Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8 Strength Training Moves To A Fit and Toned Body

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Human movement can be reduced to three basic categories: pushing, pulling, and hip extension (squatting, jumping, running, and even riding a bike). Functional fitness begins with learning good form for this essential repertoire and then gradually adding weight and difficulty to build stability and strength.

Doing the below exercises correctly with five pounds, in other words, is better than doing them poorly with 100 pounds. In the words of Gray Cook, one of the founding fathers of functional training, “Don’t add strength to dysfunction.”

16 Fun Exercises to Help Blast That Belly Fat

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Losing weight is a goal that most people set for themselves. But it’s usually easier said than done. Burning the fat that your body has acquired throughout the years from lack of activity really requires yourself to be determined and disciplined. To burn belly fat, you need to follow a healthy and sensible diet and a consistent exercise routine.

Many people feel that they only need to do one or the other but that’s not the case at all. To lose fat you have to sweat, a lot. Aerobics and other exercises that can get your heart pumping is the trick in most, if not all weight loss plans for women.

12 Exercise and Diet Tips For Slim and Toned Thighs

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Do you want slim and toned thighs? Are you feeling like your lifestyle needs a bit of a makeover and some new inspiration? Slim thighs don’t just magically appear, but with some work, they are definitely doable. You’ll need to deploy the right combination of exercise and diet; and if you’re consistent, you’ll see results in no time.

6 Tips For Awesome ABS

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Of the many physique goals in the wide world of fitness, getting a set of shredded abs is definitely one of the most difficult. After all, a defined, chiseled midsection doesn’t just pop up out of nowhere. To achieve it, you need a rock-solid game plan. Here are six awesome tips that will get your abs to pop!

Read more about 6 Tips For Awesome ABS

5 No-Equipment Exercises To Rock Solid ABS

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A tight and toned stomach is always in season. Move through this effective circuit two to three times for a complete workout, and help tone your belly. The best part is that there’s no equipment necessary! You can do this bodyweight routine just about anywhere.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The 23 Running Motivation Hacks You Need

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You may think that you possess a will of iron, but you will still have those low days when your motivation takes a walk and leaves you stuck in circles.

We runners are known for our self-discipline. And when we can no longer exemplify that image, we feel out of control. In fact, sometimes, losing your motivation to run can be worse than injury. At least with injury, you are more likely to know what’s wrong, and how to fix it.

6 Fat Burning Running Workouts

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I love running. The time I spend outside with my feet hitting the pavement, heart beating faster and faster; it’s the highlight of my day. And if you are a runner like me, then you definitely know what I’m talking about.

My love story with running started when I knew that I had to get into a better a shape and lose the extra weight I was struggling with. And one of the main reasons I love running so much is that it really helped me achieve what I was looking for.

Body by Glamour: The Summer Abs Challenge

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Everyone wants flatter, tighter, more sculpted abs—whether it's bikini season or not—so we've created a supercharged workout engineered for serious results this summer and beyond. (Just give it two weeks!) Created by Anna Kaiser, who trains clients like Kelly Ripa, Shakira, and Sofia Vergara, this no-mercy workout features a suite of 12 moves that, along with a healthy diet, will deliver serious results. Complete the following sequence every other day for two weeks.

Soothe Your Sore Muscles – DIY Muscle Mender Oil & Salve

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Pain is something I understand very well. I have been dealing with it for the majority of my life. I have spent the last two decades studying and testing out all sorts of pain relief medications, exercises, salves, creams, drugs, and more. The secret to my own pain relief, wasn’t in any pill bottle. It included ditching all kinds of foods and cosmetics that contain neural-toxins, yoga 3-5 times a week, and my own homemade herbal infused salves massaged all over my back and legs.

I haven’t fully escaped the pain. When it gets really cold, a terrible rainstorm is on its way, or I have been on my feet for far too long, I find myself having to pull out all the stops to take the pain away.  That usually includes an Epsom bath, a massage with my Muscle Mender salve, and a heated pack on the area. It’s my fool-proof method to soothing my sore own sore back!

