Sunday, May 31, 2015

One Trick To Efficiently Build A Lean Body

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You’re wasting your time in the gym. Toned arms do not come from barbell curls or triceps pushdowns. Great legs don’t come from leg extensions and leg curls. The key and the only tip you need to efficiently building quality muscle is to ditch the isolation exercises and start replacing them with compound exercises.

9 Quick Tips To Help You Stay Fit

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The world around us is constantly changing. Our personalities and even our looks change throughout our lives. And so do our diet and bodies. Staying healthy is a hard thing to do. Maybe we set a goal and after reaching it, we just move on. Or we just don’t have the energy to keep up with a healthy diet.

8 Minutes Serious Total Body Workout

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We’ve all heard people say they can’t work out because they don’t have time to go to the gym or they don’t have any equipment. Well, no more excuses! You can get a full-body workout doing bodyweight exercises—no equipment required. Squats, push-ups, and other moves that use only your own weight for resistance can be done anywhere and provide a great workout in a small amount of space.

3 Amazingly Easy Back to School Hairstyles with Merged Braids

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This video went up 2 weeks ago on my YouTube hair tutorial channel, so if you missed it,  we covered how to create a milkmaid braid on yourself  (also known as halo crown braids ) with merged fishtail, a side rope braid mixed in with fishtail braids, and a romantic, double flipped half-up half-down updo.  All of these easy, everyday hairstyles will take you about 5 minutes to do, perfect for school, work, or even as a wedding hair.

How to Win the Mental Game of Weight Loss

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Getting healthy and losing weight doesn’t start in your kitchen or in your gym—it starts in your mind. Once you get yourself in the right place mentally—you can start to make lasting change. And that’s where a lot of people make the mistake: They skip the mental part!  You have to WIN the mental game of weight loss first! Your power is in your mind!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

DIY Beauty: Scrubs, Masks and Oils

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Looking to add a new addition to your beauty and skincare arsenal? Instead of heading out to the store or ordering a new product online, try whipping up one of these luxurious beauty treats. Body scrubs, face masks, bath salts, oils—these easy, surprisingly inexpensive, DIY beauty treatments are filled with nutrient-packed ingredients and are great alternatives to splurging on the expensive stuff.

6 Ways To Break In Heels So They Won't Hurt

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Let’s face it: There’s nothing worse than putting on a spankin’ new pair of heels and then quickly realizing (almost instantly) that they’re more painful than sitting through an two hour finale of The Bachelor (no offense, everyone). You’re torn, because yes, they’re super cute and worthy of a spot in Carrie Bradshaw’s closet, but if you can’t walk more than three steps in them —what’s the point? 

16 Effective Butt Exercises For Toned Buttocks

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Jennifer Lopez is called much for her music when it comes to her hot derriere! It is no surprise that the majority of ladies as well as some guys aspire for the completely toned hips. Without weightlifting, you merely can not tone your butts. Toning exercises not just helps the glutes but are also beneficial for your hamstrings and quads. If you intend to make this workout also a lot more reliable after that utilize pinheads. The most effective and simplest butt-toning workout is strolling or standing lungs.

Want Strong Legs And A Better Butt? 6 Ways to Upgrade Your Squat

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With bikini season in full swing, leg and butt workouts are a top priority at the gym. And squats have long been the go-to move for a better bottom half. They work because you’re actually toning 75 percent of your muscle mass at once, from your quads, hamstrings, and outer thighs to your glutes and core. But regular squats can get old fast — up and down, up and down, yaaawn. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

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For some people, exercise is not an option. Some individuals, for medical reasons, can’t take the stress or the demand required from weights, jogging, or bodyweight exercises. But there are always alternative options to help you lose weight, maintain a healthy body composition, and feel better about yourself and body.

12 Moves To Tighten Up Your Tummy

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Even with daily exercise, it can be tricky to flatten your tummy. By eating right, working out and incorporating some of these abdominal focused moves, you can achieve the tummy you’ve been dreaming of!

5 Reasons To Do Plank Everyday

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Planks are one of those exercises that will never go out of style, and for good reason. When it comes to core workouts, no exercise beats the plank in terms of effectiveness and time (not even crunches).

This move challenges the entire body and burns more calories than a traditional crunch. It’s also much easier on the back and can help prevent injuries.

6 Reasons Is Not The Best Way To Lose Weight

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So many people think running is the only way to lose weight or unwanted body fat. And while some people actually do enjoy lacing up their running shoes and hitting the road, trails or even a treadmill, others among us (myself included) are not natural runners. In fact, I can’t imagine any exercise I enjoy less than going for a long run (sprints are OK with me, though). And I’m definitely not alone.

