Friday, July 31, 2015

Slow Cooker Honey Chipotle Chicken Wings

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This recipe is way too easy to throw together. Seriously, toss the sauce ingredients right into the slow cooker along with the wings, set it, forget it, then remember it, and dinner is served. We love having wings as an appetizer, or as a main dish so whatever the occasion, don’t wait to make these – put them on the menu this week!

20 Foods That Keep You Feeling Full

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Well-balanced meals and snacks are both important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But whether it's because you find yourself mindlessly snacking or because your meals aren't keeping you as full as you'd like, sometimes you need something to keep you from rummaging through the pantry. Here are 20 appetite-suppressing foods that keep you feeling full!

Hawaiian One Pan Pasta

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Hawaiian pizza is one of our favorite pizza flavors, so I couldn’t resist giving this a Hawaiian pizza twist. Not only do I use that leftover Jones Dairy Farm Ham, but I throw in some of my favorite bacon from Jones Dairy Farm, because everything is better with bacon. A little bit of sweet from the pineapple, and melty mozzarella cheese on top puts this one pan pasta as one of my very favorites. We seriously loved this so much that I made it twice in one week!

Read more about Hawaiian One Pan Pasta

Bacon Parmesan Gougeres (Cheese Puffs)

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I have recently discontinued the hot food and snack meal plan at my son’s pre-school because he just didn’t eat and completely wasted the food on a daily basis. As a result, I have been packing lunch box and snack for him every day. For his snacks, I have been baking simple breads and cheese puffs for him, for example: cheesy garlic bread, mini monkey bread, gougeres or French cheese puffs, Brazilian cheese bread, choux pastry, etc. All these snacks are so easy to make and I can make them in a jiffy without baking up a storm in the kitchen. More importantly, we love all those breads and puffs!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Flat-Belly Time! Your No-Equipment Abs Workout

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Even if you won't be sporting cropped tops this Winter, a tight and toned stomach is always in season. Move through this effective circuit two to three times for a complete workout, and help tone your belly. The best part is that there's no equipment necessary! You can do this bodyweight routine just about anywhere.

Sculpt Your Legs With 4 Effective Tracy Anderson Moves

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The reason that the celebrity client list of Tracy Anderson, who's currently a spokesperson for Scünci, continues to tack on new names is the toned and lean results clients achieve through her vigorous dance-inspired classes. To sculpt strong legs without bulking up, try out this four-move workout plan from Tracy at home.

Challenging, fluid, and fun, this equipment-free workout session is full of body-weight exercises that build strength and get your heart pumping. All you need to get moving is a mat, a pulled-back ponytail (à la Tracy), and a good attitude.

14-Minute Advanced Workout

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If you’re short on time but want a challenging workout that will push you to the limit, this workout is for you. This advanced workout targets every single major muscle group through various compound exercises. The high intensity and circuit routine also provides you with the benefit of any 14 minute cardio run. This is the perfect workout for all fitness levels.

Read more about 14-Minute Advanced Workout

Beginner’s 4 Minute Fat Blaster Workout

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Have you heard of Tabata Interval Training?  It’s a type of interval training that burns excess body fat. Four Minute Fat Blasters are an excellent first step toward weight loss.  We know that starting slow and taking small steps are what will help us stick with a program.  This program has routines designed specifically for anyone who wants to get into shape, lose fat, get healthier and feel fabulous!

Get Ripped in 7 Moves

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Tone, define, and get ripped! This is a nonstop total body toning workout. Push your muscles to the limit in this 7 move workout. Get ready to get ripped!

Equipment Needed: One set of dumbbells of medium weight or dumbbells heavy enough to challenge your muscles while maintaining correct form.

Read more about Get Ripped in 7 Moves

6 Moves to Leaner Legs Workout

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Whether it’s summer or winter, we all want to look good in our swimsuits and jeans! If you want to tone and define your lower half, then give our leaner leg exercises a try. We will help you sculpt all areas of your legs in one clear, concise, time-efficient plyometric workout. Remember that regular cardio workouts and clean eating will greatly enhance your results. Though relatively quick, this routine is a physically challenging workout. Get ready to take the next step and get the legs you’ve always wanted!