5 Moves That Will Keep Your Abs Sore For Days

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Since your abs move in more ways than just planks and crunches, they need a variety of exercises to reach their full potential, and not to mention look good in a bikini. So if you want to up your abs game, do these five out-of-the-box exercises to fire up the muscle fibers you didn’t know you had. In a couple of weeks, meet six-pack.

The Workout: Complete one set of each of the five exercises below for the time or repetitions noted, in order, without resting between moves. After finishing all of the exercises, rest one minute and repeat for a total of three rounds.

The Ultimate Online Resource for Weight Watchers

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Assembling this Ultimate Guide to Weight Watchers Recipes Blogs and Resources has been on my to do list for years. Finally, I sat down and tackled it.

I lose way too much time searching out information on the internet. I’m guessing that you do too. I love having collections of resources all in one place. My training as a health information manager taught me that information is useless unless it can be quickly retrieved when you need it. That’s what this handy dandy ultimate Guide to Weight Watchers Recipes Blogs and Other Resources is all about. It’s a one page collection that includes:

Friday, August 21, 2015

27 Simple Tricks To Lose Belly Fat For Good

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Belly fat is one of the most common problems with women. In fact, it has been observed that even those who have slim bodies are troubled by bulging belly. A bulging belly not only diminishes your appearance, but also increases the risk of diseases like stroke, diabetes, heart disease and cancers. Some people even go to the extent of taking diet pills or fat burners for reducing belly fat.

To lose this fat effectively, you need to focus on exercises that specifically target your belly and other parts of your body. A full body workout helps your body continue burning fat, long after you’ve completed your workout. In addition to exercising, there are certain natural ways such as dietary and lifestyle changes which can help you get those flat and sexy abs.

12 Exercises To Get Rid of Your Mummy Tummy

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Do you really want to have those standard abdominals that you have consistently intended? Various other individuals attempt Pilates as well as various other workouts to obtain rid of those fats as well as changing it with stunning standard abdominals. It's since accomplishing those excellent level abdominals is really hard to acquire and also requires appropriate exercise application.

Watch Tapping For Weight Loss Online Instantly!

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What if your weight problem had nothing to do with food and exercise? What if the root cause of your hormonal imbalance and cravings was mental and emotional stress? 

Join Meridian Tapping expert, Carol Look, and weight loss authority, Jon Gabriel, as they lead 12 case study participants through an instructive and transformational journey tolose the stress and lose the weight.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

6 Simple Ways To Get Addicted To Exercise

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You’re glued to the TV, can’t be separated from your smartphone and constantly checking social media. But what about being addicted to exercise?

You’ll be surprised what a few lifestyle tweaks and a little motivation can do to transform your fitness habits. Here’s how to get addicted to exercises.

7 Habits That Will Make You Fit For Life

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Being fit and healthy doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to working out for hours a day and eating nothing but chicken and steamed broccoli for every meal. In fact, there are several more effective (and less painful!) habits you can adopt today that will not only help you get in shape in the short-term, but will help you stay that way for the long run as well.

These seven habits are easy to implement into your everyday lifestyle, and will help get you healthy and fit for life:

5 Moves For A Really Quick Workout

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Even if you don’t have time to shower after a workout doesn’t mean you should forgo daily exercise. While sweating is a sign your body temperature is rising, sweat isn’t always necessary for an amazing workout. You can boost your energy and tone your muscles without even moving though isometric exercises — they contract your muscles while you stay in one stead position. The longer you hold each position, the more muscle fibers you recruit, thereby intensifying your workout while still leaving you sweat-free.

10 Butt Toning Exercises You Can Do While Watching Netflix

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If you dream of having a perfect bum but you never seem to have the time to work out, the following list of exercises that you can perform while watching your favorite TV program should be perfect for you.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

5 Moves For A Really Quick Workout

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Even if you don’t have time to shower after a workout doesn’t mean you should forgo daily exercise. While sweating is a sign your body temperature is rising, sweat isn’t always necessary for an amazing workout. You can boost your energy and tone your muscles without even moving though isometric exercises — they contract your muscles while you stay in one stead position. The longer you hold each position, the more muscle fibers you recruit, thereby intensifying your workout while still leaving you sweat-free.