4 Simple Boxing Moves For Beginners

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There’s no sight quite like witnessing the athletic prowess and raw beauty of a trained boxer shadow boxing inside a ring. The speed and rhythm of an entire body in perfect sync gives the misleading impression that to be a boxer, one must first be born with this remarkable gift. And while it helps, a lack of innate talent shouldn’t limit the average person from looking and feeling like Muhammad Ali inside the ropes, and getting the results and confidence of a champion.

5 Moves For A Really Quick Workout

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Even if you don’t have time to shower after a workout doesn’t mean you should forgo daily exercise. While sweating is a sign your body temperature is rising, sweat isn’t always necessary for an amazing workout. You can boost your energy and tone your muscles without even moving though isometric exercises — they contract your muscles while you stay in one stead position. The longer you hold each position, the more muscle fibers you recruit, thereby intensifying your workout while still leaving you sweat-free.

The Abs Diet – Everything You Need to Know!

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A long-lost dream, isn’t it? Washboard abs are the stuff dreams are made of. Closer home, celebs like Hrithik Roshan and Salman Khan are famous for their six pack abs. From the recent lot, Varun Dhawan and Siddharth Malhotra set the screen scorching with their rock hard pecs.

Our Top 10 Best Messy Bun Hairstyles

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Bun Hairstyles have been in vogue for a while among school and college girls.  No matter how many bad hair days you face, a messy bun can be your saviour on all these days. You can experiment with different buns and team it up with chic accessories.  Especially when you have to rush from work to a party, these buns will make you look ravishing with no extra effort.

Messy buns are a must try this season! Go for it! Here’s our top messy buns hairstyles looks that you can flaunt away.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Fruits That Burns Belly Fat

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We have combed through the listings to give you some of the best fruits that will aid in weight loss process. Most of the fruits that will be mentioned in this article have already won raves for their ability to do wonders on your body’s weight, but there will be others you never knew had such effect on your weight. These fruits are wholesome in themselves thereby curbing any unnecessary craving you develop. In today’s world where health is not always wealth, this article will serve you some pointers that you will need to bear in mind for healthy lifestyle. Read below to get a list of power fruits to be taken in moderation that will do the trick to your health and weight.

Read more about  Fruits That Burns Belly Fat

7 Best Tips To Lose Weight Without Exercise

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Diet and exercise are vital components of any weight loss regime. The best way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. For this purpose you have to consume fewer calories in your diet and burn calories through exercise. So, regular exercise is essential, but you already know that, don’t you? Exercising is definitely a tedious task and is not everyone’s cup of tea. Most of us cannot devote enough time for a full-fledged workout regimen. And then there are others who have been diagnosed with certain health conditions that prohibit exercising. 

25 Simple Tips To Maintain A Slim Body

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Did you know that excess fat in the body could raise the risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure and many other complications? In fact, a study published in the 2008 issue of Lancet also linked excess body weight to 20 different types of cancer, including gall bladder cancer.

Winning the battle against obesity is not as easy as it sounds, it requires doing heavy workouts along with following a strict diet. The thought of dieting and exercising may seem daunting at first, but it is the key to healthy living and long life. Follow these practical tips and suggestions to get a slim body without resorting to medications and treatments.

Tighten That Booty

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Change up your lower body routine with this Knee Crossover Kick! It’s great for working your thighs, glutes and, with abs engaged, it’ll get you a flatter tummy!

Read more about Tighten That Booty

Whip Your Booty Into Shape with 12 Stellar Moves

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Are you busting your booty at the gym to no avail? Toning your lower body doesn’t have to be as daunting as you think. By adding these 12 moves into your daily routine, you’ll be well on your way to having a sculpted booty and strong, lean legs. The key to achieving fast results is to combine cardio and strength training into a consistent regimen. The best part about this booty-shaping workout? You don’t have to spend hours at a gym to burn calories and whip your booty into shape.

13 Moves For A Tighter Tush

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It’s hard to strut around in your swimsuit when you are self conscious about a saggy booty. So say it with us, “Saggy booty be gone!” Okay, it’s not magic and it won’t work overnight, by by incorporating these 14 tush-tightening moves into your routine, after a few weeks, you’ll be able to finally strut like you mean it!

50 Moves to Work Your Entire Body

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There is no better feeling than waking up in the morning with a little soreness from a great workout. It reminds you that you’re one step closer to hitting your goals. So change up your tired fitness routine and swap out moves for these new ones!

Core Sculpting Move

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You’ve seen it in our fitness index, but now you can do the seated tuck alongside our CEO and founder Brooke Griffin! We know that finding time in the day to work out can get tough, so for those days when you’ve only got a minute to spare, check out our Skinny Minute videos. For this one, we’ll be doing seated tucks for 60 seconds straight. Let’s get started! Want to test your balance even more? Check out the BOSU seated tuck!