Monday, July 27, 2015

5 Exercises for Beginners

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There are a lot of videos and articles on how to achieve mega-burn in your workouts. From toning your thighs to incorporating variety in your workout ball routine, many instructional articles offer help for those who are already in shape. What do you do if you’re out of shape, starting over after a long break, or are overweight? At Skinny Mom, we aren’t only concerned with offering help to women who are already in great shape.

Read more about 5 Exercises for Beginners

Turbocharge Your Routine: 10 Fat-Blasting Exercises

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Are you interested in adding some more “umph” to your workouts? Would you like to see some abs poking through, a little thigh gap, or toned, sculpted shoulders? If so, it’s time to say buh-bye to your traditional crunches and elliptical routine because they just don’t fit the bill. Women’s Health agrees and they’ve created a fab list of 10 exercises to turbocharge your routine and blast fat like a boss.

5 Tips for Faster Weight Loss

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There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss. Those are words you have probably heard before. While there may be no magic pills that magically make weight degenerate before your eyes, there are steps you can take to speed up your fat loss without taking extreme or dangerous measures.

Burn Baby Burn! Blast the Baby Fat 7-Step Interval Routine

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Whether you have just had a baby or your baby is already boarding the school bus as you wave good-bye, finding time to burn the baby weight gained during pregnancy is a cumbersome task many women struggle with. Follow this 7-step fat blasting interval routine to maximize calorie blasting in minimal time.

Flat Belly Workout

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You can have a flat belly!  This workout targets the entire abdominal section, including those stubborn lower abs. By following our flat belly tips and workout, results should be visible within 4 weeks. Stick with it and show off your flat belly in time for summer.

Read more about Flat Belly Workout

21 Flat Belly Tips

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Has a little extra padding around your midsection gotten you down? We understand. When you’re as busy as we are, it much easier to reach for processed or fast foods, and to drive past the gym while shuttling the kids to soccer practice.  Believe it or not, maintaining a fit physique may be easier than you think. By following some simple tips, anyone can earn a flat belly.

Read more about 21 Flat Belly Tips

9 Proven Ways to Never Regain Your Lost Weight

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Congratulations! You lost those unwanted pounds and are finally happy with what is staring back at you in the mirror. The road might have been tough, but you did it. Now comes the real test—keeping it off for good. All too often, people who lose weight tend to fall back into old and unhealthy habits that got them to their overweight status leading them back down the path to weight gain. However, you can lose weight and keep it off for good. Here are nine proven ways to make sure those pounds do not find their way back.

Surprising Daily Habits Keeping You Overweight

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Having a routine keeps us organized, but sometimes these routines can turn into habits, and some of these habits are keeping you overweight. What if some simple changes in your day-to-day could help you shed some pounds? Well, it’s your lucky day! Men’s Health shared small changes you can make in your daily routine to help cut back, do better, slim down.

Rock Hard Total Body TRX Workout

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Putting yourself through a TRX workout is nothing short of a full body exercise experience. Just about every major muscle, and then some, is used to perform the exercises—most notably your core. And the nice part about using a TRX is that you don’t need any other piece of equipment to really feel it and improve your strength, balance and coordination.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

5 Tips For Faster Strength Gain

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You’ve committed to a strength training plan, but are you doing everything you can to maximize your potential? Some days, getting to the gym can feel like climbing Mount Everest. Which is why when you walk through the double-doors and finally put your mind to your workout, you want it to really count, right?

Right. So what’s the secret? Even after adopting a workout that combines both cardio and strength training, it’s what you do outside of the gym that can really make a difference. That’s the secret!.

The 5 Best Ways to Tone Your Butt

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Summertime is right around the corner, and with it will come shorts, dresses and more than likely, swimsuits! It’s time to get back into shape, and get your body looking tight, trim and proper. One feature that you may overlook is your butt! It can be tricky to find the right exercises to get your backside looking firm and sexy, but never fear, we have put in the research and want to help you form that perfect beach body.

