Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Classic Italian Meatballs

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If you were to ask my 2 sons to list the most memorable foods they ate while growing up, meatballs would likely be at at the top of the list. You see, Grammy (my mom) managed an Italian restaurant when they were young. Their favorite food there was meatballs.

It became a tradition to eat meatballs whenever Grammy was around. Even for breakfast. Seriously. Want some evidence? Here is a photo of Brackenthebox in 1987 (he was 5). He and T-Man had a slumber party at Grammy's, and their doting grandmother served them breakfast in bed while they all watched cartoons on TV (pretty much heaven for 2 little boys). Breakfast menu: French toast, cantaloupe, and...MEATBALLS! I believe the caption for this photo is, "Mmmmmmmm...!"

Read more about Classic Italian Meatballs

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