Read More About Core Sculpting Move

Saturday, May 23, 2015

24 Ways to A Flat Belly

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A toned, flat tummy is a goal many of us strive to achieve, but endless crunches and ditching all your favorite foods aren’t the right or fun way to do it. A sculpted core and trim tummy can be attained by incorporating small changes into your day, like holding in your abs while you walk and adding the right healthy fats to your diet. Follow these 24 simple ways to flatten your belly.

Read more about 24 Ways to A Flat Belly

10 Tricks To Beat Food Cravings And Lose Weight

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Using pure willpower to overcome cravings doesn’t always work. If it did, dieting and weight loss would be easy and we’d all be at our own healthy, feel-great weights. But goods news is that there are ways to resist and tough out temptations – you just need to fool yourself into thinking you didn’t actually want to eat the junk food in the first place. Sound difficult? Well, it’s easier than you think. Here are 10 tips from personal trainers, psychologists and recent studies to help you stay on track.

10 Mental Rules Fit Women Live By

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Attitude plays a big part to whether you thrive with your fitness goals or you fail. Here are 10 mental rules that fit women follow that helps them continue being successful in their fitness journey.

7 Moves That Shed Pounds Fast

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Tone up, burn calories, build muscles shed unwanted pounds with these seven easy moves, that combine strength training and cardio. This workout is going to be the most effective for your calorie burn and your schedule, assuming you have limited time like most of the women who read my blog.

17 Weight Loss Shortcuts That Work

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How we all long for real-life, simple weight loss tactics that actually work. If you break them all down, it’s really simply still all about eating less and moving more. The bright side is that there are shortcuts. Here are some tips that will help you master the way of losing weight, the shortcut way and keeping the weight off for the long run.

50 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

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The amount of fat in your body, at any one moment, is either increasing or decreasing—it’s never stagnant. Spend more of each day burning fat than you do storing it, and over time, you’ll bury your belly forever.

Sound simple? It is. You see, there’s no single secret formula for losing fat. In fact, find 100 successful losers and they’ll give you 100 different ways to win the battle of the bulge. Below you’ll find 56 tips designed to help you lose your belly fat, bust your gut, and define your abs. Simply incorporate three or four into your life every day, and you’ll finish off your fat easier and faster than you ever imagined possible.

10 Ways To Burn 100 Calories In 10 Minutes

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Got 10 minutes? And want to lose 100 calories? You could run a mile (or two and a bit) or try various routines.

Try any of these fun ways to squeeze in a calorie-torching workout, indoors or out for just 10 minutes of your time. If you do it 3 times a day, that’s 300 calories burnt!

8 Simple Ways To Stay Slim

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Forget the diet myths and miracle fixes – nutritionist Janie Buchanan, author of “Eat Well, Sleep Plenty, Lose Lots ” reveals the real way to shift fat for good.

So, what is the secret to staying slim? It’s the question that fuels the sales of myriad fad diet books, exhausting exercise videos and whizzy smartphone apps. But the truth is being able to lose weight and keeping it off isn’t about adopting the latest quick fix.

24 Snacks Under 100 Calories

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Snacking throughout the day can be beneficial for losing weight. But the consuming the wrong kind of snacks can have the opposite effect and make you gain weight instead. We’ve all been there – it’s hard to resist snacking big and snacking well especially when your ‘fit’ and ‘thin’ friend or colleague offers some to you. Well, have no fear, here are 24 snacks with 100 calories of less that are guaranteed to satisfy hunger pangs anytime during the day; and they taste equally delicious with anything your friend offers.

40 No-Dieting Ways To Lose Weight

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You know the drill when it comes to losing weight: take in fewer calories, burn more calories. But you also know that most diets and quick weight-loss plans don’t work as promised. If you’re trying to drop a few pounds fast, these expert tips will make it easy for you to lose the weight quickly.

Friday, May 22, 2015

7 Ways to Sculpt Your ABS

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Looking for ways to lose belly fat and sculpt your abs without exhausting workouts and special equipment? Although an abdominal equipment can help you tone your abs faster, most of this equipment can be absolutely useless and it doesn’t bring the promised results. To get perfectly sculpted abs, you need a clean diet, lots of energy and the will to exercise each day. Consider using these 7 tips to lose belly fat and sculpt your abs and include them as part of your workout. They have been tried and test in many weight loss plans for women. So, they do work!

Read more about 7 Ways to Sculpt Your ABS

11 Moves to A Killer Core

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Leave out those boring, stale crunches and mix up your ab routine with some of our favorite stomach tightening, core strengthening moves. Create your own routine by picking and choosing from the moves below, shooting for a 10 to 15-minute long session. Pair this with healthy eating, and all you need to see a real difference in your waistline are two to three sessions per week (on non-consecutive days).