The 4 Best Core Exercises for Women

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When doing any exercise,the core( i.e. the back, waist and abdomen)is probably the most significant area for women. Having a strong core means that you can put less pressure on the back and spinal column areas and it allows for a toned abdomen, back and pelvic area. Lower back pain in women, can sometimes be the cause of a weakened core. Evidence has also shown that falls and slips can be attributed to women who do not have enough strength in their core area. 

There are 4 great core exercises for women that can help alleviate some of these problems and strengthen this area allowing them ease with child birthing and injust doing daily chores around the house. These exercises include: the Abdominal Crunch, the Ball Roll Out, the Side Plank and the Bicycle.

The 3 Best Butt Shaping Exercises

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You don’t have to be Tina from Bobs Burgers to know that having a nice toned butt is a beautiful thing. If it’s your goal to maximize your booty beauty then I’m about to share the 3 amazing butt shaping exercises that will get you there.

Before I share with you the exercises you should be doing I just want to talk about a few common misconceptions when it comes to working out your butt. The first thing that you should know is that the body can’t spot remove fat from any one area of the body. So don’t think that doing these exercises are going to suddenly remove all the fat off of your butt specifically. 

The Top Five Beach Body Surfer Exercises

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Surfers have been fitness icons for a long time now. They are people who spend so much of their lives enjoying the hot sun in wet suits, which requires a high degree of fitness and a lot of body confidence. Surfers can introduce many people to great types of exercises. Some people might try these exercises and go on to become surfers themselves. Other people may simply enjoy being able to maintain a surfer’s body that much more easily.

5 Days to Incredible Arms

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A nice set of arms does a body good, but most women tend to neglect their upper bodies while focusing too much on the lower bodies. Great arms can add spice to any simple tank top or strapless dress while making your overall appearance look sleek; however, building them up can take some time. We’ve mentioned a few exercises to get rid of the bat wings, but here is a 5 day workout plan to transform your entire arms from mediocre to incredible!

Read more about 5 Days to Incredible Arms

5 Minute At Home Tabata Workout

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A Tabata is a high-intensity workout protocol that has fitness and weight-loss benefits. It is also a very short workout with completing 20 seconds of a certain CrossFit style exercise, followed by a 10 second rest period. Similar to HIIT, Tabata has become very popular over the past few years because usually no equipment is needed!

Got five minutes out of your busy day to spare? Try this total body toning 5 minute at home Tabata Workout!

The Warrior Workout

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You will complete each exercise for 50 seconds with 10 seconds rest between exercises. I go through the routine once with you below, and you can hit replay to run through it  1-2 more times. For beginners, shoot for 1-2 times total, intermediate 2-3x and advanced 3+. One round will take you 10 minutes. If you want to go for 3x through, you will program you timers for 30 rounds. Take a break when needed and challenge yourself with the weight you use. The sandbag I used in this routine weighs about 25 pounds. If you don’t have a rope, complete high knees for the 50 seconds.

Read more about The Warrior Workout

Saturday, July 25, 2015

At-Home Lean Legs & Butt Workout

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This quick lower body workout is perfect for those days when you just can’t make it to the gym, but you also can’t skip leg day. You’ll only need three pieces of equipment: A stability ball, a squishy ball, and a slam ball (or soccer ball if you don’t have one). Repeat this workout two or three times depending on your fitness level for long, leans legs and a tight tush. Let’s get started!

Total Body Dumbbell Workout

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If you’re like me, you’re always looking for new ways to maximize your workout time (mainly because you don’t ever have a lot of it!). One of my favorite ways to maximize my time and my efforts during my workouts is with combination moves – basically combining two or more exercises into one complete movement. 

Read more about Total Body Dumbbell Workout

30 Days of HIIT

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30 Days of HIIT is a visual no-equipment fitness program designed for higher burn in a shorter period of time. If you’re looking for weight loss or muscle tone or just improved endurance but haven’t got a lot of spare time on your hands, then this program is the right one for you. Different HIIT routines will boost your metabolism while challenging your cardio vascular system on a daily basis giving you better results faster in the comfort of your own home.