25 Amazing At-Home Workout

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Hey everyone! We’re taking your “Weekly Workout Plan” to a whole new level this week! Here are 25 (that’s right – 25!) awesome workouts that you can do at home with little-t0-no equipment required! Pick whichever 5 that you feel you could use the most help with and that becomes your workout plan for this week!

Read more about 25 Amazing At-Home Workout

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Our 5 Favorite Fat-Blasting Burpee Variations

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Most people have a love/hate relationship with burpees – they love how great they are for burning calories and getting you in tip-top shape, but they hate doing them. Burpees can be found in just about any boot camp, interval or circuit-style class because they work your body from head to toe. Not only that, they get your heart racing more so than many other cardiovascular exercises.

Crossfit Exercises to Give You a Perky Butt

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A perky butt and ‘that gap’ between your thighs… that is usually what ladies would like when they think about how their bum looks in jeans, skirts etc. This is further noticeable by all the pictures of toned bums that are being pinned on pinterest.

Well you can have a toned perky butt as well, it just takes a few exercises and some dedication on your side and within a month you will start to see changes. Good changes!.

7 Weight-Loss Golden Rules

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If you are planning to get in shape just for a specific season, you will probably fail, It takes time, not only few weeks of exhausting work and dieting is hard to maintain, but it can impact your overall health.

The best options for toning your muscles involve some resistance training, which should be a major part of your exercise to get in shape. This includes getting free weights or a home gym in order to work out your upper and lower bodies. 

8 No-Equipment Exercises That Can Be Done Anywhere

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Ready to strengthen, stretch, and break a sweat? This high-intensity bodyweight workout is a simple, effective way to work your whole body—without any machinery or extra equipment.

From heart-pumping jump tucks to core-blasting mountain climbers, these superset moves will help build strength and boost metabolism with just body resistance alone. So take this workout to the park, the playground, or the living room floor—there’s no excuse to skip a workout again!.

15 Fitness Tips To Maximize Your Workout

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By now you’ve probably heard loads of exercise advice – some of it conflicting – from trainers, TV, and gym buddies. To clear things up, we sought out top fitness experts to get their take. We asked them for game-changing tips, proven difference makers shown to keep your body safe while burning fat and building muscle.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

5 Moves To Rock Hard Abs

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You don’t need crunches to get solid abs. Here are some simple unconventional ways to achieve strong functional abs without having to spend hours at the gym. They can be done after your regular gym session or integrated with you workout. The great thing about these training methods is that they will get you results and they can all be done easily with minimal equipment. Doing a 5 minute circuit of all the exercises after finishing a workout in the gym is ideal. Start feeling the burn.

Read more about 5 Moves To Rock Hard Abs

9 Quick Tips To Help You Stay Fit

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The world around us is constantly changing. Our personalities and even our looks change throughout our lives. And so do our diet and bodies. Staying healthy is a hard thing to do. Maybe we set a goal and after reaching it, we just move on. Or we just don’t have the energy to keep up with a healthy diet.

The primary goal of keeping fit, however, is to keep healthy, making it even more important to get and stay fit. No matter what your problem may be though, here are 9 tips to help you stay fit!

Monday, August 10, 2015

6 Tips For Awesome Abs

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Of the many physique goals in the wide world of fitness, getting a set of shredded abs is definitely one of the most difficult. After all, a defined, chiseled midsection doesn’t just pop up out of nowhere. To achieve it, you need a rock-solid game plan. Here are six awesome tips that will get your abs to pop!

Read more about 6 Tips For Awesome Abs

10 Most Effective Butt Exercises Ever

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Everyone wants to get in shape as soon as they sense that summer is around the corner. However, shaping up means different things to different people.

While guys focus on losing a few pounds and buffing up their chest and arms, most girls and some guys like to sculpt the perfect derriere that will give them the confidence to strut around town in those tight new jeans. If you want to really target the glutes, you’ll definitely need some of these great butt exercises.