Read more about 11 Moves to A Killer Core

5 Essential Strength Training Moves

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The ability to bend and move with confidence and without pain. The metabolism of a 21-year-old girl that can eat anything and still not gain weight. All your jeans, even the skinny ones fit and you look good in them. Are you interested in achieving all of the above? If you are, then there are no two ways about it – you NEED to be lifting weights.

8 Moves to Build A Rock Solid Core

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Icy sidewalks. Uneven pavement. High heels. Even the non-clumsy among us stumble almost daily. Many people trip all the time, on the treadmill, or over dumbbells at the gym. But because some are constantly working on their balance, it’s no big deal—they can recover without falling.

24 Ways to Flatten Your Belly

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A toned, flat tummy is a goal many of us strive to achieve, but endless crunches and ditching all your favorite foods aren’t the right or fun way to do it. A sculpted core and trim tummy can be attained by incorporating small changes into your day, like holding in your abs while you walk and adding the right healthy fats to your diet. 

27 Health and Weight Loss Tips

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A lot of progress is lost when thinking about all of the times you’ve tried to lose weight and failed, putting off dieting for a later date, or being stymied by all of the things you’ll have to do in the days to come. Come to terms with how bad you’ve let yourself get, and make a promise never to return to where you’re at. It’s OK to be unhappy about the way you look, as long as you channel that energy into positive changes. Focus on the now and get started

10 Reasons Your ABS Isn't Showing

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The wrong form can turn an effective move into one that won’t do anything for you. A few of the most common mistakes: pulling on your neck (which allows your abs to slack off), using momentum rather than muscle strength (again, a freebie pass for the abs), sagging your hips in plank, and not keeping your abs pulled in during every move. You must control your abdominal wall to get any real benefit. Check your form in a mirror to see how you’re doing.

1 Minute Total Body Workout

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Do you really have no timefor a full workout today? Not even 10 minutes? No sweat. If you can find just one free minute, maybe taking a minute before your shower, then you can do this easy workout. You’ll hit all the major muscle groups and—if you really push—get a cardio surge as well.

Read more about 1 Minute Total Body Workout

3 Moves to Melt Away Your Muffin Top

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The snow has finally melted, but are you ready to embrace your favorite short shorts? If a newfound muffin top is making you wary of ditching your cozy Winter layers, rest assured, there are plenty of ways to whittle away those extra pounds without hitting the gym seven days a week.

3 Ways to Say Goodbye to Belly Fat

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Eating 80/20 and hitting the gym have helped you reach your weight-loss goal, but you're still trying to get rid of that little extra pooch around your midsection. Here are three things you can do every week to help you achieve a trimmer belly.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

8 Natural and Effective Health and Beauty Tips with Baking Soda

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Baking soda uses are countless. This inexpensive product from your kitchen is a true multitasking wonder for a ton of DIY beauty, health and cleaning needs.

Today I want to share with you some health and beauty tips with baking soda that are completely natural and extremely effective.

Baking soda possesses a very strong anti-inflammatory properties, thus it is often used in cosmetics for treatment and prevention of certain skin conditions and diseases.

Easy and Effective Ways to Reduce Bloating for a Great Summer Body

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Nobody likes bloating. Let’s face it; there are times when it is just too difficult to get that unwanted bloating to go way. There are other times however, when it is really easy to reduce bloating and look much slimmer. Eating too much and too fast can cause you to look bloated. An easy way to fix this is of course to never overeat. You can also learn to chew food better and slower to reduce the amount of bloating that occurs.

15 Home Remedies to Reduce Cholesterol

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Under the new guidelines issued by the American Medical Association, roughly 1/3 of all adults should consider taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to control their cholesterol levels.  Many healthcare practitioners already feel there is an overuse of statin medication in the United States.  Statins may cause serious side effects, which I’ll get to in a bit.  Also, 50% of people who die suddenly from heart attacks do not have high cholesterol.   In this post we’ll discuss 15 home remedies to naturally reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of heart attack, the role of cholesterol in the body and side effects of stain medication.

Monday, May 18, 2015

11 Proven Ways To Increase Metabolism

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Every time we eat or drink, we can thank our metabolism for converting all those calories into energy. Our size, gender, and age all factor into our metabolic rate, but there are also ways to independently control its speed. And the faster our metabolism, the more calories we burn off, making that Krispy Kreme breakfast no longer such a big deal. Here are 11 ways to keep that body burning:

20 Tips To Help You Stay On Track With Your Diet

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A new diet or exercise program may be easy to initiate, thanks to your enthusiasm about making positive changes. Over time, however — and particularly when you’re faced with stress or adversity – your enthusiasm may waver, causing you to fall back into your former, unhealthy habits.

Staying on track with diet and exercise doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Instead, it can be a testament to your willingness to learn new habits, feel healthier and see the fruits of your hard work.