Read more about 30 Days of HIIT

30 Days of Cardio Blast

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The 30 Days of Cardio Blast is a bodyweight equipment-free high burn oriented program designed to slim you down and tone you up in the comfort of your home. Different cardio routines, some higher in intensity some lower, will not just help you burn the reserves and get muscle tone but also improve your cardiovascular system, your overall health and fitness level. 

Read More about : 30 Days of Cardio Blast

5 Fashion Tips for Wearing a Fitbit Flex with Style

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Since getting my new Fitbit Flex Wristband for Christmas, I've been wondering how to work it into my everyday fashion. I want to wear it all of the time, but a girl can only wear a bracelet that goes with workout clothes so long without trying to hide it under a sleeve or layer with multiple bracelets.  

With summer coming soon and short sleeved weather, I wanted to figure out a way to accessorize the Fitbit Flex to look a little more fashionable. Black can get very boring, plus I don't like wearing the same wristband over and over. 

Flat Belly Workout Part 2 - Healthy Fitness HIIT Sixpack Workout

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Flat Belly Workout Part 1 - Healthy Fitness HIIT Sixpack Workout

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Ultimate 8 Minute Plank Challenge

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If you’ve nailed the basic plank and are ready to step it up to the next level, then this challenge is for you! This plank workout adds the elements of balance, symmetry, oblique lifts, and low back engagement to give you a complete, all-around core strength challenge. Form is crucial, so be sure to keep everything tight and aligned.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and move directly to the next one. Go through the routine twice for an 8-minute, ab-building workout. This is a great challenge to add to the end of your cardio workout or do at home when you have a few spare minutes and want to work your core!.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

4 Detox Ingredients You Need to Add to Your H2O

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When you’re trying to get your health back on track, there are many ways to detox your way to feeling better. The best way to flush out toxins, however, is simple: lots and lots of water. But you don’t have to drink it plain; you can add a little flavor as well with these delicious (and detoxifying) additions. Add all of these to a large pitcher or bottle full of ice and water and drink throughout the next day for an effective way to detox! It helps to let these pieces soak overnight in your fridge to let the flavors meld.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

5 Moves To A Quick Full Body Workout

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Even if you don’t have time to shower after a workout doesn’t mean you should forgo daily exercise. While sweating is a sign your body temperature is rising, sweat isn’t always necessary for an amazing workout. You can boost your energy and tone your muscles without even moving though isometric exercises — they contract your muscles while you stay in one stead position. The longer you hold each position, the more muscle fibers you recruit, thereby intensifying your workout while still leaving you sweat-free.

So the next time you’re in a rush (and without access to a shower and clean change of clothes!), try these moves:

10 Best Exercises To A Fit And Toned Body

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Every woman is familiar with those tricky trouble zones that take a little extra work to tighten and tone (lower abs, anyone?). After a lot of exercise trial and error, I’ve finally found a solid set of moves that help me shape up and feel confident in a swimsuit, my favorite skinny jeans, or a sexy cockatil dress.

Read on for the top 10 exercises that I find work wonders for my stomach, inner thighs, booty, and shoulders plus tips on how to add them into your workout routine.

5 Ways To Build The Perfect Butt

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Who doesn’t want a backside that turns heads? You can do cardio until you’re blue in the face, but you won’t build a great bum unless you do some weight training. Not sure which moves or techniques are best for building the perfect booty? We’ve got you covered.

Here are 5 ways to make yours rounder, fuller, and stronger so you can rock the heck out of those new skinny jeans.

Circuit Training For Women

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If you’re short on time but still want to fit in an effective training session—especially if your goal is fat loss—metabolic resistance training (MRT) is tough to beat. With this training style, the goal is to maximize caloric expenditure while also increasing your metabolic rate. There are many different ways to structure an MRT session, but generally speaking, circuit training lends itself well, if not the best to this approach.

