Actually, the scientific research done around the subject shows that people respond quite similarly when exposed to the same colours.

For example, while some colours tend to evoke feelings of peace and tranquility, others could easily bring up feelings of sadness and anger.

Read More About How The Colour Of Your Surroundings Affects Your Mood

7 Incredible Benefits of Sleeping Naked

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If you find sleeping naked strange or a taboo, you probably either haven’t yet tried it or you just don’t know that it has some positive effects on the human body. Want to know more about these surprising, yet helpful qualities of sleeping with no clothes on? Well, read along to find out.

Controls cortisol levels:

One of the most important benefits of sleeping naked and letting your body cool properly at night is that it helps maintain healthy cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone which is related to stress. High levels of cortisol lead to numerous concerning conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, different types of disorders and imbalances, weak immune system and increased appetite. The cortisol levels in the body are usually lowest when you are sleeping deeply (normally between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.).

Read More About 7 Incredible Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Thursday, March 26, 2015

5 Minute Fat Burning Home Workout

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There’s no place like home… to burn some calories! Not making it to the gym today? That’s fine. We’ve made a full-body fat-burning routine that will make you question why you ever go to the gym. This 5-minute workout can easily replace your workout for the day. Get dressed, and get ready!

Read more about 5 Minute Fat Burning Home Workout

5 Minute Workout Challenge

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In our fast-paced world, we always look for ways to do things faster, but we tend to wonder, “Will it really work?”  You may be wondering if you can really accomplish much with a 5-minute workout. The answer is “Yes!”

Read more about 5 Minute Workout Challenge

10 Minute Belly Fat-Burning Workout

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Burn fat while toning and defining your abs and core! This ten minute workout is designed to go beyond just toning to include burning belly fat, defining abdominals, strengthening the core. High intensity intervals combined with core exercises will give you fabulous abs in record time. Get ready to burn those abs. You’ll love the results!

Read more about 10 Minute Belly Fat-Burning Workout

10 Minute Mini Workout Challenge

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Don’t have enough time for your normal workout? No worries! Rev up your metabolism with this 10 Minute Mini Workout Challenge. Mini’s are in! Continue to burn calories long after your workout.

7-Day Fat Burning Challenge

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This challenge is all about getting rid of the excess fat you don’t want on your body. The problem with fat is that it’s difficult to specifically target where it will burn from your body. The more you work out, and the greater the intensity of your workout, the more calories you’ll burn and the better chance you’ll shed from those key areas!

Read more about 7-Day Fat Burning Challenge

INFERNO – 4 Minute Fat Burn

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Bodyweight workouts are often high intensity with fat burning and muscle toning results.  No dumbbells or barbells required…just you and an interval timer. Inferno – 4 Minute Fat Burn targets the lower body and is exactly as it sounds, it BURNS!

Make Your Own Chinese Takeout In Less Than 30 Minutes

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How To Store Your Groceries

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12 Tips On Staying Inspired

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It’s hard to be motivated at work and come up with creative ideas when it seems you’re routinely doing the same things day in and day out. But there are still different ways to stay inspired even when working in the same place and for the same job everyday.

By staying inspired, you‘re not only more productive, you’re also happier and more enthusiastic about the work you do. Hence, you become more interested to explore more creative avenues and experiment on new techniques. In the end, you actually embody what they say about “loving your job so you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mandy Bo New album Cover

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See More:  Mandy Bo 

Kids Got Fears? 3 Tips To Help Your Children

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Lights out! It’s one of your favorite times of the day. The peace, the quiet…and then you hear the tiny voice chirping, “I’m scared!” It’s nothing new—over the years you’ve checked for monsters under the bed, dinosaurs in the closet, aliens outside the window and a giant ostrich that supposedly visits your child’s room at night. Even your best detective skills have never turned up anything more than a couple dust bunnies or a missing sock. But that doesn’t convince little Kingsley.

Fears aren’t limited to nighttime, though—many kids are afraid of everything from swimming pools (what if there’s a shark?!?) to thunderstorms (what if the lightening gets me?!?) to spiders (can you blame him?). Some fears may be more legitimate than others, but all are very real to your child, whether they’re two or twelve.

10 Healthy School Lunch Ideas

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Two of my little boys are starting school this year; Preschool and Kindergarten. I wanted to find some healthy ideas to pack in their lunch boxes so I don’t have to worry about what they will pick out in the cafeteria! Here are 10 (mostly) Healthy School Lunch ideas. Mini Corn dogs might not be the most healthy but my son loves them so I threw those in too! Just make sure to cram some fruit and veggies in the lunch box too!

How I Cleared My Skin Quickly & Naturally

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So I will be the first one to admit that I don’t have perfect skin { Even though lately it feels pretty perfect compared to what it was.} I’ve been on this journey for a few years trying to clear up persistent breakouts & I am not lying when I say that I have tried EVERYTHING. I mean everything. I am finally at a point in my journey where I have found a routine that finally works for me & has kept my skin super clear & healthy. 

I know that I can’t be the only one who has struggled with hormonal breakouts & oily skin so I wanted to share what has worked for me in hopes that it can help someone else as well. Remember that I am not a dermatologist so I have to say do your own research & your own caution when changing up your skin routine. I just have to say when I went natural with my skin, my skin started loving me back & I finally got the results I had been wanting for so long.

Bust Out Of Your Workout Rut

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Let’s get real for a minute: ruts suck. We’ve all been stuck in a rut (probably more than once). We can get stuck in ruts at any time and in so many different ways: work, love, fashion, friends, the gym, whatever. Ruts can swallow you whole, but they’re just a fact of life.

Anyone who works out regularly will find themselves in a fitness rut every once and a while. You might feel like you’re just spinning your wheels, maybe you’re bored with your five-day-a-week gym schedule or maybe you’re just rut-prone.  These tips will help you power through your rut and keep your booty on track.

How To Finally Reach Your Fitness Goals

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Sure, it’s easy to set a couple fitness goals for yourself, but what about actually reaching them? It’s a lot easier said than done. We’ve got five tips for you to help you meet your goals and become the healthier, fitter you!

Setting Your Fitness Goals: When setting goals, one of two things normally happens.

9 Butt Exercises for a Super-Toned Tush

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The key to a gravity-defying backside is introducing new exercises that tone every inch of your rear. These 9 moves from the Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises target all the muscles in your glutes and hamstrings to give you a fitter, firmer butt. Get ready to look even sexier in those skinny jeans! 

See more About 9 Butt Exercises for a Super-Toned Tush