7 Reasons To HIIT It Up

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If you’re already a fan of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or have heard the buzz surrounding it, you know that it’s a super fast, very effective way to work out.

Basically, HIIT involves short, intense bursts of exercise with less intense moves or complete rest in between. Essentially, it’s crazy-efficient—which means you could be spending less time in the gym each week while still cashing in on all the fat-burning, metabolism-boosting, and heart-pounding benefits.

4 Moves For Insanely Toned Abs

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This total-body strength routine works overtime to firm your core by challenging your stability. The result? An effective sweat session we don’t mind doing in the heat! Perform three sets on nonconsecutive days three times a week.

Tiny Tweaks To Improve Your Routine

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If you’re struggling with your New Year’s goals or you’ve hit a plateau in your progress, the solution might be simpler than you think. Teeny tiny changes to your daily routine could pay dividends towards reaching your weight loss goals and ultimately achieving that smokin’ body you dream about. According to Prevention, focusing on little changes helps develop habits that will last, and if you add two or three of these easy changes to your day, you can lose more inches off your waistline and more pounds in just a few months.

Core Exercises For Women

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Work on your abs and obliques with these core exercises for women. A 30 minute waist cinching workout to activate your obliques and define your waistline!

Read more about Core Exercises For Women

7 Best Moves To Work Your Entire Body

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Let’s face it – life is chaotic enough. The many roles of being a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, coworker and so many more force you to juggle about a hundred different things all at once — and that doesn’t even include time for yourself.

As a master of the art of multitasking (yes, you are even if you don’t know it), it makes sense for you to want a workout that can keep up.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

9 Best Exercises for Cellulite on Legs

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This post is for those who are fed up of cellulite or thigh fat. I know it’s so stubborn. I have had a huge chunks of it some years back. At that time, I desperately use to try so many things like running. Or leg curls and leg presses on the gym machine with the heaviest weight possible for me to lift

Gosshh! but honestly Leg curls and Leg presses on gym machines never worked for my thighs nor did I ever find them work for others. I find them a big disappointment and a big wastage of time. But the sad part is that so many gyms including the good ones still use those super ancient workout plans which on the leg day have typical x leg press, y leg curls so on and so forth..

10 Tricks To Lose Weight The Lazy Way

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Losing weight takes a lot of sweat and discipline, which is why some people struggle with weight loss. However, here are some simpler ways to to drop the pounds on the scale and start earning the body that you desire. Following these 10 powerful little tricks daily will help you lose weight without going to the gym, without following some starvation diet, and without paying $100’s on a personal trainer.

Friday, August 7, 2015

20 Best Fitness Tips To Build Muscles and Burn Fat Efficiently

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By now you’ve probably heard loads of exercise advice – some of it conflicting, some of them myths – from trainers, TV, and gym buddies. To clear things up, we sought out top fitness experts to get their take. We asked them for game-changing tips, proven difference makers shown to keep your body safe while burning fat and building muscle. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

9 Tips To Get A Slim Body Fast

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Do you have a hot date coming up? Are you off on a beach vacation soon? Chances are if you’re reading this, your body may not be too ready to fit into the amazing dress to impress your date or the ‘Make ‘Em Stare’ bikini you’d want to strut around the beach or the pool. Here are 9 tips from a registered nutritionist that will help you slim down really quickly.

6 Simple Ways To Get Addicted To Exercise

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You’re glued to the TV, can’t be separated from your smartphone and constantly checking social media. But what about being addicted to exercise?

You’ll be surprised what a few lifestyle tweaks and a little motivation can do to transform your fitness habits. Here’s how to get addicted to exercise.

7 Simple Ways To Get A Flat Tummy In Just One Month

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A flat tummy is everyone’s dream. But with an increase in the amount of junk we take and the sedentary lifestyles we lead, it gets quite hard when it comes to losing weight and getting that flat stomach.

What if you just came across one incredible exercise routine which can kill your belly fat and give you a flat tummy in no more than 30 days? Unbelievable, isn’t it?. Wondering how to lose belly fat in a month? That is what this post talks about. A kickass routine which can give you a flat tummy in just 30 days! Can’t wait to know what it is?

