Saturday, March 28, 2015

How The Colour Of Your Surroundings Affects Your Mood

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In the process of refurbishing your home, there are lots of things to keep in mind – from the style and arrangement of the furniture to the colours in which you will be painting your walls. And it seems that while we pay a lot of attention on the fleeing interior design trends, we somehow end up overlooking the importance of choosing the right colour combinations that will be found within your house.

Colour, however, have the unique power to influence your mood and thoughts as well as help you set particular atmosphere in each and every room and charge it with distinctive energy. Actually, the scientific research done around the subject shows that people respond quite similarly when exposed to the same colours.

For example, while some colours tend to evoke feelings of peace and tranquility, others could easily bring up feelings of sadness and anger.

Read More About How The Colour Of Your Surroundings Affects Your Mood

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