5 No-Equipment Exercises To Rock Solid Abs

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A tight and toned stomach is always in season. Move through this effective circuit two to three times for a complete workout, and help tone your belly. The best part is that there’s no equipment necessary! You can do this bodyweight routine just about anywhere.

9 Proven Moves To A Flat Belly

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A recent research used ultrasound to measure changes in abdominal muscle tone when test subjects (who were mainly women) performed six abdominal exercises. The side plank (or side-bridge) and the abdominal crunch both resulted in the greatest increase in muscle tone in the transverse abdominis and internal oblique muscles of the women.

5 Moves To Butt Of Steel

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Does your backside need a boost? If it does, this workout will strengthen, lift and shape the glutes while tightening up the tie-in, in plain words, the intersection of your butt and thigh.

This workout primarily features foundational movements modified slightly to better emphasize the backside. The moves are based on old school, solid effective exercises like squats but the effectiveness of this workout is that it ensures the body is put through several different variations of more or less the same exercises – the premise is that small change in angle, stance and range of motion hit the muscles a bit differently.

Read more about 5 Moves To Butt Of Steel

Waist Whittler Workout for Swimsuit Season

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Whittle away the extra around your midsection by isolating the core muscles through six exercises. You’ll really work the obliques, the side core muscles that shape your waist. Real Mom Model Ashley shows you how to squeeze the most out of each move. It doesn’t matter what level of fitness you’re at because there’s something for everyone here. Try going through the circuit more than once! You’ll need a kettlebell and a waist to whittle. 

Cardio Hip Hop Dance Party

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You don’t need “Moves Like Jagger” to rock this workout! It’s all about having fun while working up a sweat. Real Mom Model Amanda Strong designed this workout for beginners. She’ll lead you through a warmup first followed by lots of foot-moving, hip-circling and air punching to the beat on an eight-count. You’ll burn fat in a steady state of cardio for the 30 minutes you’re working out for up to two hours afterward. Grab your water and get moving!

Read more about Cardio Hip Hop Dance Party

How to Master the Inner-Ab Vacuum

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We've all been guilty of sucking in our stomach to get into an exceptionally tight pair of pants or as we pose for a picture, but did you know that the "vacuuming" motion is actually helping work your abs? It's called the Stomach Vacuum, it's a tummy-tightening MVP, and a helluva lot easier than 2,000 nightly crunches.

So how's it work? By engaging the transverse abdominal muscle, you pull the stomach up and back. It works your posture, eases lower-back pain, and helps you feel fuller. Now, the champion body builder classic move can be added to your daily workout routine. 

Exercises for People with Joint Pain

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Joint pain can be a hassle for anyone because if you think about it, we use our joints everyday. You use your pivot joint (neck joint) to turn your head side to side. You also use your knee joint to tie your shoes. So, when you can’t use most of your joints due to pain, it can be a bummer to say the least. Staying fit with joint pain can be tricky, but these exercises can make it a little easier. Those aching joints will thank you later!

21 Motivational Quotes To Help You Win At Life

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Ready your Pinterest boards. These quotes will give you the encouragement and motivation you need to achieve your goals. And they might just make you smile, too

Friday, July 17, 2015

7 Exercises That Rock Your Abs

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Every woman I know have always spoken about having a flat tummy, one that is toned and taut yet feminine. You probably are no different. If you have struggled in the past and always fallen short of your dream of having a flat toned sexy tummy, then read on. Most of us believe that crunches are the best option. But, that’s not true. Crunching isn’t the best abs workout. They tone only the front and sides muscle of the stomach. It doesn’t tone all the muscles for perfect abs with hips, lower back, and upper thighs.

24 Ways to Flatten Your Belly

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A toned, flat tummy is a goal many of us strive to achieve, but endless crunches and ditching all your favorite foods aren’t the right or fun way to do it. A sculpted core and trim tummy can be attained by incorporating small changes into your day, like holding in your abs while you walk and adding the right healthy fats to your diet. Follow these 24 simple ways to flatten your belly.