10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

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If you’re wondering how to burn belly fat and have even considered taking diet pills or fat burners, you should try to do it the all natural way before taking extreme measures. It’s not really natural for us to carry all that weight on our midsections, so getting back to a more natural state is one sure way to watch the fat go away, almost as a byproduct of our actions. It doesn’t have to be an all out war to kill your stomach fat. Just make these 10 all-natural adjustments and it should effortlessly come off.

10 Stress-Free Weight Loss Tips

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Easy and painless weight loss tips that you can blend in with your everyday life. Stress free? Painless weight loss? If you’re desperately trying to squeeze in workouts and avoid your favorite high-calorie treats, it can seem like there’s nothing pain-free about it.

Yet while eating healthier and slipping in exercise does take some work, it really doesn’t have to require heroic effort. Making just a few simple lifestyle changes can pack a big weight loss punch over time.

26 Simple Tips To Lose Weight In Just A Week

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Tired of going on crazy diets? Do you start your day with healthy eating and then end up binging by the end of it? Well, you have clearly been following all the wrong rules for weight loss. It might not be the easiest thing in the world, but surely isn’t as complex as you would like to think.

These 26 simple tips are going to help you shed the weight within a week and you are going to thank us in the end! Keep reading to learn more!

10 Best Tips To Keep Weight Off For Good

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Don’t you wish you lived in a world where you could eat as much as you wanted without bothering about putting on weight? Unfortunately, our world is far from ideal and there isn’t a miracle diet that will turn you into a Heidi Klum clone overnight.

So, how can one keep the flab off for good? The question and its response aren’t close ended. There are many factors involved. However, what we can help you with is some tips that can make the process easy for you!

Top 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat

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Belly fat, a common problem where the mid-portion comes bulging out. We all hate it because it stops us from wearing skirts or dresses because the belly portion is too evident. Start by knowing the reasons for fat accumulation in your tummy so that you can take the necessary steps.

101 Tips to Lose Weight Fast

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Losing weight isn’t complicated. There’s no big secret that you’re missing out on. Despite this, many people have no idea how to lose weight fast. It all boils down to controlling your daily calorie intake, and getting some form of exercise in on a regular basis. That’s it. However, if you’re still having trouble losing weight, I’ve put together a list of 101 tips to help you lose weight in a hurry. Most of them are just little changes, but little changes implemented over a long time can add up to a major difference to the shape of your body. Not all of them will help everyone, but you might just stumble upon 1 or 2 that will really resonate with you and change your results dramatically.

17 Simple Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

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Are you finding it difficult to fit into your little black number? Is belly fat giving you sleepless nights? If your answer is yes, then you need to make some lifestyle changes to solve it. Abdominal fat can take serious proportions if not curbed at the right time. No doubt, belly fat looks aesthetically displeasing, but what is more important is its affect on long term health.

3 Simple Diet Tips To Get Six Pack Abs For Women

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If you do not like exercising then there is certainly a piece of good news for you. Six pack abs do not necessarily depend on exercising alone. You also have to follow a fixed diet to melt the layers of fat from your body and reveal the muscles. All of us have a six pack abdomen which is mostly hidden under the layers of subcutaneous fat.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How to Lose Arm Fat Fast

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I have been doing this workout for about 3 weeks now, and I’m seeing GREAT results. It’s only 12 minutes in length, so I can easily squeeze it into my evening routine, and I am thrilled that I have finally found a workout that has taught me how to lose arm fat FAST!

Good luck and let me know in the comments section below if you can recommend additional arm workouts!.

Read more about How to Lose Arm Fat Fast

5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Belly Fat

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Have you been exercising and eating healthily, yet you still can’t seem to lose that unwanted belly fat? This can be so frustrating! While you might believe that there’s not much more about your lifestyle that you can change, these belly fat loss tips could be the secret! Check out these five common issues that can lead to excess belly fat, and then change them! Implement these changes into your daily life and you’ll make your way to a flat belly before you know it!